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RAF Stations - W

[Definition of a RAF Station]

[Waddington | Wadi Saidna | Wahn | Wainfleet | Warboys | Warmwell | Royal Air Force Organisational History | Wartling | Watchfield | Waterbeach | Waterloo | Wattisham | Watton | Weeton | Wegberg | Welford | Wellesbourne Mountford | Wendling | Westcott | West Drayton | West Freugh | West Kirby | West Malling | West Raynham | Weston-super-Mare | Weston Zoyland | Westley | Wethersfield | Weybourne | Wheaton Aston | Whitley Bay | White Waltham | Wick | Wickenby | Wig Bay | Wigsley | Wigtown | Wildenrath | Wilmslow | Windermere | Wing | Winkleigh | Winthorpe | Witchford | Wittering | Wombleton | Woodbridge | Woodvale | Woodhall Spa | Woolfox Lodge | Worksop | Wormingford | Worthy Down | Wortley | Wratting Common | Wrexham | Wroughton | Wunstorf | Wymeswold | Wythall | Wyton]

RAF Waddington

RAF Waddington badge

Main units (continued): -

No 5 Group Target Towing Flt (Jan - Feb 1940, May 1940 - 2 Apr 1941)

142 Sqn (15 Jun - 3 Jul 1940)

207 Sqn (1 Nov 1940 - 17 Nov 1941)

DB-7 Flt (29 Dec 1940 - 15 Dec 1941)

No 6 Blind Approach Training Flt (6 Jan - Oct 1941)

97 Sqn (25 Feb - 10 Mar 1941)

No 729 (Ground Defence) Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 1506 Beam Approach Training Flt (Oct 1941 - 9 Feb 1943)

420 Sqn (19 Dec 1941 - 7 Aug 1942)

No 2729 Sqn RAF Regiment (1 Feb - xxx 1942)

No 44 Conversion Flt (16 Jan - 9 Nov 1942)

No 420 Conversion Flt (16 May - 19 Jun 1942)

9 Sqn (7 Aug 1942 - 14 Apr 1943, 6 Jul 1945 - 8 Jan 1946, 15 Jan 1975 - 1 May 1982)

No 9 Conversion Flt (8 Aug - 9 Nov 1942)

‘A’ & ‘B’ Flts, No 1661 Heavy Conversion Unit (9 Nov 1942 - 1 Jan 1943)

No 2890 Sqn RAF Regiment (Jun 1943 - xxx 1944)

No 2956 Sqn RAF Regiment (Jun - xxx 1943)

467 Sqn (13 Nov 1943 - 15 Jun 1945)

463 Sqn (25 Nov 1943 - 3 Jul 1945)

No 5 Group Film Unit (?)

617 Sqn (17 Jun 1945 - 19 Jan 1946)

61 Sqn (25 Jan 1946 - 6 Aug 1953)

12 Sqn (26 Jul - 18 Sep 1946)

57 Sqn (7 Oct 1946 - 4 Apr 1951, 1 Jun 1951 - 1 Apr 1952)

372nd Bomb Sqn, USAF (17 Jul - 3 Nov 1948)

97th Bomb Group, USAF (5 Nov 1948 - 16 Feb 1949)

374th Reconnaissance Sqn, USAF (Dec 1948 -- 23 Feb 1949)

100 Sqn (23 Mar 1950 - 2 Aug 1953)

342nd Bomb Sqn, USAF (16 Jul 1950 - 10 Feb 1951)

3914th Air Base Sqn USAF (16 Mar 1951 - May 1955)

49 Sqn (25 Jun 1952  - 1 Aug 1953)

Lincoln Conversion Flt (Jan - 4 Aug 1953)

27 Sqn (26 May 1955 - 31 Dec 1957)

21 Sqn (1 Jun 1955 - 30 Jun 1957)

No 230 Operational Conversion Unit (31 May 1956 - 18 Jun 1961)

83 Sqn (21 May 1957 - 10 Oct 1960)

101 Sqn (26 Jun 1961 - 4 Aug 1982)

Vulcan Display Flight (1 Apr 1984 - Sep 1994)

Nimrod AEW Joint Trials Unit (18 Dec 1984 - Apr 1987)

Sentry Standards Unit (1 Jan 1993 - Current)

Sentry Training Sqn (1 Jun 1990 - 1 Apr 1996)

8 Sqn (1 Jul 1991 - Current)

Sentry Standards Unit (1 Jan 1993 - Current)

Electronic Warfare Operational Support Establishment (1 Apr 1995 - Current)

51 Sqn (28 Apr 1995 - xxx 2011)

Air Warfare Centre (4 Sep 1995 - Current)

23 Sqn (1 Apr 1996 - 2 Oct 2009)

Sentry Operational Evaluation Unit (3 Jun 1996 - Current)

No 34 Expeditionary Air Wing (1 Apr 2006 - Current)

5 Sqn (1 Apr 2000 - Current)

54 (Reserve) Sqn (5 Sep 2005 - Current)

Air Transport and Air to Air Refuelling Operational Evaluation Unit (xxx 2006 - Current)

No 26 Sqn RAF Regiment

HQ, 39 Sqn  (xxx 2007 - Current)

56 (Reserve) Sqn (18 Apr 2008 - Current)

92 (Reserve) Sqn (1 Jun 2009 - Current)

14 Sqn (1 Jun 2011 - Current)

13 Sqn (xx xxx 2013 - Current)


County: - Lincolnshire

Lat/Long:  53:10:15N  00:31:15W

Grid Ref:  SK982630

Height above sea level:  235ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - Nov 1916

No 6 Group (xx xxx xxxx - 12 Mar 1937)

SHQ Opened - 12 Mar 1937

No 3 Group (12 Mar - 1 Sep 1937)

No 5 Group (1 Sep 1937 - 15 Nov 1945)

No 1 Group (15 Nov 1945 - xx xxx xxxx)

No 3 Group (2006)


It was HQ No 53 Base from 14 Nov 1943 until 15 Nov 1945.

Main units: -

No 47 Reserve Sqn (13 Nov 1916 - 1 Jun 1917)

No 48 Reserve Sqn (13 Nov 1916 - 4 Jul 1918, 14 Mar - 4 Nov 1919)

82 Sqn (30 Mar - 17 Nov 1917)

HQ No 27 (Training) Wing (5 May 1917 - 1 Apr 1919)

No 51 Reserve Sqn (14 May - 1 Jun 1917)

No 47 Training Sqn (1 Jun 1917 - 4 Jul 1918)

No 48 Training Sqn (1 Jun 1917 - 4 Jul 1918, 14 Mar - 4 Nov 1919)

No 51 Training Sqn (14 May 1917 - 4 Oct 1918)

‘B’ Flt , No 5 Training Depot Station (15 - 24 Sep 1917)

105 Sqn (23 Sep - 3 Oct 1917)

‘A’ Flt, No 6 Training Depot Station (1 Oct - 1 Nov 1917)

No 75 (Training) Sqn (14 Nov - 22 Dec 1917)

No 44 (Training) Sqn (24 Nov 1917 - 14 Mar 1919)

97 Sqn (1 Dec 1917 - 21 Jan 1918, 25 Feb - 10 Mar 1941)

117 Sqn (1 Jan - 3 Apr 1918)

135th Aero Sqn, USAAS (8 Jan - 24 Jun 1918)

123 Sqn (1 Feb - 1 Mar 1918)

163 Sqn (1 Jun - 4 Jul 1918)

11th Aero Sqn, USAAS(24 Jun - 7 Aug 1918)

