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RAF Stations - L

[Definition of a RAF Station]

[Laarbruch | Labuan | Lahore | Lakenheath | Langar | Langham | Larkhill | La Senia | Lashio | Lavenham | Leconfield | Leeming | Lee-on-Solent | Leighton Buzzard | Leiston | Leuchars | LG224 | Lichfield | Limavady | Lindholme | Linton-on-Ouse | Lissett | Little Rissington | Little Snoring | Little Staughton | Little Walden | Llandaff | Llandow | Llanwrog | Locking | Long Benton | Long Kesh | Lossiemouth | Loughborough | Lubeck | Ludford Magna | Ludham | Lulsgate Bottom | Luton | Luqa | Luxor | Lydda | Lympne | Lyneham]


RAF Laarbruch (B100/Goch)

RAF Laarbruch badge

440 Sqn (30 Mar - 11 Apr 1945)

438 Sqn (3 - 12 Apr 1945)

No 6438 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (3 – 12 Apr 1945)

403 Sqn (11 - 28 Apr 1945)

No 6403 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (11 – 13 Apr 1945)

421 Sqn (11 - 13 Apr 1945)

No 6421 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (11 – 13 Apr 1945)

No 6416 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (11 - 13 Apr 1945)

416 Sqn (12 - 14 Apr 1945)

443 Sqn (12 - 13 Apr 1945)

Main units (Laarbruch): -

No 34 Wing (1 Nov 1954 -  1 Jan 1960)

79 Sqn (8 Nov 1954 - 14 Nov 1955)

541 Sqn (15 Nov 1954 - 7 Nov 1955)

69 Sqn (13 Dec 1954 - 1 Apr 1958)

31 Sqn (1 Mar 1955 - 31 Mar 1971)

214 Sqn (15 Jun - 1 Aug 1955)

80 Sqn (1 Aug 1955 - 11 Jun 1957)

68 Sqn (22 Jul 1957 - 21 Jan 1959)

2 TAF Modification Unit (1 Feb 1958 - xxx xxxx)

5 Sqn (21 Jan 1959 - 11 Dec 1962)

16 Sqn (1 Mar 1958 - 6Jun 1972, 8 Jan 1973 - 11 Sep 1991)

No 420 Maintenance Unit (Dec 1961 - 1 Jan 1967)

3 Sqn (15 Jan 1968- 31 Dec 1971, 26 Nov 1992 - 11 May 1999)

25 Sqn (1 Jan 1971 - 1 Mar 1983)

15 Sqn (11 Jan 1971 - 10 Dec 1991)

2 Sqn (3 May 1971 - 3 Dec 1991)

20 (Designate) Sqn (1 Apr - 30 Jun 1984)

20 Sqn (30 Jun 1984 - 1 Sep 1992)

4 Sqn (27 Nov 1992 - 13 Apr 1999)

18 Sqn (9 Dec 1992 - 1 Aug 1997)

No 1 Sqn RAF Regiment

No 19 Sqn RAF Regiment

No 26 Sqn RAF Regiment

No 30 Sqn RAF Regiment

No 58 Sqn RAF Regiment


Country: - West Germany

Lat/Long:  51:36:08N  06:08:31E

Height Above Sea Level:  106 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened:  15 Oct 1954

2nd Tactical Air Force

RAF Germany

No 2 Group

Closed:  30 Nov 1999


The site was first used by the RAF at the end of WW2 when it was numbered B100 and later named Goch

It is now a civil airport known as Airport Weeze

Main units (B100/Goch): -

662 Sqn (4 - 6 Mar 1945, 10 - 26 Mar 1945)

245 Sqn (20 Mar - 11Apr 1945)

174 Sqn (21 Mar - 10 Apr 1945)

No 6174 Servicing Echelon (21 Mar – 10 Apr 1945)

175 Sqn (21 Mar - 11 Apr 1945)

No 6175 Servicing Echelon (21 Mar – 11 Apr 1945)

184 Sqn (21 Mar - 11 Apr 1945)

No 6184 Servicing Echelon (21 Mar – 11 Apr 1945)

No 6245 Servicing Echelon (21 Mar – 11 Apr 1945)

No 6440 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (29 Mar – 11 Apr 1945)

439 Sqn (30 Mar - 3 Apr 1945)

No 6439 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (30 Mar – 3 Apr 1945)

Detachments (Goch)**

No 426 Refuelling and Re-arming Party (Apr 1945)

Links to related sites/pages

Officers Commanding, Aerial photo on Google Maps

RAF Labuan

RAF Labuan badge

Main Units: -

No 157 Staging Post (13 Feb - 10 Mar 1946)

No 7110 Servicing Echelon (27 Feb – 7 Apr 1946)

No 195 Staging Post (10 Mar - 30 Apr 1946)

230 Sqn (10 Mar 1965 - 25 Nov 1966)

45 Sqn (27 Apr - 28 Jun 1965)

Detachments**: -

81 Sqn (Feb 1948 - Feb 1960)

110 Sqn (Apr 1960 - Mar 1969)

209 Sqn (Oct 1960 - Dec1968)

20 Sqn (Sep 1961 - Jan 1969)

60 Sqn (Jul 1961 - May 1968)

66 Sqn (May 1962 - Mar 1969)

45 Sqn (Sep 1962 - Apr 1965, Jun 1965 - Feb 1970)

103 Sqn (Aug 1963 - Mar 1969)

64 Sqn (Apr 1965 - Jun 1967)


Country: - Malaysia

Lat/Long:  05:18:02N  115:15:01E

Height Above Sea Level:  90 ft

Operational Control: -



It is now Labuan Airport.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Lahore

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

'H' Flt (16 Oct 1940 - xxx xxxx)

31 Sqn (Feb - 26 Mar 1941, Sep 1941 - Feb 1942, Apr 1942 - 21 Feb 1943)

28 Sqn (7 Mar - 7 Apr 1942)

No 123 Repair & Salvage Unit (18 Mar - 10 Jul 1942)

No 1 (Indian) Group (1 May 1942 - xxx xxxx)

HQ, No 227 Group (6 Jun 1942 - 6 Feb 1943)

No 306 Maintenance Unit (1 Oct 1942 - 1 Sep 1943)

194 Sqn (13 Oct 1942 - 18 Feb 1943)

No 97 Air Sores Park (18 Dec 1942 - 21 Sep 1943)

No 307 Maintenance Unit (15 Mar 1942 - 18 Apr 1947)

No 331 Maintenance Unit (4 Jun 1943 - 28 Aug 1944)

No 8 Civil Repair Organisation (MT) (12 Jul - Oct 1943)

Reinforcement Staging Post/Party (20 Aug 1943 - 1 Sep 1944)

No 124 (Mobile) Repair & Salvage Unit (3 Sep - 20 Nov 1943)

No 8 Civil Repair Organisation (India) (Oct 1943 - 31 Oct 1945)

No 47 Staging Post (1 Sep 1944 - 15 Feb 1946)

659 Sqn (1 Jan - 14 Aug 1947)


Country: - Pakistan

Lat/Long:  31°29′41″N  074°20′46″E

Height Above Sea Level:  679 ft

Operational Control: -


It is probably what is today known as Walton Airport

Main units: -

114 Sqn (22 Sep 1917 - 22 Jul 1918, 5 Nov 1918 - 26 Mar 1919)

97 Sqn (15 Nov 1919 - 28 Mar 1920)

Heavy Transport Flt (1 Mar 1929 - 1 Apr 1932)

No 2 (Indian Wing) Station (Apr 1940)

HQ, No 2 (Indian) Group (1 Apr 1940 - xxx xxxx)

39 Sqn (19 Apr - 7 May 1940)

11 Sqn (20 Apr - 5 May 1940)

5 Sqn (10 Jun 1940 - 26 Feb 1941)

60 Sqn (19 Sep 1940 - 14 Feb 1941)


97 Sqn (Aug - Nov 1919)

5 Sqn (Oct 1935 - Mar 1937)

No 123 Repair & Salvage Unit (10 Jul 1942 - xxx xxxx)

No 3209 Servicing Commando (2 Jul - 18 Aug 1945)

659 Sqn (Jan 1946 - Jan 1947)

Links to related sites/pages

RAF Lakenheath

RAF Lakenheath badge

Main units: -

Detachment - 20 OTU (24 Nov 1941 - 12 Jan 1942)

Detachment** - 149 Sqn (Jan -Feb 1942)

149 Sqn Conversion Flt (13 Feb - 2 Oct 1942)

149 Sqn (6 Apr 1942 - 15 May 1944)

No 2713 Sqn RAF Regiment

199 Sqn (21 Jun 1943 - 1 May 1944)

RLG for No 3 Lancaster Finishing School  (10 Jan - 6  May 1944)

No 13 Heavy Glider Maintenance Section (16 Aug 1943 - 15 Mar 1944)

RLG for No 3 Lancaster Finishing School (Jan - May 1944)

Bomber Command Signals School (1 Jul 1947 - 1 Feb 1948)

Various detachments or rotations of B-29s, B-50s, B-36s, B-45s, B- 47s and KC 97s

7404th Base Complement (17 - 28 Jan 1949)

7404th Air Base Group (28 Jan 1949 - 28 Apr 1951)

3909th Air Base Group (28 Apr 1951 - xxx 1956)

3910th Air Base Group (xxx 1956 - 1 Jan 1960)

705th Strategic Missile Wing (20 Feb - 15 Mar 1958)

48th Tactical Fighter Wing (5 Jan 1960 - Current)


County: - Suffolk

Lat/Long: 52:24:15N  00:33:15E

Grid Ref: TL740820

Height above sea level: 28ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1941

No 3 Group (

No 32 Base (24 Mar 1943 - May 1944)

USAFE (28 Apr 1951 - Current)


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a satellite for RAF Mildenhall was issued in September 1940.

It was a sub-station of No 32 Base from 24 Mar 1943 to 1 May 1944.

Links to related sites/pages

 Aerial photo on Google MapsControl Towers website, 

RAF Langar

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 14 (P) AFU RLG (May - Aug 1942)

207 Sqn (20 Sep 1942 - 12 Oct 1943)

No 16 SFTS RLG (xxx 42 - xxx.43)

435th Troop Carrier Group USAAF (3 Nov 1943 - 25 Jan 1944)

  • 75th Troop Carrier Sqn

  • 76th Troop Carrier Sqn

  • 77th Troop Carrier Sqn

  • 78th Troop Carrier Sqn

438th Troop Carrier Group USAAF (Feb 1944 16 Mar 1944)

  • 87th Troop Carrier Sqn

  • 88th Troop Carrier Sqn

  • 89th Troop Carrier Sqn

  • 90th Troop Carrier Sqn

441st Troop Carrier Group USAAF (17 Mar 1944 25 Apr 1944

  • 99th Troop Carrier Sqn

  • 100th Troop Carrier Sqn

  • 301st Troop Carrier Sqn

  • 302nd Troop Carrier Sqn

Sub-station, No 72 Base (7 Oct 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)

No 1669 HCU (15 Aug 1944 -16 Mar 1945)

30 Air Material Base RCAF (Oct 1952 - 1 Aug 1963)

No 137 (Transport) Flt RCAF (xxx xxxx - xx xxx xxxx)

426 Sqn det RCAF (xx xxx - 1 Sep 1962)


County: - Nottinghamshire

Lat/Long:  52:53:30N 00:54:00W

Grid Ref:  SK740335

Height above sea level: 106 ft

Railway Station - Harley & Stathern LNER & LMS

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1941

No 5 Group (xx xxx 1942 - 13 Oct 1943)

Air Support Division Substitution Unit - C & M (13 Oct 1943 - 15 Aug 1944)

No 5 Group (15 Aug - 7 Oct 1944)

No 7 Group (7 Oct 1944 - xx xxx 1945)

RCAF (xx xxx 1952 - xx xxx 1963)

Closed -


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a satellite for Bottesford was issued in September 1940.

Links to related sites/pages

RAF Langham

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

280 Sqn (31 Jul - 2 Nov 1942, 6 Sep - 30 Oct 1944, 3 - 23 Nov 1945)

No 1611 (Anti-Aircraft Co-operation) Flt (1 - 9 Nov 1942)

No 1612 (Anti-Aircraft Co-operation) Flt (1 Nov - 8 Dec 1942)

Target Towing Flt, No 2 Anti-Aircraft Practice Camp, Langham (15 Feb - 17 Jun 1943)

No 1626 (Anti-Aircraft Co-operation) Flt (17 Jun - 30 Nov 1943)

489 Sqn (8 Apr - 24 Oct 1944)

455 Sqn (13 Apr - 24 Oct 1944)

521 Sqn (30 Oct 1944 - 3 Nov 1945)

612 Sqn (17 Dec 1944 - 9 Jul 1945)

No 24 Air Crew Holding Unit (1 Jun - 13 Dec 1945)

Coastal Command Fighter Affiliation Training Unit (1 Sep 1945 - 6 Jan 1946)

254 Sqn (26 Nov 1945 - 6 May 1946)

No 1402 (Met) Flt (4 Dec 1945 - 10 May 1946)

No 1561 (Met) Flt (17 Dec 1945 - 11 Feb 1946)

2 Civilian Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (23 Mar 1953 - 1 Nov 1958)


County: - Norfolk

Lat/Long:   52:56:23N  00:58:00E

Grid Ref -  TF988420

Height Above Sea Level - 60 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened (satellite airfield) - 1940

AHQ opened - 17 Jul 1942

No 16 Group (17 Jul 1942 - xx xxx xxxx)

C & M (1 Nov 1942 - 1 Mar 1944)

Closed - 1961


Main units: -

'M' Flt, No 1 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit  (7 Oct 1940 - 1 Nov 1942)

'K' Flt, No 1 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit  (6 Dec 1941 - 1 Nov 1942)


No 3 Operational Training Unit (Dec 1941  - Jan 1942)

No 2 Armament Practice Camp (Mar - Jun 1944)

695 Sqn (xxx - Apr 1944)

236 Sqn (14 Jun 1944 - xxx xxxx)

143 Sqn (28 Jul - 1 Aug 1944)

524 Sqn (1 Nov 1944 - 1 Feb 1945, 5 Mar - 25 May 1945)

407 Sqn (14 Apr -10 May 1945)

521 Sqn (3 Nov - 4 Dec 1945)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,    FAA Archive WebsiteCommanding Officers,

RAF Larkhill

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

3 Sqn (13 May 1912 16 Jun 1913

154th Aero Sqn, USAAS  (9 - 19 Mar 1918)

'D' (Army Co-operation) Flt (1 Feb - 17 Apr 1940,3 Jun 1940 - 20 Sep 1941)

No 1424 (Air Observation Post) Flt (20 Sep 1941 - 1 Oct 1942)

‘B’ Flt, 16 Sqn (Jul 1931)

‘C’ Flt, 16 Sqn (Aug 1932)

? Flt, 16 Sqn (28 May - xxx 1933)

No 43 Operational Training Unit (1 Oct -19 Nov 1942)

Detachment** - No 43 OTU (Aug 1943, Aug 1944)


County: - Wiltshire

Lat/Long:   51:12:15N  01:48:51W

Grid Ref -  SU125445

Height Above Sea Level -  ft

Operational Control: -

Opened -

No 22 Group, Fighter Command (xx xxx xxxx - 24 Jun 1940)

No 22 Group (24 Jun 1940 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed -


Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF La Senia

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 337 Wing (23 Nov 1943 - 23 Aug 1944)

36 Sqn det (Jul 1943 - Sep 1944)

153 Sqn det (Jul 1943 - Sep 1944)

32 Sqn det (Nov 1943 - Feb 1944)

500 Sqn (1 Jan - 11 Jul 1944, 13 Jul - 21 Aug 1944)

256 Sqn (7 Apr - 15 Aug 1944)


County: - Algeria

Lat/Long:  35:37:17″N 00:37:23″W

Height above sea level: 295 ft

Operational Control: -

SHQ opened - 10 Jan 1944

HQ MACAF (10 Jan 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)

SHQ closed - 10 Apr 1944


Now known as Oran Ahmed Ben Bella Airport

Links to related sites/pages

RAF Lashio

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 154 Maintenance Unit (12 Mar - 16 Jun 1942)

HQ BURWING (23 Mar - 27 Apr 1942)

113 Sqn (8 - 19 Jan 1942)

28 Sqn (31 Jan -8 Feb 1942)


60 Sqn (Feb - Jul 1941)

17 Sqn (Mar - Apr 1942)

45 Sqn (28 Mar - 27 Apr 1942)

113 Sqn (Apr - xxx 1942)

Country: - Burma

Lat/Long:  22°58′33″N 097°45′09″E

Height Above Sea Level:  2,516 ft

Operational Control: -

SHQ opened - 1 Aug 1941

C & M Party disbanded - xx Jul 1942


Links to related sites/pages

RAF Lavenham

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

487th Bomb Group, USAAF (5 Apr 1944 - 24 Aug 1945)

  • 836th Bomb Sqn

  • 837th Bomb Sqn

  • 838th Bomb Sqn

  • 839th Bomb Sqn

RLG for No 3 Lancaster Finishing School (xxx 1943 - xxx 1945)


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a operational bomber satellite airfield for Rougham was issued in December 1941.


County: - Suffolk

Lat/Long:   52:08:04N  00:46:15E

Grid Ref -  TL895524

Height Above Sea Level - 290 ft

Railway Stations

  • Lavenham (passengers) LNER

  • Cockfield (goods) LNER

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1 Nov 1943

4th Bombardment Wing Substitution Unit (1 Nov 1943 - 21 Mar 1944)

3rd Bombardment Wing, USAAF (21 Mar1944 - xx xx 1945)

Closed - 1948

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google MapsControl Towers website

RAF Leconfield

RAF Leconfield badge

Main units (continued): -

485 Sqn (21 Apr - 1 Jul 1941)

No 60 Operational Training Unit (28 Apr - 4 Jun 1941)

129 Sqn (16 Jun - 29 Aug 1941)

313 Sqn (1 Jul - 26 Aug 1941)

26 Sqn (18 - 22 Jul 1941)

HQ, No 151 Wing (26 Jul - Aug 1941)

81 Sqn (28 Jul - 12 Aug 1941)

134 Sqn (28 Jul - 12 Aug 1941)

610 Sqn (29 Aug 1941 - 14 Jan 1942)

No 28 Conversion Flt (4 Nov - 30 Dec 1941)

No 107 Conversion Flt (Dec 1941 - 2 Jan 1942)

No 1652 Conversion Unit (2 - 22 Jan 1942)

No 15 Service Flying Training School (4 Feb - 1 Mar 1942)

No 15 (Pilots) Advanced Flying Unit (1 Mar - 15 Dec 1942)

196 Sqn (22 Dec 1942 - 19 Jul 1943)

466 Sqn (22 Dec 1942 - 3 Jun 1944)

Sub Station, Driffield Base (6 Jun 1943 - 16 Sep 1943)

No 1484 (Target Towing and Gunnery) Flt (23 Jun 1943 - 15 Feb 1944)

No 1502  Beam Approach Training Flt (23 Jul - 15 Aug 1943)

Sub Station, No 43 Base (16 Sep 1943 - 1 Sep 1945)

170 Sqn (14 - 16 Oct 1943)

640 Sqn (7 Jan 1944 - 7 May 1945)

No 1520 Beam Approach Training Flt (6 Jun - 18 Sep 1944)

96 Sqn (21 Dec 1944 - 30 Mar 1945)

51 Sqn (20 Apr - 21 Aug 1945)

No 4051 Servicing Echelon (7 May – 21 Aug 1945)

Central Gunnery School (12 Nov 1945 - 31 Dec 1954)

No 25 Gliding School (xxx 1946 - Nov 1947)

Fighter Weapons School (1 Jan 1955 - 2 Oct 1957)

Coastal Command Gunnery School (1 Jan - 31 Dec 1955)

No 11 Group Modification Centre (Feb 1956 - 11 Mar 1957)

No 1 Fighter Command Modification Centre (11 Mar - 2 Oct 1957)

275 Sqn (9 Oct 1957 - 1 Sep 1959)

72 Sqn (28 Jun 1959 - 30 Jun 1961)

19 Sqn (29 Jun 1959 - 23 Sep 1965)

228 Sqn (1 Sep 1959 - 28 Aug 1964)

92 Sqn (22 May 1961 - 29 Dec 1965)

No 11 Group Communication Flt (25 Sep 1961 - 31 Mar 1963)

No 11 Sector (1 Apr 1963 - 17 Mar 1965)

No 11 Sector Communication Flt (1 Apr 1963 - xxx xxxx)

202 Sqn (Sep 1964 - 1 Sep 1976)

'B' Flt, 202 Sqn (1 Sep 1976 - xxx xxxx)

No 60 MU (2 Feb 1966 - 30 Nov 1976)

Special Installation Sqn (2 Feb 1966 - xxx xxxx)

5 Sqn (5 Apr - Aug 1973)

11 Sqn (May 1973 - xxx xxxx, 23 Apr 1976 - xxx xxxx)

'D' Flt, 22 Sqn (xxx xxxx - Nov 1988)

'E' Flt 202 Sqn (Nov 1988 - xx xxx 2016)


County: - East Yorkshire

Lat/Long: 53:52:45N  00:26:00W

Grid Ref: TA030435

Height above sea level: 25ft

Railway Station - Beverley LNER

Operational Control: -

Opened - 3 Dec 1936

No 3 Group (3 Dec 1936 - 29 Jun 1937)

No 4 Group (29 Jun 1937 - 30 Oct 1939)

No 13 Group (30 Oct 1939 - 25 Sep 1941)

No 4 Group (25 Sep 1941 - 31 Jan 1942)

No 21 Group (31 Jan - 15 Dec 1942)

No 4 Group (15 Dec 1942 - xx Nov 1945)

Flying Training Command (Nov 1945 - xxx 1959)

No 11 Group (xxx 1959 - Dec 1965)

Maintenance Command (Dec 1965 - xxx 1976)

Closed - 1 Jan 1977


It was a sub-station of Driffield/No 43 Base from 6 Jun 1943 to 1 Sep 1945.

When the RAF left the station in 1976, it became Normandy Barracks and the home of the Army School of Mechanical Transport.  It is now the Defence Driving School.  A small enclave remained home to the SAR Flight of  No 202 Squadron, until 2016.

Main units: -

97 Sqn (7 Jan 1937 - 17 Sep 1939)

166 Sqn (20 Jan 1937 - 17 Sep 1939)

Temporary Air Observers School (7 Jun 1938 - 16 Dec 1938)

72 Sqn (17 Oct - 1 Nov 1939, 12 - 13 Jan 1940, 13 - 20 Oct 1940, 28 Jun 1959 - 30 Jun 1961)

616 Sqn (23 Oct 1939 - 27 May 1940, 6 Jun - 19 Aug 1940)

234 Sqn (30 Oct 1939 - 22 May 1940)

245 Sqn (30 Oct 1939 - 12 May 1940)

249 Sqn (17 May - 8 Jul 1940)

74 Sqn (27 May - 6 Jun 1940)

302 Sqn (13 Jul - 11 Oct 1940 )

64 Sqn (19 Aug - 13 Oct 1940)

303 Sqn (11 Oct 1940 - 3 Jan 1941)

No 616 (AAF) Servicing Echelon (14 Nov 1941 – 14 Jan 1942)

258 Sqn (22 Nov - 1 Dec 1940)

213 Sqn (29 Nov 1940 - 15 Jan 1941)

253 Sqn (3 Jan - 10 Feb 1941)


64 Sqn (Aug 1939 - May 1940)

‘G’ Flt, No 1 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (5 Sep 1939 - xxx xxxx)

64 Sqn (xxx 1939 - xxx 1940)

152 Sqn (Oct 1939 - Jul 1940)

Air Fighting Devlopment Unit (21 Jul 1943 - xxx xxxx)

41 Sqn (Jul - Sep 1960)

226 Operational Conversion Unit (May 1966 - xxx xxxx)

Yorkshire University Air Sqn (Mar 1969 - 11 Aug 1975)

56 Sqn (Jun - xxx 1973)

819 Sqn (23 - 27 May 1983)

Links to related sites/pages

Commanding Officers, Aerial photo on Google Maps, Personnel Listings,

RAF Leeming

RAF Leeming badge

Main units (continued): -

419 Sqn (13 - 18 Aug 1942)

408 Sqn (14 Sep 1942 - 27 Aug 1943)

No 408 Conversion Flt (20 Sep - 7 Oct 1942)

No 1659 Heavy Conversion Unit (7 Oct 1942 - 14 Mar 1943)

405 Sqn (6 Mar - 19 Apr 1943)

424 Sqn (8 Apr - 3 May 1943)

427 Sqn (5 May 1943 - 11 May 1946)

429 Sqn (13 Aug 1943 - 31 May 1946)

HQ, No 63 (RCAF) Base (1 May 1944 - 30 Aug 1945)

No 13 Operational Training Unit (21 Apr - 1 May 1947)

No 54 Operational Training Unit (28 Jun 1946 - 1 May 1947)

No 228 Operational Conversion Unit (1 May 1947 - 17 Apr 1956, 25 Jan 1957 - 15 Sep 1961)

Airborne Interception School (1 Feb - 12 Jun 1952 )

Javelin Mobile Conversion Unit (Feb 1957 - xxx 1959)

264 Sqn (26 - 30 Sep 1957)

33 Sqn (30 Sep 1957 - 30 Sep 1958)

Fighter Command Target Facilities Sqn (3 - 10 Aug 1961)

No 3 Flying Training School (15 Sep 1961 - 26 Apr 1984)

Refresher Flying School/Squadron   (Dec 1973)

No 11 AEF (30 Sep 1974 - 31 Dec 1985, 11 Jan 1988 - Current)

Northumbrian Universities Air Sqn (30 Sep 1974 - 19 Dec 1985, 11 Jan 1988 - Current)

RN Elementary Flying Training School (29 Nov 1974 - 26 Apr 1984)

Multi-Engined Training Sqn (4 May 1977 - 30 Apr 1979)

Central Flying School (5 Sep 1977 - 19 Sep 1984)

11 Sqn (1 Jul 1988 - 5 Oct 2005)

23 Sqn (1 Nov 1988 - 26 Feb 1994)

25 Sqn (1 Oct 1989 - 1 Apr 2008)

100 Sqn (22 Sep 1995 - Current)

Joint Forward Air Controller Training and Standards Unit (1 Oct 1995 - Current)

No 135 Expeditionary Air Wing (1 Apr 2006 - Current)

No 718 (Ground Defence) Sqn (19 Dec 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 2718 Sqn RAF Regiment (1 Feb - xxx1942)

No 27 Sqn RAF Regiment

No 34 Sqn RAF Regiment


County: - North Yorkshire

Lat/Long:  54:18:00N  01:32:00W

Grid Ref::  SE305892

Height above sea level:  109ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 3 Jun 1940

No 4 Group (3 Jun 1940 - 1 Jan 1943)

No 6 Group (1 Jan 1943 - 30 Aug 1945)

No 1 Group (30 Aug 1945 - xxx 1946)

No 12 Group (xxx 1946 - Sep 1961)

No 23 Group (Sep 1961 - xxx 1968)

Training Command (xxx 1968 - xxx 1984)

No 11 Group (xxx 1988 - 1 Apr 1996)

No 11/18 Group (1 Apr 1996 - 1 Jan 2000)

No 1 Group (1 Jan 2000 - Current)


It was HQ, No 62 Base from 1 May 1944, remaining as such until 30 Aug 1945.