No 48 Training Depot Station (4 Jul 1918 - 14 Mar 1919)

157th Aero Sqn, USAAS (Jul 1918 - xxx xxxx)

138 Sqn nucleus (xx - 30 Sep 1918)

204 Sqn (11 Feb - 31 Dec 1919)

No 48 Training School (14 Mar - Nov 1919)

23 Sqn (15 Mar - 31 Dec 1919)

203 Sqn (27 Mar - Dec 1919)

503 Sqn (5 Oct 1926 - 1 Nov 1938)

No 1 Aircraft Storage Unit (16 Feb 1935 - 15 Oct 1938)

50 Sqn (3 May 1937 - 10 Jul 1940, 26 Jan 1946 - 31 Jan 1951, 1 Aug 1961 - 31 Mar 1984)

110 Sqn (18 May 1937 - 11 May 1939)

No 3 Group Practice Flt (Jun - Oct 1937)

88 Sqn (7 Jun - 17 Jul 1937)

44 Sqn (16 Jun 1937 - 31 May 1943, 10 Aug 1960 - 21 Dec 1982)

Ferrying Flt (31 May 1939 - xxx xxxx)


98 Sqn (19 Jan 1940 - xxx xxxx)

819 Sqn FAA (21 - 24 Oct 1985, 25 - 28 Nov 1985, 5 - 14 Oct 1987, 2 - 5 Nov 1987)

846 Sqn FAA (21 - 25 Oct 1985, 25 - 28 Nov 1985, 5 - 9 Oct 1987)

849A Sqn FAA (11 - 15 Jun 1990)

899 Sqn FAA (Sep 1990)

800 Sqn FAA (2 - 6 Dec 1991)

899 Sqn FAA  (Sep 1992, 4 - 14 May 1993, 29 - 10 Dec 1993, 28 - 4 Mar 1994, 25 Jul - 5 Aug 1994)

800 Sqn FAA  (25 - 29 Jan 1993)

Links to related sites/pages

 Officers Commanding, RAF-Lincolnshire.infoAerial photo on Google MapsControl Towers websitePersonnel Listings,

RAF Wadi Saidna

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 203 Group Communication Flt (17 Aug 1940 - 12 Apr 1943)

Staging Post, Khartoum (19 Nov 1941 -8 Mar 1943)

No 114 Maintenance Unit (26 Dec 1941 - 20 Feb 1943)

No 2 (Middle East) Ferry Control (20 May 1942 - 7 May 1944)

No 20 Terminal Staging Post (8 Mar 1943 - 1 Jun 1944)

HQ, No 115 (Transport) Wing (7 May - 1 Jun 1944)


Country: -  Sudan

Lat/Long:  15:48:36N  32:30:36E

Height Above Sea Level: 

Operational Control: -

Opened - 16 Nov 1941

No 203 Group (N16 Nov 1941 - xx xxx xxxx)


Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Wahn

Badge not authorised

Main units: -

No 6069 Servicing Echelon (31 Mar 1946 – 7 Nov 1947)

14 Sqn (1 Apr 1946 - 16 Aug 1947, 11 - 29 Sep 1947, 17 Oct 1947 - 13 May 1948, 4 Jun 1948 - 16 Sep 1949)

No 6014 Servicing Echelon (1 Apr 1946 – 16 Aug 1949)

No 6305 (Polish) Servicing Echelon (18 Aug – 11 Oct 1946)

21 Sqn (3 - 6 Sep 1946, 18 - 26 Sep 1946)

No 6021 Servicing Echelon (3 – 26 Sep 1946)

107 Sqn (3 - 6 Sep 1946, 18 - 26 Sep 1946, 13 Nov 1947 - 8 Mar 1948, 30 Mar - 5 Jun 1948, 5 - 31 Jul 1948, 16 Aug - 15 Sep 1948)

No 6107 Servicing Echelon (13 – 14 Nov 1947)

4 Sqn (13 Nov 1947 - 1 Mar 1948, 31 Mar - 1 May 1948, 5 Jun - 4 Aug 1948, 28 Aug 1948 - 19 Sep 1949)

Wahn Wing (Feb 1948 - xxx xxxx)

2 Sqn (28 Jun 1948 - 15 Sep 1949, 1 Jul 1953 - 28 Oct 1955)

11 Sqn (15 Sep 1948 - 17 Sep 1949)

High Commissioner's Flt (30 Oct 1949 - Jun 1955)

68 Sqn (1 Jan 1952 - 2 Jul 1957)

87 Sqn (1 Jan 1952 - 2 Jul 1957)

No 83 Group Communication Flt (7 Sep 1952 - 3 Mar 1958)

HQ, No 148 Wing (1 Apr 1953 - 1 Sep 1957)

17 Sqn (1 Jun 1956 - 3 Apr 1957)


Country: - Germany

Lat/Long:   50:51:57N  07:08:34E

Grid Ref - 

Height Above Sea Level -  ft

Operational Control: -

Opened -


It is now known as Cologne/Bonn Airport.

Main units: -

HQ, No 139 Wing (8 Mar 1946 - 31 Oct 1947)

180 Sqn (8 - 31 Mar 1946)

128 Sqn (11 - 31 Mar 1946)

305 Sqn (11 Mar - 18 Jun 1946), 16 Aug - 7 Sep 1946, 16 Sep - 15 Oct 1946)

No 6128 Servicing Echelon (11 – 31 Mar 1946)

98 Sqn (15 Mar 1946 - 1 Jul 1947, 9 Aug - 4 Nov 1947, 4 Dec 1947 - 19 Sep 1949)

No 6098 Servicing Echelon (15 Mar 1946 – 1 Jul 1947, 9 Aug – 4 Nov 1947)

69 Sqn (31 Mar - 13 Nov 1946, 13 Dec 1946 - 19 Apr 1947, 16 May - 7 Nov 1947)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Wainfleet

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

Air Weapons Range


County: - Lincolnshire

Lat/Long:   53:03:41N  00:14:11E

Grid Ref - 

Height Above Sea Level -  ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - Aug 1938


Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps, RAF in Lincolnshire website,

RAF Warboys

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

Detachment - 15 Sqn (9 Oct - 13 Dec 1941)

‘D’ Flt , No 17 Operational Training Unit (15 Dec 1941 - Aug 1942)

Satellite - RAF Wyton (5 Aug 1942 - 1 Dec 1943)

156 Sqn (6 Aug 1942 - 5 Mar 1944)

No 1507 Beam Approach Training Flt (11 Mar - 17 Jun 1943)

PFF Navigation Training Unit (17 Jun 1943  - Jun 1945, 5 Mar 1944 -  Jun 1945)

No 1655 Mosquito Training Unit (7 Mar - 30 Dc 1944)

No 1323 Automatic Gun Laying Turret Flt (1 Jan - 30 Sep 1945)

No 1696 (Bomber) Defence Training Flt (28 Jun - 28 Sep 1945)

128 Sqn (22 Jun - 8 Oct 1945)

No 6128 Servicing Echelon (20 Sep – 8 Oct 1945)

571 Sqn (20 Jul - 20 Sep 1945)

257 Sqn (1 Jul 1960 - 31 Dec 1963)


County: - Huntingdonshire (Cambridgeshire)

Lat/Long:   52:23:38N  00:05:45W

Grid Ref -  TL290795

Height Above Sea Level - 100 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened (Satellite) - 1941

No 3 Group (xx xxx 1941 - 25 Jan 1943)