Main units: -

10 Sqn (8 Jul 1940 - 19 Aug 1942)

7 Sqn (1 Aug - 29 Oct 1940)

102 Sqn (25 Aug - 1 Sep 1940)

35 Sqn (20 Nov - 5 Dec 1940)

No 718 Defence Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

77 Sqn (5 Sep 1941 - 6 May 1942)

No 2718 Sqn, RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - xx Jul 1942)

No 10 Conversion Flt (17 Feb - 26 Aug 1942)


219 Sqn (Oct 1939)

218 Sqn (Aug - Sep 1940)

60 Sqn (May - Oct 1959)

800 Sqn FAA (29 - 30 Apr 1981)

845 Sqn FAA (9 - 12 Mar 1983)

Links to related sites/pages

 Officers Commanding, Aerial photo on Google Maps, Personnel Listings,

RAF Lee-on-Solent

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

HQ Coastal Area (18 Jan 1932 - 1 May 1936)

407 (Fleet Reconnaissance) Flt ( 2 Jan 1933 - 4 Jan 1935)

No 1 Gunnery Co-operation Flt (13 - 15 Jun 1935, 23 Sep 1935 - 4 Jan 1936, 27 Apr - 20 Sep 1936, 12 Oct 1936 - 15 Feb 1937)

HQ Coastal Command (1 May 1936 - 8 Aug 1939)

Detachment -821 Sqn (6 - 19 Jan 1937, 4 - 7 28 May 1937, 12 - 27 Oct 1937, 29 Oct - 19 Dec 1937)

No 2 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (15 Feb 1937 - 5 May 1939)

702 Sqn (1 Jan 1938 - 21 Jan 1940)

712 Sqn (1 Jan 1938 - 21 Jan 1940)

716 Sqn (1 Jan 1938 - 21 Jan 1940)

811 Sqn (11 Jan - 29 Mar 1938)

801 Sqn (29 Jan - 4 May 1938)

Detachment - 42 Sqn (Mar - Sep 1938)

Floatplane Training Flt (Apr 1938 - 24 May 1939)

Fleet Requirements Unit (Shore Base) (11 Aug 1938 - 24 May 1939)

No 1 Mobile Torpedo Servicing Unit (16 Dec 1940 - 10 Jan 1941)

16 Sqn (xxx - Sep 1941)

26 Sqn (28 Apr -4 6 Oct 1944)

No 6026 Servicing Echelon (28 Apr – 6 Oct 1944)

Detachment - 268 Sqn (6 May 1944 - xxx xxxx)

Air Spotting Pool (1944)

No 1320 Special Duties Flt (22 May - 14 Jun 1944)

63 Sqn (28 May - 3 Jul 1944, 30 Aug - 19 Sep 1944)

No 6063 Servicing Echelon (28 May - 1 Jul 1944, 29 Aug – 19 Sep 1944)

No 6002 Servicing Echelon (6 Jun – 30 Jul 1944)

Southampton University Air Sqn (1 Apr1988 - 2 Apr 1993)


County: - Hampshire

Lat/Long:   50:48:35N  01:12:25W

Grid Ref -  SU562020

Height Above Sea Level - 30 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1917

Transferred to the Royal Navy - 1939


It is still a RN station and the base of an HM Coastguard SAR flight.

Main Units: -

No 209 Training Depot Station (1 Apr 1918 - 15 May 1919)

RAF & Naval Co-operation School (15 May - 14 Jul 1919)

RAF Seaplane Establishment (14 Jul - 23 Dec 1919)

School of RAF & Naval Co-operation and Navigation (23 Dec 1919 - 1 Apr 1920) (also known as School of Naval Co-operation)

School of Naval Coop (1 Apr 1920 - 1 Apr 1921, 19 Apr 1923 - 29 Dec 1937)

HQ No 10 Group (12 Jul 1920 - 18 Jan 1932)

Seaplane Training School (21 Apr 1921 - 19 Apr 1923)

440 (Fleet Reconnaissance) Flt (1 May 1923 - 4 Mar 1924, 15 - 29 May 1924, 19 Dec 1924 - 21 Feb 1925)

444 (Fleet Reconnaissance) Flt (15 Jan - Feb 1925, Feb - 27 Apr 1925, 9 - 15 Oct 1925, 1 May - 9 Jul 1928, 19 Jul - 30 Aug 1928, 2 Dec 1928 - 15 Jan 1929, 7 - 30 Apr 1929, 6 Nov 1929 - 4 Jun 1935)

Cape-Cairo Flt (21 Jun - 12 Jul 1926)

442 (Fleet Reconnaissance) Flt (23 Sep - Oct 1930)

443 (Fleet Reconnaissance) Flt  (xxx 1930 - 25 May 1935)

407 (Fleet Fighter) Flt (5 Jun - 4 Jul 1931, 17 Oct 1932 - 2 Jan 1933)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,    FAA Archive WebsiteOfficers CommandingControl Towers websitePersonnel Listings,

RAF Leighton Buzzard

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

RAF Central Teleprinter Exchange

HQ, No 60 Group (23 Mar 1940 - 25 Apr 1946)

No 805 Defence Sqn (xx xxx 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 2805 Sqn, RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - Apr 1942)

HQ, No 72 (Signals) Wing (15 May - 1 Sep 1944)

HQ, No 23 Group (28 Sep 1946 - 14 Sep 1959)


County: - Bedfordshire

Lat/Long:   51:54:58N  00:39:46W

Grid Ref -  SP92-25-

Height Above Sea Level -  ft

Operational Control: -

Opened -

23 Nov 1939: -

  • Administration - HQ Training Command

  • Personnel - HQ No 24 Group

  • Technical Administration - Air Ministry

Closed -


By July 1943, it was staffed by 103 officers and 1,693 other ranks and was a W/T communications centre, co-ordinating and a linking station of the Inter-Command and home RAF signals organisation.  It was the main receiving centre for overseas traffic from all over the world and operated two transmitting stations at Dagnell and Greenford and a receiving station at Cardington.  It also controlled Air Ministry Communications Section at Kingsway and Whitehall.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Leiston

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

358th Fighter Group, USAAF (29 Nov 1943 - 31 Jan 1944)

  • 365th Fighter Sqn

  • 366th Fighter Sqn

  • 367th Fighter Sqn

357th Fighter Group, USAAF ( 31 Jan 1944 - 8 Jul 1945)

  • 362nd Fighter Sqn

  • 363rd Fighter Sqn

  • 364th Fighter Sqn

No 18 Recruits Centre (30 Oct 1945 - 30 May 1946)


County: - Suffolk

Lat/Long:   52:13:23N  01:33:38E

Grid Ref -  TM430645

Height Above Sea Level - 75 ft

Railway Station - Leiston LNER

Operational Control: -

Opened - 17 Dec 1943

VIII Fighter Command, USAAF (14 Jan 1944 - xx xxx 1945)

Closed - 1953


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a Fighter Operational Satellite was issued in May 1942. .

Whilst occupied by the USAAF it was known as RAF Yoxford.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps, Control Towers website

RAF Leuchars

RAF Leuchars badge

Main units (continued): -

42 Sqn (1 Mar 1941 - 18 Jun 1942)

107 Sqn (3 Mar - 11 May 1941)

114 Sqn (13 May - 19 Jul 1941)

No 1420 Flt (Jun - 19 Jul 1941)

No 745 Defence Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 2745 Sqn, RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - xxx 1942)

489 Sqn (12 Aug 1941 - 5 Aug 1942, 6 Oct 1943 8 Apr 1944)

No 1510 Flt (Oct 1941 - 15 Aug 1944)

‘C’ Flt, 1 PRU  (Oct 1941 - Oct 1942)

No 18 Group Armament Practice Camp (Oct - Dec 1941)

No 3 Armament Training Camp (Dec 1941 - 1 Sep 1945)

St Andrews University Air Sqn (23 Jan 1941 - 12 Jan 1946)

No 745 (Ground Defence) Sqn (19 Dec 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 2745 Sqn RAF Regiment (1 Feb - xxx 1942)

No 2860 Sqn RAF Regiment (1 Feb - Sep 1942)

217 Sqn (6 - 7 Mar 1942)

144 Sqn (22 Apr 1942 - 8 Apr 1943)

455 Sqn (28 Apr 1942 - 14 Apr 1944)

415 Sqn (6 Sep - 11 Nov 1942)

540 Sqn (19 Oct 1942 - 29 Feb 1944)

No 2 Torpedo Refresher School (1 Jan - Apr 1943)

235 Sqn (21 Jan - 29 Aug 1943)

No 1477 Flt (16 Apr - 5 May 1943)

'B' Flt, 333 Sqn (5 May 1943 - 1 Sep 1944)

206 Sqn (11 Jul 1944 - 31 Jul 1945)

547 Sqn (1 Oct 1944 - 4 Jun 1945)

No 4206 Servicing Echelon (10 Jun – 31 Jul 1945)

No 3 School of General Reconnaissance (18 - 26 Aug 1945 - 1 Mar 1946)

519 Sqn (8 Nov 1945 - 31 May 1946)

RAF School of General Reconnaissance (1 Mar 1946 - xxx xxxx)

203 Sqn (19 May 1946 - 16 Jan 1947)

160 Sqn (23 Jun - 1 Oct 1946)

120 Sqn (1 Oct 1946 - 14 Dec 1950)

St Andrews University Air Sqn (Oct 1946 - 1 Aug 1967)

82 Sqn (18 Jun - 6 Oct 1947)

No 237 Operational Conversion Unit (15 Apr 1948 - 3 Oct 1951)

222 Sqn (9 May 1950 - 1 Nov 1957)

Scottish Sector Communication Flt (15 May 1950 - 9 Oct 1951)

43 Sqn (11 Nov 1950 - 21 Jun 1961, 1Sep 1969 - xxx xxxx)

No 229 OCU (15 Dec 1950 - 28 Mar 1951)

602 Sqn (15 Apr - 13 Jul 1951)

608 Sqn (16 Jun - 12 Jul 1951)

612 Sqn (14 Jul - 14 Oct 1951, xxx xxxx - Current)

603 Sqn (16 Jul - 14 Oct 1951)

151 Sqn (15 Sep 1951 - 17 Jun 1957, 15 Nov 1957 - 19 Sep 1961)

264 Sqn (14 Feb - 7 Aug 1952)

809 Sqn FAA (8 Sep - 13 Oct 1952)

811 Sqn FAA (19 Aug 1953 - 2 Feb 1954)

'C' Flt, 275 Sqn (Jul 1955 - Sep 1959)

29 Sqn (22 Jul 1958 - 1 Mar 1963)

'C' Flt, 228 Sqn (Sep 1959 - 29 Aug 1964)

25 Sqn (30 Oct 1961 - 31 Dec 1962)

23 Sqn (9 Mar 1963 - 31 Oct 1975)

74 Sqn (2 Mar 1964 - 12 Jun 1967)

'C' Flt, 202 Sqn (29 Aug 1964 - Apr 1976)

No 228 Operational Conversion Unit (1 May 1965 - 23 Dec 1966, 22 Apr 1987 - 31 Mar 1991)

Target Facilities Flt (1 Apr 1966 - 31 Dec 1973)

11 Sqn (3 Apr 1967 - 28 Mar 1972)

St Andrews & Dundee University Air Sqn (1 Aug 1967 - 1 Jan 1969)

No 663 Volunteer Gliding School (Sep 1968 - xxx 1970)

Phantom Conversion Flt (1 Jul - 1 Sep 1969)

43 Sqn (1 Sep 1969 - 13 Jul 2009)

892 Sqn FAA (17 Jul - 3 Sep 1972, 18 Oct - 7 Nov 1972, 11 Dec 1972 - 25 Jan 1973, 14 Mar - 2 May 1973, 24 Jul 1973 - 6 Jun 1974, 18 Jun - 4 Jul 1974, 26 Jul - 5 Sep 1974, 4 Nov 1974 - 8 Jan 1975, 24 Jul - 6 Oct 1975, 25 -5 27 Oct 1975, 20 Nov 1975 - 6 Feb 1976, 14 Jul - 4 Sep 1976, 18 Oct 1976 - 5 Sep 1977, 7 - 14 Oct 1977, 12 Dec 1977 - 22 Feb 1978, 9 Mar - 4 Apr 1978)

RAF Post-Operational Conversion Unit (1 Sep 1972 - 31 May 1978)

111 Sqn (3 Nov 1975 - Mar 2011)

'B' Flt, 22 Sqn (Apr 1976 - Mar 1993)

Aberdeen, Dundee & St Andrews University Air Sqn (2 Oct 1981 - 1 Sep 2003)

No 228 Operational Conversion Unit (22 Apr 1987 - 31 Mar 1991)

East Lowlands University Air Sqn (29 Feb 1996 - 1 Sep 2003)

East of Scotland University Air Sqn ( 1 Sep 2003 - Current)

No 12 AEF (1 Apr 1996 - Current)

No 125 Expeditionary Air Wing (1 Apr 2006 - Current)

No 27 Sqn RAF Regiment

No 56 (Reserve) Sqn (Mar 2003 - 25 Apr 2008)

No 58 Sqn RAF Regiment

No 6 Force Protection Wing HQ

71 Engineer Regiment (Volunteers)

No 6 (Fighter) Sqn (6 Sep 2010 - Current)

No 1 (Fighter) Sqn (15 Sep 2012 - Current)


County: - Fife

Lat/Long:  56:22:23N  02:52:15W

Grid Ref:  NO467205

Height above sea level:  36ft

Operational Control: -

Coastal Area (1918 - Feb 1935)

Inland Area (Feb 1935 - xxx 1936)

Training Command (xxx 1936 - 26 Aug 1938)

No 16 Group (26 Aug - 1 Nov 1938)

No 18 Group (1 Nov 1938 - May 1950)

No 13 Group (May 1950 - 1 Jan 1961

No 11 Group (1 Jan 1961 - 1 Apr 1963)

No 11 Sector (1 Apr 1963 - 1 Apr 1968)

No 11 Group (1 Apr 1968 - 1 Apr 1996)

No 11/18 Group (1 Apr 1996 - 1 Jan 2000)

No 1 Group (1 Jan 2000 - Current)


Main units: -

Fleet School of Aerial Fighting & Gunnery (10 Nov 1918 - xxx 1920)

203 Sqn (1 Mar 1920 - 18 Sep 1922, 4 Jan - 1 Apr 1923, 19 Mar 1946 - 16 Jan 1947)

RAF Base (16 Mar 1920 - xx xxx 1925)