No 8 Group (25 Jan 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

SHQ opened - 1 Dec 1943

Closed - 1963


Main units: -

Satellite - RAF Upwood (xx xxx 1941 - 5 Aug 1942)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,      Commanding OfficersControl Towers website

RAF Warmwell

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

266 Sqn (21 Sep 1942 - 2 Jan 1943)

No 3043 Servicing Echelon (21 Sep 1942 – 7 Sep 1943)

257 Sqn (8 Jan - 12 Aug 1943, 17 Sep 1943 - 20 Jan 1944)

164 Sqn (19 Jun - 5 Aug 1943)

No 3010 Servicing Echelon (xxx – 12 Aug 1943, 18 Sep 1943 – 17 Jan 1944)

316 Sqn (2 - xx Dec 1943)

‘C’ Flt, 276 Sqn  (22 Feb - 10 Aug 1944)

474th Fighter Group, USAAF (12 Mar - 6 Aug 1944)

275 Sqn (14 Apr - 7 Aug 1944)

No 14 Armament Practice Camp (27 Aug - xxx 1944, 12 Nov 1944 - 4 Oct 1945)

No 17 Armament Practice Camp (27 Aug 1944 - 4 Oct 1945)

411 Sqn (13 - 28 Oct 1944)

401 Sqn (24 Oct - 4 Nov 1944)

412 Sqn (4 - 18 Nov 1944, 7 - 20 Jun 1945)

442 Sqn (14 - 25 Nov 1944)

No 1 (2nd TAF) Armament Practice Camp Servicing Unit (10 Dec 1944 - 7 Mar 1945)

443 Sqn (18 Dec 1944 - 3 Jan 1945)

245 Sqn (24 Dec 1944 - 6 Jan 1945, 16 Jun - 3 Jul 1945)

403 Sqn (4 - 14 Jan 1945)

181 Sqn (12 Jan - 3 Feb 1945, 21 Jul - 3 Aug 1945)

182 Sqn (3 - 21 Feb 1945, 5 - 19 Aug 1945)

247 Sqn (21 Feb - 7 Mar 1945)

610 Sqn (21 Feb - 3 Mar 1945)

No 6610 Servicing Echelon (21 Feb – 3 Mar 1945)

41 Sqn (7 - 18 Mar 1945)

No 414 (2nd TAF) Armament Practice Camp Servicing Unit (7 - 16 Mar 1945)

No 417 (2nd TAF) Armament Practice Camp Servicing Unit (7 - 16 Mar 1945)

No 6041 Servicing Echelon (7 – 18 Mar 1945)

No 11 (2nd TAF) Armament Practice Camp Servicing Unit (16 Mar 1945 - xxx xxxx)

No 18 (2nd TAF) Armament Practice Camp Servicing Unit (16 Mar 1945 - xxx xxxx)

438 Sqn (19 Mar - 3 Apr 1945)

No 6438 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (19 Mar – 3 Apr 1945)

No 6003 Servicing Echelon (1 – 17 Apr 1945)

3 Sqn (2 - 17 Apr 1945)

439 Sqn (3 - 23 Apr 1945)

No 6439 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (3 – 23 Apr 1945)

80 Sqn (18 Apr - 7 May 1945)

No 6602 Servicing Echelon (18 Apr – 7 May 1945)

No 6274 Servicing Echelon (19 Apr – 7 May 1945, 3 – 7 Sep 1945)

No 6411 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (21 Apr – 7 Jun 1945)

440 Sqn (22 Apr - 8 May 1945)

No 6440 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (22 Apr – 29 May 1945)

184 Sqn (7 - 28 May 1945)

56 Sqn (8 - 23 May 1945)

411 Sqn (21 May - 7 Jun 1945)

No 6175 Servicing Echelon (27 May – 11 Jun 1945)

No 6137 Servicing Echelon (20 – 26 Aug 1945)

414 Sqn (22 Jun - 6 Jul 1945)

2 Sqn (6 - 20 Jul 1945)

430 Sqn (23 Jul - 2 Aug 1945)

416 Sqn (2 - 18 Aug 1945)

137 Sqn (20 - 26 Aug 1945)

274 Sqn (3 - 7 Sep 1945)

340 Sqn (6 - 16 Sep 1945)

No 6174 Servicing Echelon (7 – 19 Sep 1945)

No 6 Fighter Command Servicing Unit (25 Feb - 29 Mar 1946)


County: - Dorset

Lat/Long:   50:41:40N  02:20:30W

Grid Ref -  SY765885

Height Above Sea Level - 203 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1937 (as Central Gunnery School)

SHQ Opened - 18 Jul 1940

No 10 Group (18 Jul 1940 - xx xxx xxxx)

No 11 Group (1944)

Closed - 1945


It was reduced to a holding establishment on 25 February 1944 pending its transfer to the USAAF.

Main Units: -

No 6 Armament Training Camp (1 May 1937 - 1 Apr 1938)

21 Sqn Lympne 16 Sep 1937 1 Oct 1937 Lympne Hind

No 6 Armament Training Station (1 Apr 1938 - 3 Sep 1939)

63 Sqn (30 Jan - 17 Feb 1939)

No 2 Air Observers School (3 Sep 1939)

No 10 Air Observers School (3 Sep 1939 - 1 Jan 1940)

217 Sqn (26 Sep - 5 Oct 1938, 25 Aug - 2 Oct 1939)

814 Sqn FAA (2 - 29 Jun 1939)

810 Sqn FAA (15 Jun - 3 Jul 1939)

500 Sqn (30 Jul - 13 Aug 1939)

Central Gunnery School (6 Nov 1939 - 23 Jun 1941)

No 10 Bombing & Gunnery School (1 Jan - 13 Jul 1940)

152 Sqn (12 Jul 1940 - 9 Apr 1941)

609 Sqn (29 Nov 1940 - 24 Feb 1941)

234 Sqn (25 Feb - 5 Nov 1941, 23 Mar 1942 4 Apr 1942)

118 Sqn (9 -1 18 Apr 1941)

‘A’ Flt, 26 Sqn (25 - 28 Apr 1941)

‘C’ Flt, 26 Sqn  (28 Apr 1941 - xxx xxxx)

Air-Sea Rescue Flt (15 May - 20 Oct 1941)

No 10 Group Target Towing Flt (16 Jul - 30 Oct 1941, Nov - 8 Dec 1941)

No 714 Defence Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

302 Sqn (5 Sep - 6 Oct 1941, 26 Apr 1942 7 May 1942)

402 Sqn (6 Nov 1941 - 4 Mar 1942, 14 Jan - 1 Feb 1945)

No 1487 (Target Towing) Flt (30 Oct 1941 - 22 Apr 1942)

No 3007 Servicing Echelon (14 – 23 Nov 1941)

No 3019 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (14 Nov 1941 – 8 Mar 1942)

245 Sqn (17 - 23 Nov 1941)

313 Sqn (25 - 30 Nov 1941)

130 Sqn (30 Nov - 5 Dec 1941, 12 - 16 Jul 1942, 21 - 31 Oct 1942), 3 - 21 Feb 1945

No 3036 Servicing Echelon (30 Nov – 5 Dec 1941, 12 – 17 Jul 1942, 21 – 31 Oct 1942)

79 Sqn (5 - 11 Dec 1941)

263 Sqn (19 - 23 Dec 1941, 13 Sep 1942 - 20 Feb 1943, 15 Mar - 19 Jun 1943, 12 Jul - 5 Dec 1943, 6 - 19 Mar 1944)

No 2714 Sqn, RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - xxx 1942)

66 Sqn (8 - 22 Feb 1942)

175 Sqn (3 Mar - 10 Oct 1942, 21 Nov - 4 Dec 1944, 28 May - 11 Jun 1945)

310 Sqn (8 - 21 Mar 1942)

350 Sqn ( 5 - 15 Apr 1942, 24 Mar - 2 Apr 1945)

No 1487 (Fighter) Gunnery Flt (22 Apr 1942 - 13 Sep 1943)

312 Sqn (19 - 31 May 1942)

19 Sqn (1 - 14 Jun 1942)

421 Sqn (14 - 28 Jun 1942)

No 604 (AAF) Servicing Echelon (18 – 23 Aug 1942)

174 Sqn (31 Aug - 21 Sep 1942, 10 - 21 Nov 1944, 7 - 19 Sep 1945)


No 9 Flying Training School (21 Oct - 4 Nov 1939)

No 6 Flying Training School (4 - 19 Mar 1940, 8 - 24 Apr 1940, 10 - 17 May 1940)

No 8 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (25 May - 17 Jun 1940)

609 Sqn (9 Jul - 13 Aug 1940)

238 Sqn (13 Jul 1940 - xxx xxxx)

501 Sqn (Jul 1940, xxx xxxx - 2 Nov 1941)

793 Sqn FAA (14 - 24 Aug 1940)

56 Sqn (27 Sep 1940 - xxx xxxx)

13 Sqn (xxx xxxx - Mar 1941)

125 Sqn (21 Aug 1941 - xxx xxxx)

317 Sqn (6 Dec 1941 - 4 Jan 1942)

794 Sqn FAA (6 Mar - 7 Jul 1943)

118 Sqn (22 Aug 1941 - xxx xxxx)

276 Sqn (21 Oct 1941 - 3 Apr 1944)

137 Sqn (Aug 1943 - xxx xxxx)

193 Sqn (Mar 1944 - xxx xxxx)

257 Sqn (Mar 1944)

277 Sqn (7 - 18 Aug 1944, 28 Aug 1944 - xxx xxxx)

286 Sqn (Aug 1944 - xxx xxxx, xxx xxxx - 20 Jul 1945)

403 Sqn (24 Sep - 1 Oct 1944)

41 Sqn (Dec 1944)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,     Officers Commanding Atlantikwall websiteControl Towers websitePersonnel Listings,

RAF Warrington

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 9 Balloon Centre (26 Jun 1939 - 15 Sep 1942)

No 9 Balloon Unit (15 Sep - 12 Nov 1942)

RCAF Overseas HQ (15 Sep 1942 - xx xxx xxxx)

RCAF Personnel Disposal Centre (15 Sep 1942 - xx xxx xxxx)

RCAF MT Unit (xx xxx xxxx - xx xxx xxxx)


County: - Lancashire


Grid Ref: 

Height above sea level:  ft

Operational Control: -

Opened (No 9 BC) - 26 Jun 1939

No 32 Group (26 Jun 1939 - 15 Sep 1942)

SHQ opened - 15 Sep 1942

TTC (15 Sep 1942 - xx xxx xxxx)


It was originally No 9 Balloon Centre

Links to related sites/pages

RAF Wartling

RAF Wartling badge


Type 7 GCI Station (Fixed unit)

Type 21 GCI Station (mobile, five vehicle unit, comprising 10cm 'Nodding' heightfinder and 10cm surveillance radar)

No 24 Sector (12 May - 26 Jun 1944)



County: - Sussex

Lat/Long:  50:52:12N  00:20:46E

Operational Control: -

Opened - Jan 1939

Closed - xxx 1978

Main units (continued): -

No 24 (Base Defence) Wing (3 - 12 May 1944)

No 24 (Base Defence) Sector (12 May - 12 Jul 1944)


Links to related sites/pages

Subterranea Britannica website, Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Warton

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

Base Air Depot 2, USAAF (xx Aug 1942 - 19 Nov 1945)

No 90 Maintenance Unit (1 Jan 1946 - 28 Feb 1958)

Personnel Holding Unit (17 Apr - 17 Sep 1946)

No 101 Personnel Dispersal Centre (1 Jun 1946 - 30 Jun 1950)

School of Hygiene (xx xxx xxxx - xx xxx xxxx)

No 181 Gliding School (26 May 1947 - 1 Jun 1948)

No 21 Personnel Transit Centre (1 Sep 1947 - 1 Oct 1954)

Transit Families Unit (1 Oct 1954 - xx xxx xxxx)

No 7247 Reserve Flight (xxx 1954 - xxx 1957)

No 7175 Reserve Flight (1 Apr 1954 - Jul 1958)

No 7250 Reserve Flight (xxx - xxx 1956)

Sub-site - No 35 MU (28 Feb 1958 - xx xxx 1967)


County: - Lancashire

Lat/Long:  53:44:30N 02:53:15W

Grid Ref:  SD413278/102

Height above sea level: 30 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1942

No 17 Group (C & M Party) (12 Nov 1942 - 26 Jul 1943)

VIII Air Force Composite Command (26 Jul 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed -


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a satellite for RAF Squires Gate was issued in March 1941.

Links to related sites/pages

RAF Watchfield

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

Blind Approach School (28 Sep 1940 - xxx 1941)

Used by No 6 Maintenance Unit for temporary dispersal (Dec 1940 - Oct 1941)

No 1 Blind Approach School (xxx - 31 Oct 1941)

Blind Approach Calibration Flt (12 Jul - Oct 1941)

No 794 Defence Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

Beam Approach Calibration Flt (Oct 1941 - 3 Jul 1942)

No 1 Beam Approach School (31 Oct 1941 - 31 Dec 1946)

No 2794 Sqn, RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - xxx 1943)

Beam Approach Technical Training School (Oct 1942 - 4 Dec 1943)

School of Flying Control (15 Dec 1941 - 15 Nov 1942)

No 1 Chain Home Low Flt (xxx 1941 - xxx xxxx)

No 1522 Beam Approach Training Flt (16 Apr 1942)

Beam Approach Development Unit (4 Oct 1942 - 12 Apr 1943)

Beam Approach Technical Training School (Oct 1942 - 4 Dec 1943)

Airfield Controllers' School (15 Nov 1942 - 1 May 1948)

No 92 (Forward) Staging Post (25 May - 13 Jul 1944)

Sparrow (Ambulance) Flt (2 Jun - 2 Aug 1944)

Anson Detachment, Watchfield (xxx xxxx - 18 Jul 1944)

No 1547 Beam Approach Training Flt (1 Jun 1945 - 1 Jan 1947)

School of Air Traffic Control (1 Nov 1946 - 10 Feb 1950)


County: - Berkshire

Lat/Long:   51:37:08N  01:39:00W

Grid Ref -  SU245912

Height Above Sea Level - 331 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1940

No 50 Group (1944)

Closed - 1950


Main units: -

Used by No 5 Maintenance Unit for temporary dispersal

No 3 Elementary Flying Training School (20 Jul 1940 - 18 Dec 1941)

No 4 Air Observer & Navigation School (20 Jul 1940 - 30 Aug 1941)

No 11 Air Observer & Navigation School (20 Jul 1940 - 19 Jul 1941)

No 50 Group Pool (xxx - xxx 1940)

Sub-site, No8 Maintenance Unit (Sep - Nov 1940)


No 7 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (9 Feb 1942 - xxx xxxx)

Air Navigation & Bombing Sqn, (9 May - 11 Jul 1944)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps

RAF Waterbeach

RAF Waterbeach badge#

Main units (continued): -

Sub-station, Stradishall Base (26 Apr - 25 Aug 1943)

No 1665 Conversion Unit (1 May - 6 Jun 1943)

HQ Waterbeach Base (25 Aug - 16 Sep 1943)

HQ, No 33 Base (16 Sep 1943 - 1 Sep 1945)

514 Sqn (23 Nov 1943 - 22 Aug 1945)

No 1678 Heavy Conversion Unit (23 Nov 1943 - 12 Jun 1944)

No 14 Personnel Transit Centre (15 - 16 Jul 1944)

59 Sqn (14 Sep 1945 - 31 May 1946)

No 4059 Servicing Echelon (14 Sep 1945 – 15 Jun 1946)

220 Sqn (22 Sep 1945 - 12 May 1946)

No 4220 Servicing Echelon (22 Sep 1945 – 25 May 1946)

No 6 Section, No 1552 Radio Aids Training Flt (11 Mar - 26 Jul 1946)

51 Sqn (20 Aug 1946 - 3 Dec 1947)

No 4051 Servicing Echelon (20 Aug 1946 – 1 Dec 1947)

242 Sqn (17 Nov - 1 Dec 1947)

No 4242 Servicing Echelon (17 Nov – 1 Dec 1947)

206 Sqn (1 Dec 1947 - 20 Feb 1950)

No 4077 Servicing Echelon (1 – 8 Dec 1947)

77 Sqn (9 Dec 1947 - 1 Jun 1949)

62 Sqn (10 Dec 1947 - 1 Jun 1949)

53 Sqn (11 Dec 1947 - 31 Jul 1949)

18 Sqn (11 Dec 1947 - 20 Feb 1950)

24 Sqn (8 Jun 1949 - 24 Feb 1950)

56 Sqn (10 May 1950 - 10 Jul 1959)

63 Sqn (10 May 1950 - 31 Oct 1958)

253 Sqn (18 Apr 1955 -31 Aug 1957)

153 Sqn (9 Sep 1957 - 1 Jul 1958)

25 Sqn (1 Jul 1958 23 Oct 1961

46 Sqn (15 Jul 1959 - 30 Jun 1961)

64 Sqn (17 Jul 1961 - 24 Aug 1962)

1 Sqn (8 Nov 1961 - 14 Aug 1963)

54 Sqn (20 Nov 1961 - 14 Aug 1963)

RAF Airfield Construction Depot (xxx 1964 - xxx 1966)


County: - Cambridgeshire

Lat/Long:  52:16:45N  00:11:00E

Grid Ref:  TL486670

Height above sea level:  17 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1941

No 3 Group (1944)

Closed -


It was a sub-station of No 31 Base from , although No 33 Base HQ began forming here on 12 Aug, when it became HQ, No 33 Base, remaining as such until 1 Sep 1945.

Main units: -

99 Sqn (18 Mar 1941 - Feb 1942)

No 728 Defence Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 26 Conversion Flt (5 Oct 1941 - 2 Jan 1942)

No 106 Conversion Flt (Dec 1941 - 2 Jan 1942)

No 1651 Conversion Unit (2 Jan - 7 Oct 1942)

No 2728 Sqn, RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - xxx 1942)

215 Sqn (21 Feb - 1 Mar 1942)

No 214 Conversion Flt (10 Apr - 1 May 1942, 9 Aug - 1 Oct 1942)

No 15 Conversion Flt (5 May - 7 Oct 1942)

No 1651 Heavy Conversion Unit (7 Oct 1942 - 20 Nov 1943)


No 1665 Heavy Conversion Unit (1 May - 7 Jun 1943)

23 Sqn (Nov 1957 - xxx xxxx)

19 Sqn (Aug 1958)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,    Commanding OfficersControl Towers website

RAF Waterloo

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

Detachment** - 200 Sqn (Jun 1941 - Jul 1943)

West Africa Communication Flt (31 May 1944 - 18 Jul 1945)

No 36 Personnel Transit Centre (8 Jul 1945 - 15 Jan 1946)

No 66 Staging Post (22 Oct 1945 - 1 Jun 1946)


Country: - Sierra Leone

Lat/Long:  08:20:19N  13:02:46W

Height Above Sea Level: 

Operational Control: -



Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Wattisham

RAF Wattisham badge

Main units (continued): -

No 1517 Beam Approach Training Flt (Oct - 4 Nov 1941, 19 May - 14 Nov 1942)

18 Sqn (9 Dec - 24 Aug 1941, 20 May - 23 Aug 1942)

236 Sqn (9 Feb - 3 Jul 1942)

4th Strategic Air Depot USAAF (Sep 1942 -

68th Observation Group USAAF (4 Oct - Nov 1942)

479th Fighter Group USAAF (May 1944 - Nov 1945)

  • 434th Fighter Sqn

  • 435th Fighter Sqn

  • 436th Fighter Sqn

7th Photo Group USAAF (25 Oct - 25 Nov 1945)

  • 13th Photo Sqn

  • 14th Photo Sqn

  • 22nd Photo Sqn

  • 27th Photo Sqn

266 Sqn (4 Nov - 5 Dec 1946, 4 Jan - 16 Apr 1947)

No 6266 Servicing Echelon (4 Nov – 5 Dec 1946, 4 Jan – 16 Apr 1947)

56 Sqn (20 Dec 1946 - 17 Apr 1947, 10 Jul 1959 - 11 Apr 1967, 21 Jan 1975 - 28 Jun 1976, 9 Jul 1976 - 1 Jul 1992)

No 6056 Servicing Echelon (20 Dec 1946 - 17 Apr 1947)

Air Ministry Servicing Development Unit (Mar 1947 - Apr 1950)

Fighter Command School of Technical Training (Jul 1947 - Sep 1949)

257 Sqn (27 Oct 1950 - 10 Jun 1956, 15 Jan - 31 Mar 1957)

263 Sqn (22 Nov 1950- 10 Jun 1956, 15 Jan - 30 Aug 1957)

802 Sqn FAA (15 Feb - 14 Mar 1951)

152 Sqn (30 Jun 1954 - 18 Jun 1956, 16 Jan - 28 Aug 1957)

No 289 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx xxxx - Feb 1956)

111 Sqn (18 Jun 1958 - 30 Sep 1974)

41 Sqn (5 Jul 1958 - 31 Dec 1963)

No 1 Air Control Centre (27 Aug 1965 - xx xxx 1966)

Target Facilities Flt (1 Apr 1966 - 31 Dec 1973)

29 Sqn (10 May 1967 - 31 Dec 1974)

23 Sqn (25 Feb 1976 - 30 Mar 1983)

'C' Flt, 25 Sqn (1 Mar 1983 - 1 Oct 1989)

74 Sqn (19 Oct 1984 - 1 Oct 1992)

'E' Flt, 85 Sqn (1 Oct 1989 - 1 Jul 1991)

Phantom Training Flt (1 Feb - 31 Dec 1991)

'B' Flt 22 Sqn (Jul 1994 - Current)

No 16 Sqn RAF Regiment


County: - Suffolk

Lat/Long:  52:07:30N  00:57:30E

Grid Ref:  TM024518

Height above sea level:  290ft

Railway Station - Needham LNER

Operational Control: -

Opened - Mar 1939

No 2 Group (Mar 1939 - 5 Apr 1943)

4th Bombardment Wing Substitution Unit (5 Apr - 8 May 1943)

VIII Air Force Service Command (8 May 1943 - 15 May 1944)

VIII Fighter Command (15 May - xx Sep 1944)

2nd Bombardment Division (xx Sep 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)

No 12 Group? (xxx 1945 - xxx xxxx)

No 11 Group

Closed - Jul 1993


In early 1943 this station acted as the Parent Station for the the following US Engineer Battalion whilst constructing the indicated airfield: -

  • 833rd Engineer Battalion - Raydon

In July 1993 the station was handed over to the Army Air Corps.