205 Sqn (15 Apr 1920 - 1 Apr 1923)

3 Sqn (1 Oct 1921 - 8 Nov 1922)

401 (Fleet Fighter) Flt (1 Apr - 8 May 1923, 26 Jul - 30 Aug 1923, 1 Sep - Nov 1923, Nov 1923 - 10 Feb 1924, 20 Oct - Nov 1924, 20 Nov 1924 - 16 Jan 1925, 2 Apr - xx Apr 1925, May - 2 Jun 1925, 5 Jun - 4 Jul 1925, 24 Aug - 7 Sep 1925)

402 (Fleet Fighter) Flt (1 Apr 1923 - 4 Mar 1924, 25 Dec 1924 - Feb 1925)

441 (Fleet Reconnaissance) Flt (1 Apr - 17 Jul 1923, 27 Aug 1923 - 8 Mar 1924, 28 May - 13 Nov 1924)

442 (Fleet Reconnaissance) Flt (1 Apr - 8 May 1923, 26 Jul 1923- 29 Jul 1924, 21 Oct 1924 - 16 Jan 1925, 5 Jun - 4 Jul 1925, 31 Aug -  Sep 1925, Oct 1925 - Feb 1926, 14 Jun - 26 Jun 1926, 12 - 27 Oct 1926, 23 Mar - 27 Apr 1931, 30 May - 13 Sep 1931)

443 (Fleet Reconnaissance) Flt (21 May 1923 - 23 Sep 1925, Nov 1925 - 12 Jan 1926, 7 Jun - 1 Sep 1926, 9 Sep 1926 - 15 Jan 1927, 13 - 13 Jun 1928, 21 - 28 Jun 1929)

403 (Fleet Fighter) Flt (1 Jun 1923 - 17 Mar 1924)

404 (Fleet Fighter) Flt (1 Jul 1923 - 13 Sep 1925, 30 Mar - 12 Jun 1926, 15 Jul - Aug 1926)

461 (Fleet Torpedo) Flt (Jul 1923 - xxx xxxx)

405 (Fleet Fighter) Flt (31 May 1924 - Oct 1925, 25 Jul - 1 Sep 1927)

406 (Fleet Fighter) Flt (31 May 1924 - Oct 1925, 26 Nov 1928 - 9 Feb 1929)

RAF Training Base (xxx 1925 - 1 Apr 1935)

444 (Fleet Reconnaissance) Flt (Feb 1925)

421 (Fleet Spotter) Flt (May - 23 Jun 1925, 6 Sep - 19 Oct 1928)

461 (Fleet Torpedo) Flt (14 - 16 Sep 1926, Sep - 26 Oct 1928, 17 Oct - 5 Nov 1929)

462 (Fleet Torpedo) Flt (30 Sep - 21 Oct 1926, Sep - 26 Oct 1928, 17 Jun - 4 Sep 1929)

443A (Fleet Reconnaissance) Flt (Jul - Oct 1927, 16 May - 13 Jun 1928)

445 (Fleet Reconnaissance) Flt (1 Sep 1927 - 15 May 1928, 29 Mar - 29 Apr 1930, 2 May - 2 Jun 1931, 19 Jun - 12 Aug 1931, 26 Aug - 28 Sep 1931, 15 Sep - 8 Oct 1932, 21 Oct - 7 Nov 1932)

446 (Fleet Reconnaissance) Flt (1 Sep 1927 - 20 Mar 1928, 24 Mar - 28 Apr 1930, 30 May - 4 Aug 1930, 1 - 10 Sep 1930)

449 (Fleet Spotter Reconnaissance) Flt (30 Apr - 1 May 1929, 1 - 17 Jun 1929, xx - 30 Oct 1929, 1 - 23 Apr 1931)

450 (Fleet Spotter Reconnaissance) Flt  (2 - 13 Jun 1929, 4 - 15 Jun 1931, 6 Jul - 12 Aug 1931)

447 (Fleet Spotter Reconnaissance) Flt (28 Jun - 3 Jul 1929)

36 Sqn (Oct 1930)

822 Sqn (12 - 27 Oct 1933)

811 Sqn (15 -3 27 Oct 1933, 15 Jun - 6 Jul 1935)

810 Sqn (14 May - 25 Jun 1934, 15 Sep - 8 Oct 1934)

800 Sqn (5 - 8 Oct 1934, 24 May - 6 Jun 1936, 22 May - 13 Jun 1937, 5 - 29 Sep 1937)

802 Sqn (5 - 27 Oct 1934)

Temporary Armament Training Camp (Mar 1935 - 1 Apr 1938)

No 1 Flying Training School (1 Apr 1935 - 26 Aug 1938)

801 Sqn (4 - 6 Oct 1937)

Temporary Armament Training Station (1 Apr 1938 - 3 Sep 1939)

224 Sqn (1 Sep 1938 - 15 Apr 1941)

233 Sqn (1 - 28 Sep 1938, 10 Oct 1938 - 3 Aug 1940, 14 Sep - 8 Dec 1940)

605 Sqn (11 - 28 Feb 1940)

No 18 Group Communications Flt (13 May 1940 - 18 Nov 1959, 13 May 1960 - 1 Oct 1964)

320 Sqn (1 Oct 1940 - 18 Jan 1941, 21 Mar 1941 - 21 Apr 1942)

72 Sqn (29 Nov - 15 Dec 1940)

No 10 Blind Approach Training Flt (Jan - Oct 1941)

86 Sqn (2 Feb - 3 Mar 1941)


‘D’ Flt, 13 Sqn  (14 Jul 1926 - 10 Aug 1926)

810 Sqn (10 Oct - 7 Nov 1933)

142 Sqn (20 Apr - 22 May 1937)

144 Sqn (Aug 1939 - xxx xxxx)

236 Sqn (Mar 1942 - xxx xxxx)

269 Sqn (Oct 1939 - xxx xxxx)

612 Sqn (22 Oct 1939 - xxx xxxx)

248 Sqn (May 1941 - xxx xxxx)

248 Sqn (22 Aug 1941 - xxx xxxx)

86 Sqn (3 Sep 1941 - xxx xxxx)

296 Sqn (Aug 1942 - xxx xxxx)

415 Sqn (8 Aug - 5 Sep 1942)

105 Sqn (Sep 1942)

544 Sqn (Oct 1942 - Oct 1945)

489 Sqn (Apr 1943 - xxx xxxx, Aug 1943 - xx xxxx)

404 Sqn (Oct -  Nov 1943)

ATDU (Apr 1944 - 12 Aug 1944)

281 Sqn (Feb 1944 - Feb 1945)

544 Sqn(4 - 7 May 1944)

281 Sqn (25 May 1944 - xxx xxxx)

82 Sqn (Oct 1946 - Jun 1947)

541 Sqn (23 Mar - 31 Aug 1948, 5 Apr - 7 Sep 1949, 15 Mar - 6 Sep 1950)

540 Sqn (Nov 1948 - Oct 1949)

109 Sqn det Hemswell  Feb 1953 ? ? Canberra

814 Sqn FAA (22 - 26 Jun 1981)

819 Sqn FAA (27 Sep - 1 Oct 1982)

845 Sqn FAA (11 - 15 Jun 1990)

9 Sqn (22 - 26 Mar 1999)

Links to related sites/pages

FAA Archive Website, Officers Commanding, Aerial photo on Google Maps, Personnel Listings,


See RAF Cairo West

RAF Lichfield

RAF Lichfield badge

Main units: -

No 42 Maintenance Unit (Dec 1939 - 6 Mar 1940)

No 51 Maintenance Unit (6 Mar 1940 - 1 Jul 1954)

No 27 Operational Training Unit (23 Apr 1941 - 22 Jun 1945)

No 82 Maintenance Unit (4 Apr 1951 - 15 Nov 1945)

HQ No 93 Group (15 Jun - 7 Jul 1942)

No 93 Group Communications Flt (17 Jul 1942 - 14 Feb 1945)

No 93 Group Screened Wireless Operators' School (17 Jun 1943 - xxx xxxx)

No 3 Ferry Pool (30 Nov 1945 - 15 Mar 1946)

No 43 Gliding School (xxx 1947 - 1 Sep 1955)

No 48 Gliding School (1 Apr - Aug 1950)

No 104 Flying Refresher School (23 Jul 1951 - 15 Feb 1952)

No 6 Air Navigation School (15 Feb 1952 - 1 Dec 1953)

Home Command Major Servicing Unit (15 Oct 1952 - 1 Jul 1954)

No 99 Maintenance Unit (1 Feb 1954 -  1 Mar 1957)


County: - Staffordshire

Lat/Long:  52:42:45N  01:47:00W

Grid Ref:    SK146131

Height above sea level: 220 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1940

No 6 Group (1941 - 11 May 1942)

No 91 Group (11 May 1942 - 1 Sep 1942, 14 Feb - 22 Jun 1945)

No 91 Group (1 Sep 1942 - 14 Feb 1945)

Closed - 1958


Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google MapsControl Towers website

RAF Limavady

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

No 754 Defence Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 2754 Sqn, RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - xxx 1943)

221 Sqn (2 May - 29 Sep 1941, 7 - 25 Dec 1941)53 Sqn (17 Dec 1941 - 18 Feb 1942)

500 Sqn (Dec 1941 - xxx xxxx)

No 7 Operational Training Unit (1 Apr 1942 - 16 May 1944)

Torpedo Training Flt (xxx xxxx - 10 Mar 1943)

143 Sqn (23 Apr - 9 Jun 1942)

612 Sqn (25 Jan - 5 Mar 1944, 9 Sep - 17 Dec 1944)

407 Sqn (26 Jan - 28 Apr 1944)

811 Sqn FAA (10 Jun - 14 Jul 1944)

846 Sqn FAA (11 Jun - 5 Jul 1944)

850 Sqn FAA (1 - 13 Aug 1944, 26 Aug - 6 Nov 1944)

172 Sqn (16 Sep 1944 - 4 Jun 1945)

825 Sqn FAA (29 Sep - 7 Nov 1944)

281 Sqn (31 Mar - 13 Aug 1945)

Loran Training Unit (3 - 20 Apr 1945)

Coast Command Anti U-boat Devices School (20 Apr - 25 Aug 1945)


County: - County Londonderry

Lat/Long:   55:04:23N  06:56:15W

Grid Ref -  C677255

Height Above Sea Level - 65 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1 Nov 1940

RAFNI (1 Nov - 2 Dec 1940)

No 15 Group (2 Dec 1940 - 13 Jan 1944)

RAFNI (13 Jan - 23 Feb 1944)

No 15 Group (23 Feb 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1945


Approval for the requisition of this aerodrome for use as an operational station was issued in July 1940.

In January 1944 it was selected as the site of a Bomber Combat Crew Replacement Centre in place of the proposed site at Mill Isle which was abandoned.

Main Units: -

502 Sqn (27 Jan 1941 - 12 Jan 1942)

224 Sqn (15 Apr - 18 Dec 1941, 18 Feb - 12 Apr 1942)


48 Sqn (Jul 1940 - Oct 1941)

245 Sqn (Jul 1940 - Sep 1941)

502 Sqn (Aug 1940  - xxx xxxx)

53 Sqn (xxx - 30 Aug 1941)

153 Sqn (19 Feb - xxx 1942)

500 Sqn (22 - Apr 1942)

172 Sqn (10 - 16 Sep 1944)

304 Sqn (Sep 1944 - Mar 1945)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps FAA Archive Website Officers CommandingControl Towers website

RAF Lindholme

RAF Lindholme badge

Main units (continued): -

No 719 (Ground Defence) Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 2719 Sqn RAF Regiment (1 Feb - xxx 1942)

No 1656 Heavy Conversion Unit (10 Oct 1942 - 10 Nov 1945)

Air Bomber Training Flt (No 1 Group) (1 Nov 1942 - 15 Mar 1943)

No 1481 Target Towing & Gunnery Flt (2 Nov - 18 Dec 1942)

No 1481 (Bomber) Gunnery Flt (18 Dec 1942 - 7 May 1943)

No 1503 Beam Approach Training Flt ( 3 Jan - 6 Aug 1943)

No 1667 Heavy Conversion Unit (1 Jun 1943 - 8 Oct 1943)

HQ No 11 Base (16 Sep 1943 - 5 Nov 1944)

No 1 Lancaster Finishing School (21 Nov 1943 - 20 Jan 1944)

HQ, No 71 Base (5 Nov 1944 - 15 Nov 1945)

Bombing Development Unit (Oct - 27 Nov 1945)

57 Sqn (1 May - 7 Oct 1946)

100 Sqn (8 May - 28 Oct 1946)

No 1653 Heavy Conversion Unit (28 Oct 1946 - 15 Mar 1947)

No 230 Operational Conversion Unit (15 Mar 1947 - 21 Feb 1949)

No 1 Group Communications Flt ( 26 Jul - 1 Oct 1947, 1 Feb 1948 - 31 Mar 1952, 17 May 1954 - 26 Aug 1957)

Central Bomber Establishment (14 Apr - 21 Dec 1949)

RAF Technical College (Armament Division) (16 Dec 1949 - 15 Nov 1950)

RLG for Flying Refresher School (25 Apr 1950 - 1 Apr 1951)

No 5 Air Navigation School (5 Mar 1951 - 15 Nov 1952)

No 24 Gliding School (xxx 1950 - 1 Sep 1955)

RLG for No 101 Flying Refresher School (1 Apr - 29 Oct 1951)

Bomber Command Bombing School (15 Nov 1952 - 30 Apr 1968)

Bomber Command Acceptance & Modification Unit (16 Nov 1953 - 1 Sep 1954)

HQ, No 21 Wing (May 1960 - 31 Aug 1963)

Strike Command Bombing School (30 Apr 1968 - 1 Sep 1972)

Bomber Command Modification Centre (1 Sep 1954 - 1 Aug 1956)

No 643 Volunteer Gliding School (21 Apr 1974 - Mar 1982)


County: - West Yorkshire (South Yorkshire)

Lat/Long:  53:33:00N  00:58:00W

Grid Ref:  SK685065

Height above sea level:  20ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 3 Jun 1940 (as Hatfield Woodhouse)

No 5 Group (3 Jun 1940 - 19 Jul 1941)

No 1 Group (19 Jul 1941 - 3 Nov 1944)

No 7 Group (3 Nov 1944 - 21 Dec 1945)

No 1 Group (21 Dec 1945 - xxx xxxx)


Originally named RAF Hatfield Woodhouse, the name was changed to Lindholme on 12 Aug 1940 to avoid confusion with Hatfield airfield in Hertfordshire.