Main units: -

107 Sqn (3 May 1939 -3 Mar 1941)

110 Sqn (11 May 1939 - 17 Mar 1942)

114 Sqn (31 May - 10 Jun 1940)

No 8 Blind Approach Training Flt (18 Jan -  15 Feb 1941)

86 Sqn (3 Mar - 15 May 1941)

226 Sqn (27 May - 9 Dec 1941)

No 17 Blind Approach Training Flt (xx - xx Oct 1941)


17 Sqn (Sep - Dec 1939)

504 Sqn (Oct - Dec 1939)

13 Sqn (28 May - 2 Jun 1942)

16th Reconnaissance Sqn, USAAF (5 - 21 Oct 1942)

885th Bomb Sqn, USAAF (5 - 21 Oct 1942)

695 Sqn (7 May 1947 - 11 Feb 1949)

34 Sqn (11 Feb - 20 Jul 1949)

819 Sqn FAA (2 - 4 Apr 1984)

849 Sqn FAA (11 - 14 Mar 1991)

Links to related sites/pages

  Commanding Officers, Aerial photo on Google Maps, Control Towers websitePersonnel Listings,

RAF Watton

RAF Watton badge

Main units (continued): -

90 Sqn (3 - 15 May 1941)

No 1508 Beam Approach Training Flt (20 Dec 1941 - 19 Jan 1942)

No 17 (Pilots) Advanced Flying Unit (29 Jan 1942 - 1 May 1943)

3rd Strategic Air Depot, USAAF ( May 1943 - xxx 1945)

803rd Reconnaissance Group, USAAF (22 Apr - 9 Aug 1944)

15th Bomb Group (Reconnaissance), USAAF (9 Aug 1944 - xxx 1945)

Radio Warfare Establishment (27 Sep 1945 - 1 Sep 1946)

527 Sqn (8 Nov 1945 - 15 Apr 1946, 1 Aug 1952 - 21 Aug 1958)

Central Signals Establishment (1 Sep 1946 - 1 Jul 1965)

Ground Controlled Approach Operators School (Sep 1946 - 10 Mar 1952)

192 Sqn (15 Jul 1951 - 21 Aug 1958)

199 Sqn (15 Jul 1951 - 17 Apr 1952)

116 Sqn (1 Aug 1952 - 21 Aug 1958)

51 Sqn (21 Aug 1958 - 31 Mar 1963)

115 Sqn (21 - 25 Aug 1958, 1 Oct 1963 - 9 Apr 1969)

245 Sqn (21 - 25 Aug 1958)

263 Sqn (1 Jan 1959 - 30 Jun 1963)

Air Defence Missile Operations Training School (Jul 1960 - Mar 1962)

151 Sqn (1 Jan 1962 - 25 May 1963)

Surface to Air Missile Operational Training School (Mar 1962 - 17 Aug 1964)

97 Sqn (25 May 1963 - 2 Jan 1967)

98 Sqn (1 Oct 1963 - 19 Apr 1969)

360 Sqn (23 Sep 1966 - 21 Apr 1969)

361 Sqn (2 Jan - 14 Jul 1967)

Electronic Warfare Engineering and Training Unit (1 - 25 Jan 1971)

No 611 Volunteer Gliding School (Jun 1995 - Jan 1996, 1 May 1996 - Current)


County: - Norfolk

Lat/Long:  52:33:53N  00:51:45E

Grid Ref:  TF940000

Height above sea level:  190ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - Jan 1939

No 2 Group (Jan 1939 - Jan 1942)

No 21 Group (Jan 1942 - 4 Oct 1943)

VIII Air Force Service Command (4 Oct - xx xxx 1943)

No 90 Group

Closed - xxx 1978


Main units: -

21 Sqn (2 Mar 1939 - 24 Jun 1940, 14 Jun - 17 Jul 1941, 25 Jul - 7 Sep 1941, 21 Sep - 26 Dec 1941)

34 Sqn (2 Mar - 12 Aug 1939)

82 Sqn (22 Aug 1939 - 21 Mar 1942)

18 Sqn (21 - 26 May 1940)

105 Sqn (10 Jul - 31 Oct 1940)


‘A’ Flt, 1 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (27 Aug - 3 Sep 1939)

No 15 Service Flying Training School (23 Feb - 8 Mar 1941)

248 Sqn (xxx - 9 May 1942)

Links to related sites/pages

  Unofficial website, Commanding Officers, Aerial photo on Google MapsControl Towers websitePersonnel Listings,

RAF Weeton

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 8 School of Technical Training (21 May 1940 - 30 Sep 1965)

RAF Hospital (May 1940 - Dec 1959)

Fire and Rescue Training Unit (Jul 1940 - Aug 1943)

Mechanical Transport School (xxx Dec 1940

No 31 Bombing and Gunnery School (5 - 21 Mar 1941)

RAF Police School (Sep 1943 - Jan 1946)

No 19 Personnel Transit Centre (12 Feb - 23 Aug 1945)

No 9 School of Technical Training (Aug 1950 - Jul 1952)

HQ, No 2 Police District (Nov 1954 - Jul 1959)

RAF Support Unit Weeton (1 Oct 1965 - 31 Oct 1970)


County: - Lancashire

Lat/Long:  53:49:01N  02:56:13W

Operational Control: -

Opened - 21 May 1940

No 20 Group (xxx 1940 - xxx xxxx)

No 24 Group (xxx xxxx - xxx 1965)

Closed - 1965 - 1970


From Nov 1958, Weeton parented RAF Warton, No 29 Recruit Centre (Preston) and the Air Traffic Control Unit at Preston.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Hospital Wegberg

Main units: -

RAF Hospital (16 Nov 1953 - 1 Apr 1996)

School of Nursing (xx xxx xxxx - xx xxx 1984)


Country: - West Germany/Germany

Lat/Long:  51:09:26N 06:18:20E

Operational Control: -

Opened - 16 Nov 1953

Closed - 1 Apr 1996


Links to related sites/pages

RAF Welford

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

315th Troop Carrier Group, USAAF (6 Nov 1943 - 7 Feb 1944)

  • 34th Troop Carrier Sqn

  • 43rd Troop Carrier Sqn

  • 309th Troop Carrier Sqn

  • 310th Troop Carrier Sqn

434th Troop Carrier Group, USAAF (10 Dec 1943 - 10 Jan 1944)

  • 71st Troop Carrier Sqn

  • 72nd Troop Carrier Sqn

  • 73rd Troop Carrier Sqn

  • 74th Troop Carrier Sqn

435th Troop Carrier Group, USAAF (23 Jan 1944 - 19 Feb 1945)

  • 75th Troop Carrier Sqn

  • 76th Troop Carrier Sqn

  • 77th Troop Carrier Sqn

  • 78th Troop Carrier Sqn

438th Troop Carrier Group, USAAF (Feb - 16 Mar 1944)

  • Squadrons at Langer

No 1336 Conversion Unit (20 Jun 1945 - 1 Mar 1946)

Radar Navigation Aids Wing (Sep 1950 - Apr 1952)


County: - Berkshire

Lat/Long:   51:28:03N  01:24:00W

Grid Ref -  SU415745

Height Above Sea Level - 450 ft

Railway Station - Welford Park GWR

Operational Control: -

Opened - 10 Jun 1943

No 70 Group (10 Jun 1943 - 6 Sep 1943)

VIII Bomber Command (6 Sep 1943 - 1 Feb 1944)

IX Fighter Command Substitution Unit (1 Feb - xx xxx 1944)

Closed -


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a bomber OTU satellite aerodrome for RAF Membury was issued in October 1941.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps Unofficial website Commanding Officers

RAF Wellesbourne Mountford

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 22 Operational Training Unit (14 Apr 1941 - 24 Jul 1945)

No 742 Defence Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 2742 Sqn, RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - 16 Jul 1942)

No 312 Ferry Training Unit (24 Apr  - 17 Dec 1943)

No 91 Group Servicing Section (15 Feb - Oct 1944)

No 3 Glider Training Unit (24 Jul 1945 - 3 Dec 1947)

No 1 School of Photography (6 Jan 1948 - 22 Aug 1949)

School of Photography (22 Aug 1949 - 26 Aug 1963)

RAF Airfield Construction Depot (xxx 1951 - xxx 1964)

RLG for Central Flying School (29 Jan - 1 Dec 1951)

No 9 Flying Training School (1 Dec 1951 - 1 May 1954)

No 68 Maintenance Unit (27 Mar 1955 - 30 Nov 1956)


County: - Warwickshire

Lat/Long:   52:11:23N  01:36:30W

Grid Ref -  SP264459

Height Above Sea Level - 154 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1941

No 91 Group (1944)

Closed - 1963


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as an operational training unit was issued in June 1940.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google MapsOfficers Commanding,

RAF Wendling

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

392nd Bomb Group, USAAF (30 Jul 1943 - 9 Jun 1945)

  • 576th Bomb Sqn

  • 577th Bomb Sqn

  • 578th Bomb Sqn

  • 579th Bomb Sqn

Sub-site, No 258 Maintenance Unit (1 Jul - 14 Oct 1945)


County: - Norfolk

Lat/Long:   52:41:53N  00:50:45E

Grid Ref -  TF924151

Height Above Sea Level - 250 ft

Railway Station - Wendling LNER

Operational Control: -

Opened - 12 Apr 1943

2nd Bombardment Wing Substitution Unit (12 Apr - 14 Sep 1943)

2nd Bombardment Wing, USAAF (14 Sep 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed -1961


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a satellite for Shipdham was issued in April 1941.


Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google MapsControl Towers website

RAF Westcott

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 11 Operational Training Unit (28 Sep 1942 - 18 Sep 1945)

No 1 Engine Control and Demonstration Unit (2 Oct 1942 - 3 Feb 1945)

Detachment - 2 Sqn (Jan - Mar 1943)

453 Sqn (1 - 6 Mar 1943)

No 92 Group Servicing Section (xxx 1943 - Oct 1944)


County: - Buckinghamshire

Lat/Long:   51:50:45N  00:58:15W

Grid Ref -  SP710170

Height Above Sea Level - 262 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 15 Aug 1942

No 92 Group (15 Aug 1942 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1945


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a Bomber Operational Training Unit aerodrome was issued in April 1941.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google MapsControl Towers website

RAF West Drayton

RAF West Drayton badge


It was used to house competitors for the 1948 Olympic Games.

Ceased being an RAF Station in April 1994, but retained a RAF presence in the London Air Traffic Control Centre (Military)

By 2011 the site had been completely demolished.


County: - Middlesex/Greater London

Lat/Long:   51:30:16N  00:27:50W  Approx

Main units: -

Central Trade Test Board (1 Sep 1924 - 2 Sep 1939, xxx 1939 - xxx 1945)

No 3 Personnel Transit Centre (23 Aug - 30 Oct 1939)

WAAF Depot (30 Oct 1939 - xxx xxxx)

Signals Development Unit (xxx xxxx - xxx 1947)

3911th Air Base Group, USAF (xxx 1951 - xxx 1962)

HQ, Military Air Traffic Organisation

School of Control and Reporting (31 Oct 1974 - Jun 1990)

London Air Traffic Control Centre (Military) (xx xxx xxxx - xx xxx 2010?)

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1924

No 24 Group (xx xxx xxxx - 24 Sep 1940)

No 26 Group (24 Sep 1940 - xx xxx xxxx)

No 3 Group (2006)

Links to related sites/pages

Commanding Officers, Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF West Freugh

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

No 4 Bombing & Gunnery School (1 Nov 1939 - 14 Jun 1941)

No 784 Defence Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 2784 Sqn, RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - xxx 1943)

Bombing Trials Unit (1 Aug 1942 - 16 Jun 1947, 6 May 1948 - 1 Jan 1957)

No 3015 Servicing Echelon (2 – 10 Aug 1942)

130 Sqn (4 Aug - 11 Aug 1942)

No 3036 Servicing Echelon (4 – 12 Aug 1942)

No 4 (Observer) Advanced Flying Unit (11 Jun 1943 - 21 Jun 1945)

No 1353 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Flt (26 Jun 1945 - 11 Feb 1946)

No 103 Storage Sub-site (31 Jul 1945 - Oct 1946)

Royal Aircraft Establishment, West Freugh (1 May 1956 - 1 Apr 1992)

Air Armament Trials Establishment (1 Jan 1957 - 10 Jun 1959)

Test and Evaluation Establishment, West Freugh (1 Apr 1992 - 1 Apr 1995)

Defence Test & Evaluation Organisation West Freugh (1 Apr 1995 - Current)

Main units (Luce Bay): -

258 Sqn (25 Jul 1918 - 5 Mar 1919)


County: - Wigtownshire

Lat/Long:   54:51:00N  04:56:38W

Grid Ref -  NX110545

Height Above Sea Level - 55 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1936

No 25 Group (xx xxx xxxx - 1 Jul 1942)

No 29 Group (1 Jul 1942 - xx xxx xxxx

Closed -


Main units: -

63 Sqn (24 Oct - 25 Nov 1937, 29 Aug - 26 Sep 1938)

No 4 Armament Training Station (1 Apr 1938 - 17 Apr 1939)

'E' Flt, No 1 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit  (17 May - 15 Sep 1938, 20 May 1939 - 1 Oct 1942)

No 4 Air Observers School (17 Apr - 1 Nov 1939, 16 Jun 1941 - 11 Jun 1943)


12 Sqn (Jan - 15 Feb 1939)

No 10 Flying Training School (22 Oct - 5 Nov 1939)

No 8 Service Flying Training School (Apr - May 1940)

289 Sqn (May 1942 - 1 Dec 1943)

290 Sqn (1 Dec 1943 - Feb 1945)

Luce Bay: -

255 Sqn (Jul 1918 - Jan 1919)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google MapsOfficers Commanding,

RAF West Kirby

RAF West Kirby badge

Main units (based or in transit): -

243 Sqn (

658 Sqn (

659 Sqn (

No 3204 Servicing Commando (19 May - 27 Jun 1943)

No 16 Personnel Transit Centre (28 Apr - 17 May 1944)

No 3205 Servicing Commando (2 Nov - 5 Dec 1944)

Units formed at West Kirby: -

No 24 Combined Air Observers School, RATG (23 - 27 Jun 1941)

976 (Balloon) Sqn (21 - xx Aug 1941)