It is now the site of a prison

Main units: -

50 Sqn (10 Jul 1940 - 20 Jul 1941)

RLG for No 11 Flying Training School (22 Feb - Apr 1941)

408 Sqn (15 Jun - 20 Jul 1941)

HQ Lindholme Base (1 Jul - 16 Sep 1943)

304 Sqn (19 Jul 1941 - 10 May 1942)

305 Sqn (20 Jul 1941 - 22 Jul 1942)


44 Sqn (Jan - Feb 1940, 23 - xx  Apr 1942)

110 Sqn (15 - 20 Sep 1941)

9 Sqn (1 Aug - 18 Sep 1946)

207 Sqn (Nov 1969  - Sep 1970)

Links to related sites/pages

 Commanding Officers, Aerial photo on Google MapsControl Towers website

RAF Linton-on-Ouse

RAF Linton-on-Ouse badge

Main units (continued): -

No 12 Blind Approach Training Flt (22 Sep - Oct 1941)

No 1512 Beam Approach Training Flt (Oct 1941 - Feb 1942)

No 720 (Ground Defence) Sqn (11 Aug 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 35 Conversion Flt (20 Jan - 12 Jun 1942)

No 2720 Sqn RAF Regiment (1 Feb - xxx 1944)

No 158 Conversion Flt (6 May  - 7 Jun 1942)

No 4 Group Communication Flt (xxx 1942 - 18 Jun 1943)

HQ, No 6 (RCAF) Group (25 Oct - 1 Dec 1942)

No 6 Group Communications Flt (18 Jun 1943 - 5 Jun 1944)

HQ Linton-on-Ouse Base (18 Jun 1943 - 16 Sep 1943)

426 Sqn (18 Jun 1943 - 25 May 1945)

408 Sqn (27 Aug 1943 - 14 Jun 1945)

HQ No 62 (RCAF) Base (16 Sep 1943 - 14 Jul 1945)

No 4426 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (8 – 25 May 1945)

405 Sqn (26 May - 16 Jun 1945)

No 1665 Heavy Conversion Unit (4 Nov 1945 - 13 Jul 1946)

264 Sqn (22 Jul - 12 Aug 1946, 23 Aug 1946 - 20 Apr 1947, 24 Aug 1951 - 14 Feb 1952, 24Aug 1952 - 27 Feb 1957)

No 6264 Servicing Echelon (22 Jul 1946 – 22 Apr 1947, cadre from 25 Sep 1946)

64 Sqn (6 Aug 1946 - 8 Mar 1948, 30 Apr 1948 - 15 Aug 1951)

No 6064 Servicing Echelon (6 Aug 1946 – 18 May 1948)

65 Sqn (11 Aug 1946 - 22 Mar 1948, 12 May 1948 - 15 Aug 1951)

No 6065 Servicing Echelon (11 Aug 1946 – 23 Mar 1948, cadre from 25 Sep 1946, 12 – 18 May 1948)

No 6257 Servicing Echelon (14 Feb – 15 Apr 1947)

No 64 Group Communications Flt (22 May 1947 - 11 Aug 1950)

Yorks Sector Communication Flt (21 Jul 1947 - 1 Dec 1950)

No 28 Gliding School (xxx 1948 - Feb 1950?)

Hornet Conversion Flt (xxx 1949 - Jun 1950)

66 Sqn (7 Oct 1949 - 14 Feb 1957)

92 Sqn (7 Oct 1949 - 1 Mar 1957)

Northern Sector Communication Flt (1 Dec 1950 - xxx 1956)

607 Sqn (20 Aug - 10 Sep 1951)

275 Sqn (1 Mar 1953 - 18 Nov 1954)

HQ, No 23 Group (11 Jul 1966 - 2 May 1975)

No 23 Group Communications Flt (xxx 1966 - 2 May 1975)

No 1 Flying Training School (18 Nov 1957 - xx xxx 2020)

No 642 Volunteer Gliding School (6 Jul 1959 - xx xxx 2020)

No 23 Group Communication Flt (xxx 1967 - 2 May 1975)

North and East Regional HQ, ATC (xxx 1968 - xx xxx 2020)

HQ, Central and East Yorkshire Wing, ATC (xxx xxxx - xx xxx 2020)

Yorkshire Universities Air Sqn (1 Apr 1996 - Dec 2020)

Central Flying School, Tucano Sqn (xxx xxxx - xxx 2020)

No 72 (Reserve) Sqn (Jul 2002 - Oct 2020)

No 207 (Reserve) Sqn (Jul 2002 - 13 Jan 2012)

76 (Reserve) Sqn (1 May 2007 - 12 May 2011)


County: - North Yorkshire

Lat/Long:  54:02:15N  01:15:00W

Grid Ref:  TA135582

Height above sea level:  47ft

Railway Station - York LNER

Operational Control: -

SHQ Opened - 13 May 1937

No 4 Group (14 May 1937 - Jul 1943)

No 6 (RCAF) Group (Jul 1943 - Jun 1945)

No 4 Group (Jun 1945 - Jul 1946)

No 12 Group (Jul 1946 - xxx 1957)

No 23 Group (xxx 1957 -2 May 1975)

Training Command (2 May 1975 - 13 Jun 1977)

Support Command (13 Jun 1977 - 1Apr 1994)

Training Group Defence Agency (1 Apr 1994 - xx xxx xxxx)

No 22 Group (xxx xxxx - xx Dec 2020)

Closed - xx Dec 2020



With Linton on Ouse being transferred  to No 6 Group, its personnel and units transferred to Holme on Spading Moor, whilst Holme's personnel and units moved to Ludford Magna

It was HQ Linton-on-Ouse Operational Base  from 18 Jun 1943, which was redesignated No 62 Base from 16 Sep 1943, remaining as such until 14 Jul 1945.

Main units: -

HQ, No 4 Group (29 Jun 1937 - 7 Apr 1940)

51 Sqn (20 Apr 1938 - 9 Dec 1939)

58 Sqn (20 Apr 1938 - 30 Sep 1939, 14 Feb 1940 - 8 Apr 1942)

No 4 Group Communications Flt (xxx 1939 - xxx 1940, xxx 1942 - 18 Jun 1943)

78 Sqn (13 Dec 1939 - 16 Jul 1940, 16 Sep 1942 - 16 Jun 1943)

4 Sqn (9 Jun - 27 Aug 1940)

77 Sqn (28 Aug - 5 Oct 1940)

102 Sqn (10 Oct - 15 Nov 1940)

35 Sqn (5 Dec 1940 - 15 Aug 1942)

No 2 Blind Approach Training Flt (12 Jan - 14 Apr 1941)

76 Sqn (1 May - 4 Jun 1941, 16 Sep 1942 - 16 Jun 1943)

Heavy Conversion Flt (29 Aug 1941 - xxx xxxx)


78 Sqn (Oct - Dec 1939)

No 7 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (Sep 1940)

607 Sqn (Apr 1947 - xxx xxxx)

819 Sqn FAA (4 - 6 Jul 1969)

814 Sqn FAA (7 - 13 Oct 1987)

814 Sqn FAA (19 - 30 Aug 1989)

Links to related sites/pages

 Station website, Commanding Officers, Aerial photo on Google MapsControl Towers websitePersonnel Listings,

RAF Lissett

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

Satellite, RAF Catfoss (1 Oct 1942 - 5 Feb 1943)

Detachment - No 2 Operational Training Unit (1 Oct 1942 - 5 Feb 1943)

Satellite, RAF Driffield (5 Feb 1943 - 1 Sep 1945)

158 Sqn (28 Feb 1943 - 17 Aug 1945)

Sub Station, Driffield Base (6 Jun 1943 - 16 Sep 1943)

No 2 Flt, No 2877 Sqn RAF Regiment (16 Jul - 17 Aug 1943)

No 2 Flt, No 2833 Sqn RAF Regiment (17 Aug 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

Sub Station, No 43 Base (16 Sep 1943 - 1 Sep 1945)

No 1484 (Bomber) Gunnery Flt (3 Jan - 15 Feb 1944)

Sub-site, No 14 Maintenance Unit (15 Nov 1945 - 31 Aug 1947)


County: - East Yorkshire

Lat/Long:   54:00:15N  00:16:30W

Grid Ref -  TA135582

Height Above Sea Level - 47 ft

Railway Station - Bridlington LNER

Operational Control: -

Opened - xx Oct 1942

No 17 Group (xx xxx 1942 - 5 Feb 1943)

No 4 Group, Bomber Command (5 Feb 1943 - 7 May 1945)

No 4 Group, Transport Command (7 May - 1 Sep 1945)

Care & Maintenance (1 Sep - xxx 1945)

Closed - 1945


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a satellite for Catfoss was issued in December 1940.

It became a sub-station of Driffield/No 43 Base from 6 Jun 1943 to 1 Sep 1945.

The airfield is now the home of 12 wind turbines and an impressive monument to the 851 airmen lost by No 158 Sqn, which is located on the road side (Lissett-Gransmoor) just on the edge of the old airfield.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Little Rissington

RAF Little Rissington badge

Main units: -

No 6 Flying Training School (26 Aug 1938 – 3 Sep 1939)

No 8 Aircraft Storage Unit (7 Dec 1938 – 7 Feb 1939)

No 8 Maintenance Unit (7 Feb 1939 – 1 Jul 1957)

No 6 Service Flying Training School (3 Sep 1939 – 1 Apr 1942)

Equipment Officers Course (xx xxx 1939 - 2 Apr 1940)

No 2 Equipment Officers' School (2 Jun 1940 - xx xxx xxxx)

No 23 Blind Approach Training Flt (Oct 1941)

No 1523 Beam Approach Training Flt (Oct 1941 – 17 Dec 1945)

No 6 (Pilots) Advanced Flying Unit (1 Apr 1942 – 17 Dec 1945)

No 6 Service Flying Training School (17 Dec 1945 - 30 Apr 1946)

No 7 Flying Instructors School (advanced) (24 Apr 1946 – 7 May 1946)

Central Flying School (7 May 1946 – 12 Apr 1976)

No 1537 Beam Approach Training Flt (May 1946 – 4 Apr 1947)

Western Union Examining Sqn (1 Jun 1950 – 31 Oct 1951)

No 250 Maintenance Unit (1 Mar 1957 – 31 Oct 1959)

Oxford University Air Sqn (12 Jan 1959 – 26 Sep 1975) (Flying carried out from Bicester)

No 637 Volunteer Gliding School (29 Nov 1977 - Current)


County: - Gloucestershire

Lat/Long:  51:52:00N  01:41:45W

Grid Ref:  SP210188

Height above sea level: 750 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1938

No 23 Group (1944)

Closed -

Links to related sites/pages

Station Website, Unofficial Website, Officers Commanding, Aerial photo on Google Maps, Control Towers website

RAF Little Snoring

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

Satellite, RAF Foulsham (xx xxx - 23 Jul 1943)

115 Sqn (6 Aug - 26 Nov 1943)

No 1678 Heavy Conversion Flt (6 Aug - 16 Sep 1943)

No 15 Heavy Glider Maintenance Section (16 Aug 1943 - 15 Mar 1944)

No 1473 (Special Duties) Flt (28 Nov - 12 Dec 1943)

169 Sqn (8 Dec 1943 - 4 Jun 1944)

No 1692 (Radar Development) Flt (10 Dec 1943 - 21 May 1944)

515 Sqn (15 Dec 1943 - 10 Jun 1945)

23 Sqn (2 Jun 1944 - 25 Sep 1945)

141 Sqn (3 Jul - 7 Sep 1945)

No 112 Storage Sub-Site, No 274 Maintenance Unit  (17 Nov 1945 - Dec 1946)

No 2 Civilian Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (20 Jul 1951 - 23 Mar 1953)


County: - Norfolk

Lat/Long:   52:51:38N  00:54:45E

Grid Ref -  TF963334

Height Above Sea Level - 195 ft

Railway Station - Fakenham LNER & M &GR

Operational Control: -

Opened (satellite) - 1943

No 2 Group (xx xxx - 23 Jul 1943)

No 3 Group (Parent station) (23 Jul - 9 Dec 1943)

No 100 Group (9 Dec 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1958


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a operational bomber satellite airfield for Foulsham was issued in May 1942.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,    Control Towers website

RAF Little Staughton

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

Advance Air Depot, USAAF (1 Dec 1942 - 1 Mar 1944)

No 9582 Servicing Echelon (6 Mar 1944 - 17 Mar1945)

‘B’ Flt, 7 Sqn (1 Apr 1944)

582 Sqn (1 Apr 1944 - 10 Sep 1945)

109 Sqn (2 Apr 1944 - 30 Sep 1945)

No 9109 Servicing Echelon (2 Apr 1944 - 17 Mar1945)

Detachment - No 48 Group (Unit) (26 Jan - 15 May 1946)

No 48 Group Communication Flt (22 Mar - 15 May 1946)

No 47 Group Communication Flt (15 May 1946 - 15 Apr 1948)


County: - Huntingdonshire (Bedfordshire)

Lat/Long:   52:14:27N  00:21:45W

Grid Ref -  TL116615

Height Above Sea Level - 225 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1942

C & M - Independent Satellite (9 Dec 1942 - xx xxx xxxx)

No 8 Group (9 Dec 1942 - 28 Jan 1943)

1st Bombardment Wing Substitution Unit (28 Jan - 1 May 1943)

VIII Air Force Service Command (1 May 1943 - 1 Mar 1944)

No 8 Group (1 Mar 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1945


Approval for the requisition of this aerodrome for use as a satellite for Thurleigh was issued in July 1940.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,    Officers Commanding, Control Towers website

RAF Little Walden

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

409th Bomb Group, USAAF (7 Mar - 18 Sep 1944)

  • 640th Bomb Sqn

  • 641st Bomb Sqn

  • 642nd Bomb Sqn

  • 643rd Bomb Sqn

361st Fighter Group, USAAF (26 Sep - 25 Dec 1944, 9 Apr - 3 Nov 1945)

  • 374th Fighter Sqn

  • 375th Fighter Sqn

  • 376th Fighter Sqn

56th Fighter Group, USAAF (9 Sep - 10 Oct 1945)

  • 61st Fighter Sqn

  • 62nd Fighter Sqn

  • 63rd Fighter Sqn


County: - Essex

Lat/Long:   52:04:00N  00:16:15E

Grid Ref -  TL558435

Height Above Sea Level - 365 ft

Railway Station - Linton LNER

Operational Control: -

Opened - 6 Mar 1944

IX Bomber Command Substitution Unit (6 Mar - 1 May 1944)

IX Bomber Command  (1 May 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1946


Approval for the requisition of this site, known as Hadstock, for use as a operational bomber satellite airfield for Ridgewell was issued in May 1942.  Its name was changed to Little Walden in January 1943.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps, Control Towers website

RAF Llandaff

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

HQ, No 953 (Balloon) Sqn (7 Mar 1940 - 17 Jun 1944)

Sub-site, No 7 Maintenance Unit (26 May 1943 - 14 Apr 1947)


County: - Glamorgan


Grid Ref: 

Height above sea level:  ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1 Jun 1943

No 32 Group (1 Jun 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)


Prior to 1 June 1943 this was known as No 14 Balloon Centre, dates before this date indicate the unit was at No 14 BC.


Links to related sites/pages

RAF Llandow

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

No 847 Defence Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 2847 Sqn, RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - xxx 1943)

No 3 Overseas Aircraft Preparation Unit (1 Jul 1943 - 5 Jul 1944)

No 1577 Flt (9 Aug - 1 Sep 1943,  4 - 29 Sep 1943)

No 1310 Transport Flt (10 Apr - 18 May 1944)

No 1311 Transport Flt (19 Apr - 21 May 1944)

No 1312 Transport Flt (19 Apr - 21 Jul 1944)

No 3 Aircraft Preparation Unit (5 Jul 1944 - 15 Aug 1945)

No 91 (Forward) Staging Post (6 - 27 Sep 1944)

No 93 (Forward) Staging Post (6 Sep - 2 Nov 1944)

No 93 Staging Post (2 Nov - 5 Dec 1944)

614 Sqn (10 May 1946 - 10 Mar 1957)

No 1952 Reserve AOP Flt (1 Jul 1949 - 15 Oct 1950, 29 Jun 1953 - 10 Mar 1957)

5 Sqn (18 Mar - 25 Sep 1951)

No 4 Civilian Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (1 Aug 1951 - 1 Jul 1954)

Burmese Conversion Flt (xxx 1953 - xxx xxxx)


County: - Glamorganshire (Vale of Glamorgan)

Lat/Long:   51:26:00N  03:29:45W

Grid Ref -  SS959716

Height Above Sea Level - 290 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - xx xxx 1940

No 41 Group (xx xxx 1940 - 7 Jun 1941)

No 81 Group (7 Jun 1941 - xx xxx xxxx)

No 44 Group (1944)

Closed -


Main units: -

No 38 Maintenance Unit Communication Flt (1 Apr 1940 - 15 Mar 1957)

No 53 Operational Training Unit (Jul 1941 - 9 May 1943)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google MapsControl Towers website

RAF Llanwrog

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

RLG, No 11 Service Flying Training School (12 Jun - 30 Jul 1941)

No 9 Air Gunners School (7 Jul 1941 - 13 Jun 1942)

No 814 Defence Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

'D' Flight, No 9 Air Observers School (26 Jan - 1 May 1942)

No 2814 Sqn, RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - xxx 1942)

RLG, No 9 (Observers) Advanced Flying Unit/RAF Penrhos (13 Jun 1942 - 14 Jun 1945)

Satellite, No 2 Aircrew Holding Unit (12 Aug 1945 - xx xxx xxxx)

No 277 Maintenance Unit (29 Jul 1946 - 14 Sep 1953)

Sub-site, No 31 Maintenance Unit (22 Jun 1951 - xx xxx xxxx, 14 Sep 1953 - xx xxx xxxx)



Country: - Caernarvonshire

Lat/Long:  53:06:15N 04:20:00W

Grid Ref: SH434590

Height Above Sea Level:  10 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1 Jul 1941?

No 25 Group (1 Jul 1941 - 13 Jun 1942)

RAF Penrhos (13 Jun 1942 - xx xxx xxxx)


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a fighter aerodrome was issued in July 1940 but on 1 July 1941 it was re-allocated to Flying Training Command.

Links to related sites/pages

RAF Locking

RAF Locking badge

Main units: -

No 5 School of Technical Training (1 Jan 1939 - 15 May 1950)

No 5 Air Stores Park (Jun 1940)

No 1 Anti-Aircraft Practice Camp (xxx 1943 – xxx xxxx)

No 2957 Sqn RAF Regiment (July 1943 – xxx 1944)

No 87 Gliding School (xxx 1944 – 1 Sep 1955)

Polish Technical Training School (Sep 1944 – 9 Jul 1945)

No 1 Radio School (9 Oct 1950 – 1 Apr 1999)

No 621 Volunteer Gliding School (1 Sep 1955 – 30 Jun 1993)

No 2 Mobile Glider Servicing Party (xxx xxxx – 1 Jul 1988)


County: - Somerset

Lat/Long:   51:20:16N  02:54:18W

Grid Ref - 

Height Above Sea Level -  ft

Operational Control: -

Opened -

Closed -


Links to related sites/pages

Officers Commanding, Aerial photo on Google Maps, 101st Entry Page, Personnel Listings,

RAF Longbenton

RAF Longbenton badge

Main units: -

No 15 Balloon Centre (16 Aug 1939 - 1 Mar 1945)

936 Sqn (xxx 1939 - 31 Aug 1942)

937 Sqn (xxx 1939 - xxx xxxx)

No 261 Maintenance Unit (Jun - xxx 1945)

Sub-site, No 14 Maintenance Unit ( Nov 1945 - 20 Feb 1950)



County: - Northumberland (North Tyneside)

Lat/Long:   55:00:00N  01:34:12W Approx

Grid Ref - 

Height Above Sea Level -  ft

Operational Control: -

Opened -


Closed -

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Long Kesh

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

74 Sqn (24 Jan - 24 Mar 1942)

No 3027 Servicing Echelon (24 Jan – 25 Mar 1942)

No 2774 Sqn, RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - xxx 1942)

HQ No 96 Wireless (Observer) Wing (3 Apr - 5 May 1942)

HQ No 96 (Wireless) Wing (5 May 1942 - xxx 1944)

422 Sqn (30 Oct - 5 Nov 1942)

No 5 Operational Training Unit (29 Dec 1942 - 15 Feb 1944)

809 Sqn FAA(20 Mar - 2 May 1944)

807 Sqn FAA(24 Mar - 30 Apr 1944)

879 Sqn FAA(24 Mar - 30 Apr 1944)

290 Sqn (25 Mar - 28 Aug 1944)

No 22 Recruits Centre (25 Mar 1944 - 23 Jun 1947)

899 Sqn FAA(27 Apr - 12 May 1944, 12 Oct - 23 Nov 1944, 30 Nov 1944 - 25 Jan 1945, 25 Jan - 23 Feb 1945)

838 Sqn FAA(9 - 27 Aug 1944)

881 Sqn FAA(12 - 27 Oct 1944)

882 Sqn FAA(29 Oct - 2 Dec 1944, 9 Dec 1944 - 9 Feb 1945)

800 Sqn FAA(29 Nov 1944 - 23 Feb 1945)

RAF Northern Ireland Communication Flt (Sep- 3 Dec 1945)

No 201 Gliding School (xxx 1946 - xxx 1947)

No 203 Gliding School (xxx xxxx - 1 Sep 1955)

No 671 Volunteer Gliding School (1 Sep 1955 - xxx 195x)


County: - County Down

Lat/Long:   54:29:15N  06:06:00W

Grid Ref -  J230615

Height Above Sea Level - 125 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1941

Coastal Command (xx xxx xxxx - 24 Mar 1944)

RAF in Northern Ireland (24 Mar 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1948


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as an operational aerodrome was issued in September 1940.

It is now a HM Prison

Main units: -

Detachment - 226 Sqn (May - Nov 1941)**

HQ, No 31 Wing (29 Jun - 15 Dec 1941)

No 774 Defence Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

Detachment - 88 Sqn (Aug 1941 - Sep 1942)**

No 79 Wing Calibration Flt (27 Sep 1941 - 14 Jul 1942)

231 Sqn (11 Dec 1941 - 1 Feb 1942, 20 Nov 1942 - 2 Jan 1943)

No 1494 (Target Towing) Flt (18 Dec 1941 - 13 Apr 1942)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps FAA Archive Website,

RAF Lossiemouth

RAF Lossiemouth badge

Main units (continued): -

No 10 Ferry Pool (Oct 1941 - 10 Jul 1945)

No 746 (Ground Defence) Sqn (19 Dec 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 2746 Sqn RAF Regiment (1 Feb - xxx 1942)

617 Sqn (Apr 1944 - Jun 1945, 27 Apr 1994 - Current)

No 111 OTU (1 Aug 1945 - 21 May 1946)

No 1674 Heavy Conversion Unit (14 - 30 Nov 1945)

'D' Flt, 202 Sqn (18 Feb 1973 - Current)

Jaguar Aircraft Servicing School (xxx 1973 - xxx xxxx)

Jaguar Conversion Team (1 Jul 1973 - Jun 1974)

8 Sqn (14 Aug 1973 - 30 Jun 1991)

No 809 Sqn FAA (30 Sep - 5 Oct 1973)

54 (Designate) Sqn (28 Mar - 23 Apr 1974)

54 Sqn (23 Apr - 15 Aug 1974)

Jaguar Operational Conversion Unit (Jun - 30 Sep 1974)

6 (Designate) Sqn  (1 Jul - 1 Oct 1974)

6 Sqn (1 Oct - 15 Nov 1974)

No 226 Operational Conversion Unit (1 Oct 1974 - 1 Sep 1992)

No 2 Tactical Weapons Unit (31 Jul 1978 - 1 Apr 1981)

216 Sqn (4 Jul - 4 Aug 1980)

12 Sqn (4 Aug 1980 - 30 Sep 1993, 7 Jan 1994 - Current)

208 Sqn (1 Jul 1983 - 31 Mar 1994)

No 237 Operational Conversion Unit (19 Oct 1984 - 1 Oct 1991)

Buccaneer Training Flt (1 Oct 1991 - xxx 1992)

16 (Reserve) Sqn (1 Nov 1991 - 21 Jul 2000)

15 (Reserve) Sqn (1 Nov 1993 - Current)

617 Sqn (27 Apr 1994 - Current)

14 Sqn (12 Jan 2001 - 1 Jun 2011)

No 140 Expeditionary Air Wing (1 Apr 2006 - Current)

No 51 Sqn RAF Regiment


County: - Morayshire

Lat/Long:  57:42:36N  03:19:48W

Grid Ref:  NJ210695

Height above sea level:  19ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1939

Training Command (May 1939 - May 1940)

No 6 Group (May 1940 -

No 91 Group (

Royal Navy (xxx 1946 - 29 Sep 1972)

No 1 Group


Main units: -

No 15 Flying Training School (1 May - 3 Sep 1939)

No 15 Service Flying Training School (3 Sep 1939 - 20 Apr 1940)

No 46 Maintenance Unit (15 Apr 1940 - 15 Feb 1947)

No 20 Operational Training Unit (27 May 1940 - 17 Jul 1945)

57 Sqn (23 Jun - 14 Aug 1940)

21 Sqn (24 Jun - 30 Oct 1940, 27 May - 14 Jun 1941, 7 - 21 Sep 1941


99 Sqn (Nov - Dec 1939)

44 Sqn (Jan - Feb 1940, Apr 1942)

50 Sqn (Jan - Feb 1940)

83 Sqn (21 Feb - 20 Mar 1940)

9 Sqn (2 - 14 Apr 1940, 28 - xx Oct 1944, Nov 1944)

107 Sqn (Apr - May 1940)

110 Sqn (19 Apr - 2 May 1940, 23 - 28 Dec 1941)

82 Sqn (18 Apr -3 May 1941, 7 Oct - Nov 1941)

254 Sqn (Apr - 20 May 1940)

105 Sqn (May 1941)

114 Sqn (Dec 1941, Mar - Apr 1942, Jun - Jul 1942)

10 Sqn (Jan - Feb1942, Mar - Apr 1942)

76 Sqn (Jan 1942, Apr 1942)

35 Sqn (Apr 1942)

63 Sqn (6 - 17 Dec 1942)

88 Sqn (Jun 1943)

280 Sqn (21 Jan - Jun 1946)

617 Sqn (Oct 1944, 11 - xx Nov 1944)

463 Sqn (11 - xx Nov 1944)

‘B’ Flt, 849 Sqn FAA (24 Jul 1973 - 8 Jul 1974, 26 Jul - 5 Sep 1974, 4 Nov 1974 - 7 Jan 1975, 10 Jun - 6 Oct 1975, 21 Nov 1975 - 5 Jan 1976, 14 Jul - 4 Sep 1976 , 19 Oct 1976 - 11 Mar 1977, 9 Jun - 24 Jul 1975, 21 Mar - 5 Sep 1977, 12 Dec 1977 - 22 Feb 1978, 5 Mar - 5 Apr 1978)

845 Sqn FAA (25 Jan - 6 Feb 1974, 19 - 29 Jun 1990)

809 Sqn FAA (7 - 11 Mar 1974)

892 Sqn FAA (28 Nov - 15 Dec 1978)

800 Sqn FAA (26 May - 3 Jun 1981, 3 - 5 May 1993)

801 Sqn FAA (29 Nov - 3 Dec 1982, 3 - 6 Mar 1989)

846 Sqn FAA (31 May - 5 Jun 1987)

819 Sqn FAA (15 - 17 Jun 1987)

Links to related sites/pages

Station WebsiteFAA Archive Website, Officers Commanding, Aerial photo on Google Maps,

The Station Museum at RAF Lossiemouth was formally opened on 30 April 2008 by Commander-in-Chief Air Command Sir Clive Loader KCB OBE ADC FRAeS RAF. This is following a 2 year refurbishment by the Station Historian, Sgt Tony Carlin.

The Museum is to be open for viewing and a tour on a by-monthly basis to any interested parties by contacting Sgt Carlin at the following address:

Sgt Tony Carlin C8214446, QCIT, RAF Lossiemouth, Lossiemouth, Moray, IV31 6SD

RAF Loughborough

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

Officers' Disciplinary Course (1 Mar - 1 Jun 1940)

Equipment Officers Course (2 Apr - 1 Jun 1940)

The Officers' School (1 Jun 1940 - xx xxx xxxx)

WAAF Officers' School (26 Jul 1941 - 26 Oct 1942)

No 2 School of Photography (xxx 1942/3 - 21 Nov 1944)

No 42 Gliding School (Oct 1943 - Jan 1946)

Sub-site, No 21 Maintenance Unit (Sep 1944 - xxx xxxx)


County: - Leicestershire

Lat/Long:   52:46:14N  01:12:17W Approx

Operational Control: -

Opened - 20 Feb 1940

No 21 Group - (20 Feb - 8 Mar 1940)

No 20 Group (8 Mar 1940 - 26 Jul 1941)

No 27 Group (26 Jul 1941 - xx xxx xxxx

Closed -


It was located in part of Loughborough University.

The Officers' Disciplinary course was of one month's duration with an intake of 40 every two weeks.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo of the general area on Google Maps,

RAF Lubeck

RAF Lubeck badge

Main units (continued): -

219 Sqn (17 Nov – 2 Dec 1945, 26 Feb – 9 Mar 1946, 10 – 25 May 1946)

No 2734 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx – Dec 1945)

No 2819 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx – Dec 1945)

264 Sqn (2 – 1 Dec 1945, 12 – 23 Aug 1946, 20 Jun – 4 Jul 1947, 16 – 30 Apr 1948)

Air Division Communication Sqn (18 Dec 1945 – 25 May 1946)

151 Sqn (3 – 12 Jan 1946, 27 Mar – 6 Apr 1946, 23 Aug – 6 Sep 1946)

25 Sqn (27 Jan – 9 Feb 1946, 27 Apr – 10 May 1946, 13 Jul – 9 Aug 1946, 19 Apr – 3 May 1947, 30 Apr – 14 May 1948)

No 1302 Wing RAF Regiment (xxx xxxx – Mar 1946)

No 2726 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx xxxx –xxx xxxx, xxx xxxx – Mar 1946)

Armament Practice Station, Lubeck (1 May 1946 – 30 Sep 1948)

19 Sqn (2 May – 29 Jun 1946)

No 6019 Servicing Echelon (2 May – 29 Jun 1946)

129 Sqn (2 May – 28 Jun 1946)

No 6129 Servicing Echelon (2 May – 28 Jun 1946)

No 2781 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx xxxx – Jul 1946)

No 2829 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx – xxx 1946, xxx – 21 Aug 1947)

No 6091 Servicing Echelon (10 Jun – 29 Aug 1946)

91 Sqn (29 Jun – 29 Aug 1946)

66 Sqn (2 Sep – 2 Nov 1946, 5 Sep – 31 Oct 1947, 10 Mar – 29 Apr 1948)

63 Sqn (3 Sep – 30 Oct 1946, 14 May – 29 Jun 1948)

141 Sqn (21 Sep – 5 Oct 1946, 12 – 26 Sep 1947,  2 – 16 Apr 1948)

23 Sqn (22 Sep – 4 Oct 1946, 29 Aug – 11 Sep 1947,  11 – 25 Mar 1948)

85 Sqn (20 Oct  - 1 Nov 1946, 28 May – 11 Jun 1948)

245 Sqn (29 Oct – 15 Dec 1946, 30 Jun – 30 Aug 1947)

No 6245 Servicing Echelon (1 Nov – 5 Dec 1946)

HQ, No 85 Wing (3 Dec 1946 – 8 Sep 1947)

266 Sqn (28 Apr – 26 Jun 1947)

No 6266 Servicing Echelon (28 Apr - 26 Jun 1947)

1 Sqn (29 Apr – 26 Jun 1947)

No 2897 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx – xxx 1947)

257 Sqn (31 Jun – 28 Aug 1947)

74 Sqn (1 Jul – 28 Aug 1947)

16 Sqn (14 Jul – 7 Aug 1947)

No 61 Sqn RAF Regiment (21 Aug 1947 – xxx xxxx)

92 Sqn (31 Aug – 30 Oct 1947, 10 Mar – 29 Apr 1948)

56 Sqn (2 Oct – 30 Nov 1947, 3 May – 23 Jun 1948)

2 Sqn (22 Nov – 11 Dec 1947)

No 6002 Servicing Echelon (22 Nov - 11 Dec 1947)

33 Sqn (5 Jan – 11 Feb 1948)

107 Sqn (8 – 30 Mar 1948, 31 Jul – 16 Aug 1948)

80 Sqn (2 – 29 Apr 1948, 22 Jul – 24 Aug 1948)

4 Sqn (1 May – 5 Jun 1948, 4 – 28 Aug 1948)

222 Sqn (1 May – 28 Jun 1948)

No 1 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx xxxx – xxx xxxx)

No 2826 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx xxxx – xxx xxxx)

No 2827 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx xxxx – xxx xxxx)


Country: - West Germany

Lat/Long:  53:48:14N  10:43:01E

Height Above Sea Level: 53 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1945

Closed - 1949


Originally known as B158 and Blankanese

Used as the rear base for operations during the Berlin Airlift.  It is now Lubeck-Blankanese Airport.

Main units: -

659 Sqn (5 – 10 May 1945)

HQ, No 124 Wing (7 May – 6 Jul 1945)

247 Sqn (6 May – 20 Aug 1945)

No 6247 Servicing Echelon (6 May – 20 Aug 1945)

181 Sqn (7 May – 7 Jul 1945)

No 6181 Servicing Echelon (7 May – 6 Jul 1945)

182 Sqn (7 May – 11 Jul 1945)

No 6182 Servicing Echelon (7 May – 11 Jul 1945)

616 Sqn (7 May – 7 Aug 1945)

No 6616 Servicing Echelon (7 May – 30 Aug 1945)

No 6041 Servicing Echelon (29 Jun 1945 –31 Jan 1946, 29 Jun – 30 Aug 1946)

486 Sqn (6 Jul – 7 Sep 1945)

HQ, No 125 Wing (11 – 14 Jul 1945)

41 Sqn (11 Jul – 20 Aug 1945, 6 Sep 1945 – 31 Jan 1946, 29 Jun – 30 Aug 1946)

137 Sqn (11 Jul – 20 Aug 1945)

No 6137 Servicing Echelon (11 Jul – 20 Aug 1945)

3 Sqn (8 Aug – 5 Sep 1945, 5 Jan – 11 Feb 1948, 9 Aug – 4 Sep 1948)

No 6003 Servicing Echelon (8 Aug – 5 Sep 1945, 5 – 7 Jan 1948)

174 Sqn (26 Aug – 19 Sep 1945)

No 6174 Servicing Echelon (26 Aug – 7 Sep 1945)

263 Sqn (30 Aug – 1 Sep 1945, 31 Oct – 17 Dec 1946)

No 6263 Servicing Echelon (30 Aug – 1 Sep 1945, 1 Nov – 17 Dec 1946, 1 – 5 Jul 1947)

No 6080 Servicing Echelon (6 Sep 1945 – 31 Jun 1946)

26 Sqn (7 Sep – 8 Dec 1945, 24 Dec 1945 – 1 Apr 1946, 11 Feb – 6 Mar 1948, 7 Jun – 5 Jul 1948)

29 Sqn (21 Sep – 6 Oct 1945, 12 – 27 Jan 1946, 6 – 17 Apr 1946,  5 – 18 Oct 1946, 3 – 16 May 1947, 14 – 27 May 1947)

307 Sqn (4 – 15 Nov 1945, 9 – 24 Feb 1946)


504 Sqn (Apr – Aug 1945)

No 18 Terminal Staging Post (May 1945 – Apr 1946)

No 104 terminal Staging Post (Jun – 11 Aug 1945)

30 Sqn (Nov 1947 – Nov 1950)

46 Sqn (Nov 1947 – Feb 1950)

18 Sqn (Dec 1947 - Oct 1949)

53 Sqn (Dec 1947 – Jul 1949)

62 Sqn (Dec 1947 – Jun 1949)

77 Sqn (Dec 1947 – Jun 1949)

10 Sqn (Oct 1948 – Feb 1950)

24 Sqn (xxx 1948 – xxx 1950)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Ludford Magna

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

101 Sqn (15 Jun 1943 - 1 Oct 1945)

No 3 Flt, No2706 Sqn, RAF Regiment (xx Jun 1943 - xx xxx 1944)

HQ No 14 Base (16 Dec 1943 - Oct 1945)

Sub-site, No 61 Maintenance Unit (17 Dec 1945 - xxx xxxx)

Sub-site, No 90 Maintenance Unit (1 May 1946 - xxx xxxx)

Sub-site, No 93 Maintenance Unit (xxx 1950 - 1 Sep 1952, 1 Jun 1956 - 31 Oct 1958)

Sub-site, No 92 Maintenance Unit (1 Sep 1952 - 1 Jun 1956)

104 Sqn (22 Jul 1959 - 24 May 1963)


County: - Lincolnshire

Lat/Long:   53:22:30N  00:11:30W

Grid Ref -  TF201879

Height Above Sea Level - 428 ft

Railway Station - Market Rasen LNER

Operational Control: -

Opened - 15 May 1943

No 1 Group (15 May 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1963


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a  operational bomber parent station was issued in March 1942.

With Linton on Ouse being transferred  to No 6 Group, its personnel and units transferred to Holme on Spading Moor, whilst Holme's personnel and units moved to Ludford Magna

On 25 Oct 1945 it became parented by RAF Binbrook.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,,

RAF Ludham

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

19 Sqn (1 Dec 1941 - 4 Apr 1942)

610 Sqn (4 Apr - 15 Oct 1942)

167 Sqn (14 Oct 1942 - 1 Mar 1943)

No 1489 (TT) Flt det (Dec 1942 - xxx xxxx)

167 Sqn (13 Mar - 13 May 1943)

195 Sqn (13 May - 31 Jul 1943)

245 Sqn det (May 1943 - xxx xxxx)

611 Sqn (31 Jul - 4 Aug 1943)

602 Sqn (23 Feb - 5 Apr 1945)

603 Sqn (24 Feb - 5 Apr 1945)

91 Sqn (8 Apr 1945 - 11 Apr 1946)

1 Sqn (14 May - 23 Jul 1945)


County: - Norfolk

Lat/Long:  52:43:15N 01:32:50E

Grid Ref:  TG400195

Height above sea level: 40 ft

Railway Station - Potter Heighhsm M & GN

Operational Control: -

Opened (Satellite) - xx xxx 1941

No 12 Group (C & M) (13 Aug 1943 - 23 Aug 1944)

SHQ opened (C & M ) -7 Feb 1944

On loan to the Admiralty - 23 Aug 1944


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a satellite for RAF Coltishall was issued in March 1941.

It was handed to AMWD for redevelopment on 16 August 1943.

Links to related sites/pages

RAF Lulsgate Bottom

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 10 Elementary Flying Training School (28 Sep 1940 - 10 Jun 1941)

286 Sqn (24 Jan - 2 Mar 1942, 30 Apr - 26 May 1942)

RLG for No 3 (Pilot) Advanced Flying Unit  (1 Jun 1942 - 30 Sep 1943)

No 1540 Beam Approach Training Flt (15 Apr 1943 - 6 Feb 1945)

No 3 Flying Instructors' School (1 Oct 1943 - 18 Jul 1945)

RLG for No 7 Flying Instructors' School (18 Jul 1945 - 29 Apr 1946)


County: - Somerset (Avon)

Lat/Long:   51:22:58N  02:43:09W

Grid Ref -  ST504651

Height Above Sea Level - 692 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened (civilian contract) - 1940

SHQ opened - 15 Jan 1942

No 10 Group (15 Jan - 1 Jun 1942)

No 23 Group (1 Jun 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed -


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a satellite for RAF Colerne was issued in February 1941.

It is now Bristol International Airport

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Luton

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 29 Elementary & Reserve Flying Training School (1 Aug 1938 - 3 Sep 1939)

No 29 Elementary Flying Training School (3 Sep 1939 - 7 Feb 1942)

‘B’ Flt, 264 Sqn (Sep - Oct 1940)

Sub-site, No 7 Maintenance Unit (xxx 1940 - xxx 1941)

ATA Elementary Flying Training School (1 Apr 1942 - Apr 1943)

No 5 Ferry Pilots Pool (1 Apr - 1 May 1942)

No 5 Ferry Pool ATA (1 May 1942 - 18 May 1943)


County: - Bedfordshire

Lat/Long:   51:52:29N  00:22:06W

Grid Ref -  TL120210

Height Above Sea Level -  ft

Operational Control: -

Opened -

Closed -


It was also used by Percival aircraft, Napier Aero-Engines and is now London Luton Airport.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Luqa

RAF Luqa badge

Main units (continued): -

1435 Sqn (23 Jul 1942 – 1 Feb 1943, 14 Feb 1943 - 27 Oct 1943)

39 Sqn (20 Aug – 2 Oct 1942, 6 Nov – 9 Dec 1942, 21 Jan – 1 Jun 1943, 10 Jan 1955 – 9 Aug 1956, 23 Mar 1957 – 19 May 1958, 18 Jun 1958 – 1 Oct 1970)

227 Sqn (20 Aug – 26 Nov 1942)

HQ, No 238 Wing (Nov 1942 – 20 Jan 1943)

23 Sqn (27 Dec 1942 – 7 Dec 1943)

Transit Flt (Jan 1943 – 28 Feb 1944)

683 Sqn (8 Feb – 20 Nov 1943)

108 Sqn (3 Jun 1943 – 1 Jul 1944)

272 Sqn (4 – 5 Jun 1943, 17 Jun – 3 Sep 1943)

HQ, No 244 Wing (14 Jun – 13 Jul 1943)

92 Sqn (14 Jun – 13 Jul 1943)

145 Sqn (14 Jun – 14 Jul 1943)

Polish Combat Team (14 – 24 Jun 1963)

601 Sqn (15 Jun – 13 Jul 1943)

No 3231 Servicing Commando (15 - 24 Jun 1943)

417 Sqn (19 Jun – 16 Jul 1943)

600 Sqn (25 Jun – 26 Jul 1943)

250 Sqn (13 – 19 Jul 1943)

No 1437 (Strategic Reconnaissance) Flt (16 – 30 Jul 1943)

450 Sqn (13 – 18 Jul 1943)

260 Sqn (17 – 19 Jul 1943)

256 Sqn (25 Sep 1943 – 7 Apr 1944)

No 64 Staging Post (Feb 1944 – 1 Jun 1946)

38 Sqn (13 Jul 1945 – 12 Dec 1946, 31 Mar 1948 – 30 Oct 1965)

AHQ Malta Communication Flt (12 Jan 1946 - 1 Jul 1954)

No 1357 Pampa Flight (31 Jan – 10 Apr 1946)

185 Sqn (23 Jul – 14 Aug 1952)

Malta Communications & Target Towing Sqn (1 Jul 1954 – 25 Feb 1958)

Bomber Command Supply Support Unit (10 Nov 1956 – 15 Jan 1957)

Malta Communications Flt (5 Dec 1963 – 30 Jun 1968)

13 Sqn (1 Sep 1965 – 6 Jan 1972, 10 Oct 1972 – 22 Oct 1978)

203 Sqn (1 Feb 1969 – 12 Jan 1972, 23 Apr 1972 – 31 Dec 1977)

No 2 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx xxxx – xxx xxxx)

No 2934 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx xxxx – xxx xxxx)


Country: - Malta

Lat/Long:  35:51:26N 14:28:39E 

Height above sea level:  300 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - May 1940

Middle East Command (xx xxx xxxx - 22 Sep 1943)

NWAAF (22 Sep1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 31 Mar 1979


Now Malta International Airport

Main units: -

261 Sqn (2 Aug – 20 Nov 1940)

110 Sqn (xxx 1940 – Mar 1942)

40 Sqn (31 Oct 1940 – 14 Feb 1942)

Malta Wellington Flt (9 Nov – 1 Dec 1940)

37 Sqn (13 Nov – 1 Dec 1940, 31 Mar 1948 – 21 Aug 1957)

148 Sqn (1 Dec 1940 – 26 Mar 1941, 1 Feb – 5 Apr 1943)

Air echelon - 18 Sqn (13 Oct 1941 – 21 Mar 1942)

69 Sqn (10 Jan – 31 Oct 1941, 29 Nov 1941 – 9 Feb 1944, 1 Apr – 1 Jul 1958)

104 Sqn (14 Oct 1941 – 14 Jan 1942)

21 Sqn (25 Dec 1941 – 14 Mar 1942)

22 Sqn (Feb – Apr 1942)

Air echelon - 217 Sqn (Mar – xxx 1942)

126 Sqn (6 Apr 1942 – 10 Jun 1943)

Air echelon - 42 Sqn (Jun – Nov 1942)

Air Echelon - 86 Sqn (13 Jul – 26 Aug 1942)

No 1435 Flt (15 – 23 Jul 1942)


82 Sqn (Aug 1939 – Mar 1942)

139 Sqn (Jun 1940 – Oct 1941)

78 Sqn (Jul – Apr 1940)

105 Sqn (Oct 1940 – Nov 1941)

37 Sqn (Dec 1940 – Apr 1942)

38 Sqn (Dec 1940 – Feb 1943)

Air echelon - 252 Sqn (Apr – Jun 1941)

148 Sqn (Mar 1941 – May 1942, Dec 1942)

107 Sqn (May 1941 – Jan 1942)

113 Sqn (May – Nov 1941)

185 Sqn (May 1941 – Jun 1943)

272 Sqn (Jun 1941 – Mar 1942, No 1943 – Jun 1943)

138 Sqn (Aug – Dec 1941)

39 Sqn (Dec 1941 – Aug 1942, Dec 1942 – Jan 1943)

89 Sqn (Dec 1941 – Jan 1943)

221 Sqn (Jan – Aug 1942)

242 Sqn (Jan – Mar 1942)

605 Sqn (Jan – Mar 1942)

162 Sqn (Apr 1942 – Aug 1943)

46 Sqn (May 1942 – Dec 1944)

458 Sqn (Oct 1942 – Jun 1943, Oct 1943 – May 1944)

40 Sqn (Nov 1942 – Jan 1943)

104 Sqn (Nov 1942 – Feb 1943)

108 Sqn (Mar – Jun 1943)

256 Sqn (May – Sep 1943)

73 Sqn (Jun – Jul 1943)

219 Sqn (Jun – Aug 1943)

223 Sqn (Jun – Aug 1943)

55 Sqn (Jul – Aug 1943)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,























































RAF Luxor

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

Aircraft Storage Unit, Luxor (1 Apr - 6 Jun 1942)

55 Sqn (5 Apr - 11 May 1942)

No 135 Maintenance Unit (6 Jun - 15 Nov 1942)

Staging Post, Luxor (1 Jan - 8 Mar 1943)

No 15 Staging Post (8 Mar 1943 - 1 Aug 1945)

Detachment** - 294 Sqn (Mar 1944 - Jun 1945)


Country: - Egypt


Height Above Sea Level:  294 ft

Operational Control: -



It is now Luxor International Airport.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Lydda

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

No 32 Air Despatch & Reception Unit (xxx 1943 - Sep 1944)

No 14 Staging Post (15 Jun 1943 - 30 Apr 1944, 1 Dec 1944 - 1 Aug 1945)

No 1675 Heavy Conversion Unit (15 Oct 1943 -14 Aug 1944)

No 155 Repair & Salvage Unit (1 Jul - 10 Nov 1945)

RAF Staff College (Overseas) Communication Flt ( 16 Sep - 5 Nov 1946)

14 Sqn (26 Oct - 4 Nov 1941)

134 Sqn (6 Jul - 16 Nov 1942)

211 Sqn (30 Apr - 10 May 1941)

213 Sqn (2 - 3 Jul 1941)


Country: - Israel

Lat/Long:  32:00:36N  34:52:48E

Height Above Sea Level: 

Operational Control: -



It is now Ben Gurion International Airport

Main units: -

AHQ Levant Communication Flt (1 Apr 1942 - 1 Jun 1943, 1 Oct 1945 - 5 May 1947)

HQ, No 232 Wing (11 May - Jul 1942)


33 Sqn (Oct 1938 - Apr 1939)

203 Sqn (Apr - Jun 1941)

Ground element detachment - 458 Sqn (Mar - Sep 1942)

No 58 Refuelling and Re-arming Party (xxx - xxx 1942)

162 Sqn (Apr 1942 - Aug 1943)

55 Sqn (Aug 1942 - Mar 1943)

459 Sqn (Dec 1942 - Apr 1944)

294 Sqn (Mar 1944 - Jun 1945)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Lympne

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

21 Sqn (4 Nov 1936 - 15 Aug 1938)

34 Sqn (4 Nov 1936 - 11 Jul 1938)

School of Clerks Accounting (17 Oct 1938 - xx xxx 1939)

Care and Maintenance Party (9 Jun 1940 - xx xxx xxxx)


County: - Kent

Lat/Long:  51:04:38N  01:01:00E

Grid Ref:  TR110355

Height above sea level:  340ft

Operational Control: -

SHQ Opened - 4 Nov 1936

No 1 Group (4 Nov 1936 - 17 Oct 1938)

Training Command (17 Oct 1938 - xx xxx 1939)

Royal Navy (xx xxx 1939 - 23 May 1940)

No 22 Group (23 May - 17 Jun 1940)

No 11 Group (C & M) (17 Jun 1940 - xx xxx xxxx)


Links to related sites/pages

Personnel Listings,


RAF Lyneham

RAF Lyneham badge

Main units (continued): -

No 1 Ferry Crew Pool (1 Aug 1943 - 14 Jan 1944)

No 1577 Flt (1 - 4 Sep 1943)

No 91 (Forward) Staging Post (10 Jan - 23 Feb 1944)

No 93 (Forward) Staging Post (15 Jan - 1 Jun 1944)

No 94 (Forward) Staging Post (15 Jan - 19 Feb 1944)

No 92 (Forward) Staging Post (26 Jan - 23 Feb 1944)

No 4525 Servicing Echelon (27 Jan 1944 – 15 Jul 1945)

No 4511 Servicing Echelon (xxx 1944 – 7 Oct 1946, 16 Oct 1946 – 17 Nov 1947)

525 Sqn (6 Feb 1944 - 15 Jul 1945)

No 4437 Servicing Echelon (1 Sep 1944 – 7 May 1945)

246 Sqn (11 Oct - 1 Dec 1944)

No 4246 Servicing Echelon (11 Oct – 1 Dec 1944)

No 150 Staging Post (12 Jan - Feb 1945)

No 1409 Flt (10 Oct 1945 - 13 May 1946)

No 1359 (Transport) Flt (1 Dec 1945 - 30 Jun 1946)

No 1552 Radio Aids Training Flt ( Jul - 24 Oct 1946)

99 Sqn (17 Nov 1947 - 16 Jun 1970)

206 Sqn (17 Nov 1947 - 31 Aug 1949)

242 Sqn (25 Jun 1949 - 1 May 1950)

24 Sqn (27 Nov 1950 - 9 Feb 1951, 5 Jan 1968 - 1 Jul 2011)

53 Sqn (9 Feb 1951 - 1 Jan 1957)

Casualty Air Evacuation Sqn (28 Aug - 6 Sep 1952)

216 Sqn (8 Nov 1955 - 30 Jun 1975)

‘S’ Flt (xxx 1956 - xxx 1957)

No 41 Group Test Pilots Pool (Mar - 1 Nov 1960)

Maintenance Command Jet Training Flt (Mar 1960 - 1 May 1963)

36 Sqn (1 Jul 1967 - 3 Nov 1975)

30 Sqn (1 Feb 1971 - 1 Jul 2011)

47 Sqn (1 Feb 1971 - 1 Jul 2011)

48 Sqn (1 Sep 1971 - 9 Jan 1976)

UK Mobile Air Movements Sqn (1 Feb 1974 - 1 Oct 2006)

70 Sqn (15 Jan 1975 - 8 Sep 2010)

No 242 Operational Conversion Unit (31 Oct 1975 - 1 Jul 1992)

Air Engineering Sqn (xxx 1976 - xxx xxxx)

Special Forces Flt, No 47 Sqn (xxx 1982 - xxx 2011?)

57 (Reserve) Sqn  (1 Jul 1992 - 14 Mar 2002)

Hercules Operational Evaluation Unit (1996 - 2012)

No 38 Expeditionary Air Wing (1 Apr 2006 - 2012)

No 1 Air Movements Wing (1 Oct 2006 - 2012)


County: - Wiltshire

Lat/Long:  51:30:28N  01:59:24W

Grid Ref:  SU004788

Height above sea level:  440ft

Operational Control: -

SHQ Opened - 18 May 1940

Maintenance Command (18 May 1940 - 19 Aug 1941)

No 23 Group (19 Aug 1941 - 7 Jan 1942)

No 44 Group (14 Jan 1942 - xx xxx xxxx)

No 116 Wing (1944)

No 2 Group (


It closed on 31 Dec 2012 to become the Defence College of Technical Training.

Main units: -

No 41 Maintenance Unit  (Dec 1939 - 6 Mar 1940)

No 33 Maintenance Unit (6 Mar 1940 - 31 Dec 1966)

No 14 Service Service Flying Training School (16 Aug 1941 - 19 Jan 1942)

No 1445 Flt (27 Feb - 1 Nov 1942)

No 1 Flt, Ferry Training Unit (Mar - 3 Nov 1942)

No 2 Flt, Ferry Training Unit (Mar - 16 Jun 1942)

No 3 Flt, Ferry Training Unit (Mar - 20 May 1942)

No 1425 Flt (5 Apr - 10 Oct 1942)

Air Despatch & Reception Unit (Apr 1942 - 19 Jun 1044)

159 Sqn (26 Apr - 7 Jun 1942)

160 Sqn (26 Apr - 7 May 1942, 30 May - 11 Jun 1942)

No 1444 (Fleet Torpedo) Flt (20 Jun - 1 Nov 1942)

511 Sqn (10 Oct 1942 - 7 Oct 1946, 16 Oct 1946 - 1 May 1957, 15 Dec 1959 - 7 Jan 1976)

301 Ferry Training Unit (1 Nov 1942 - 16 Mar 1944)

309 Ferry Training & Aircraft Despatch Unit (21 Apr 1943 - 17 Sep 1945)

Links to related sites/pages

Officers Commanding, Aerial photo on Google Maps, R.A.F. Transport Command Veterans Association

[Laarbruch | Labuan | Lahore | Lakenheath | Langar | Langham | Larkhill | La Senia | Lashio | Lavenham | Leconfield | Leeming | Lee-on-Solent | Leighton Buzzard | Leiston | Leuchars | LG224 | Lichfield | Limavady | Lindholme | Linton-on-Ouse | Lissett | Little Rissington | Little Snoring | Little Staughton | Little Walden | Llandaff | Llandow | Llanwrog | Locking | Long Benton | Long Kesh | Lossiemouth | Loughborough | Lubeck | Ludford Magna | Ludham | Lulsgate Bottom | Luton | Luqa | Luxor | Lydda | Lympne | Lyneham]

**Detachment dates indicate that a detachment (s) took place at some point between these dates.

Station badge image on this page is courtesy of Dave Clifford

© Crown Copyright is reproduced with the permission of the Directorate of Intellectual Property Rights

This page was last updated on 16/07/24

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