HQ, No 322 Wing (7 Sep - Oct 1942)

HQ, No 331 Wing (7 - 15 May 1943)

No 3203 Servicing Commando (18 Aug - Oct 1943)

HQ, No 342 Wing (20 Oct - 2 Nov 1944)

No 12 Casualty Air Evacuation Unit (25 Oct - 5 Nov 1944)

HQ, No 341 Wing (1 Nov 1944)

No 61 Personnel Transit Centre (1 - xx Aug 1945)

No 2 Heavy Glider Servicing Unit (1 Jan 1946 - xxx xxxx)

No 44 Heavy Glider Servicing Unit (21 Jan - 9 Feb 1946)


County: - Cheshire

Lat/Long:   53:22:23N  03:11:02W Approx

Grid Ref -  SJ21_86_

Height Above Sea Level -  ft

Operational Control: -

Opened -


Closed -


Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo of the general area on Google MapsUnofficial Station Website, West Kirby Association,

RAF West Malling

RAF West Mallinmg badge

Main units (continued): -

No 3002 Servicing Echelon (15 May – 11 Jun 1943)

3 Sqn (14 May - 11 Jun 1943 )

No 504 (AAF) Servicing Echelon (4 Aug – 18 Sep 1943)

No 3038 Servicing Echelon (4 Aug – 20 Sep 1943)

130 Sqn (5 Aug - 18 Sep 1943)

234 Sqn (5 Aug - 16 Sep 1943)

64 Sqn (6 - 25 Sep 1943)

No 3041 Servicing Echelon (6 – 25 Sep 1943)

350 Sqn (7 - 19 Sep 1943)

No 3012 Servicing Echelon (7 – 19 Sep 1943)

124 Sqn (20 Sep 1943 - 5 Jan 1944, 18 Jan - 18 Mar 1944)

No 3011 Servicing Echelon (20 Sep 1943 – xxx 1944)

410 Sqn (20 Oct - 8 Nov 1943)

96 Sqn (8 Nov 1943 - 20 Jun 1944)

No 6085 Servicing Echelon (22 Mar – 1 May 1944, 17 Apr 1947 – 17 May 1948)

No 6096 Servicing Echelon (22 Mar – 20 Jun 1944)

No 6616 Servicing Echelon (22 Mar – 24 Apr 1944)

91 Sqn (23 Apr - 21 Jul 1944, 3 - 10 Jun 1946)

HQ, No 148 Airfield (6 - 12 May 1944)

HQ, No 148 Wing (12 May - 19 Jun 1944)

409 Sqn (14 May - 19 Jun 1944)

No 6409 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (14 May - 19 Jun 1944)

41 Sqn (19 - 28 Jun 1944)

No 6041 Servicing Echelon (19 – 28 Jun 1944)

No 6610 Servicing Echelon (19 – 27 Jun 1944)

322 Sqn (20 Jun - 21 Jul 1944)

No 6316 (Polish) Servicing Echelon (1 – 10 Jul 1944)

316 Sqn (4 - 11 Jul 1944)

80 Sqn (5 Jul - 29 Aug 1944)

No 6080 Servicing Echelon (5 Jul – 29 Aug 1944)

274 Sqn (5 Jul - 17 Aug 1944)

No 6274 Servicing Echelon (5 Jul – 17 Aug 1944)

157 Sqn (21 Jul - 29 Aug 1944)

287 Sqn (10 Sep 1945 - 15 Jun 1946)

No 6029 Servicing Echelon (29 Oct 1945 17 May 1948 – cadre from 25 Sep 1946)

567 Sqn (26 Apr - 15 Jun 1946)

500 Sqn (10 May 1946 - 10 Mar 1957)

247 Sqn (1 - 12 Jun 1946, 7 - 16 Sep 1946)

No 6091 Servicing Echelon (3 – 10 Jun 1946)

25 Sqn (5 Sep 1946 - 19 Apr 1947, 3 May - 16 Jun 1947, 25 Jul 1947 - 5 Jan 1948, 27 Feb - 30 Apr 1948, 14 May 1948 - 30 Sep 1957)

No 6025 Servicing Echelon (5 Sep 1946 – 17 May 1948)

14 Sqn (29 Sep - 17 Oct 1947, 13 May - 4 Jun 1948)

No 141 Gliding School (30 Jun 1949 - xxx 1950/51)

98 Sqn (27 Sep - 7 Oct 1949, 17 - 30 Apr 1950, 22 Jun - 10 Jul 1950, 9 - 12 Sep 1950)

153 Sqn (28 Feb 1955 - 17 Sep 1957)

No 1 Air Experience Flt (12 Sep 1959 - 10 Sep 1960)

No 618 Volunteer Gliding School (9 Jan 1965 - Mar 1995)

FASRON 200 USN (xxx 1965 - xxx 1967)


County: - Kent

Lat/Long:  51:16:15N  00:24:23E

Grid Ref:    TQ680555

Height above sea level: 280 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - Jun 1940

No 22 Group (24 Jun - 17 Jul 1940)

No 11 Group (17 Jul 1940 - xx xx xxxx)

Closed - Aug 1964


Opened as a civilian airfield in 1930.

The site has subsequently been used by Short Brothers to service RAF Varsities and Chipmunks.

In 1972 it was used as a reception centre for Ugandan refugees and many of the buildings are used by the Tonbridge and Malling District Council.

Main units: -

HQ, No 51 Wing (8 - 10 Jun 1940)

26 Sqn (8 Jun - 3 Sep 1940, 19 - 31 May 194226 - 31 Jul 1942)

141 Sqn (11 - 25 Jul 1940)

66 Sqn (30 Oct - 7 Nov 1940)

No 421 Flt (31 Oct - 6 Nov 1940)

264 Sqn (14 Apr 1941 - 1 May 1942)

29 Sqn (27 Apr 1941 - 13 May 1943, 1 May - 19 Jun 1944, 29 Oct 1945 - 12 Jan 1946, 27 Jan - 11 Feb 1946, 21 Mar - 6 Apr 1946, 18 Oct 1946 - 26 Feb 1947, 31 Mar - 3 May 1947, 16 May - 16 Jun 1947, 24 Jul 1947 - 5 Jan 1948, 26 Feb - 14 May 1948, 27 May 1948 - 25 Nov 1950)

No 1452 (Fighter) Flt (7 Jul 1941 - 22 Jan 1943)

No 4 Refuelling and Re-arming Party (1 Aug 1941 -9 Feb 1942)

No 1528 Beam Approach Training Flt (22 Nov 1941 - 7 Dec 1942)

No 2710 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx 1942 - xxx xxxx)

'B' Flt, No 3203 Servicing Commando (9 - 19 Feb 1942)

32 Sqn (5 May - 14 Jun 1942, 7 Jul - 14 Aug 1942, 20 Aug - 10 Sep 1942)

No 3003 Servicing Echelon (5 May – 18 Jun 1942, 7 Jul – 7 Sep 1942)

616 Sqn (3 - 7 Jul 1942, 18 Mar - 24 Apr 1944)

411 Sqn (16 - 21 Aug 1942)

485 Sqn (16 - 22 Aug 1942)

610 Sqn (16 - 21 Aug 1942, 19 - 27 Jun 1944)

No 2769 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx xxxx - xxx xxxx)

531 Sqn (8 Sep - 2 Oct 1942, 9 Oct 1942 - 25 Jan 1943)

486 Sqn (10 - 29 Oct 1942)

No 3208 Servicing Commando (3 - 9 May 1943)

85 Sqn (13 May 1943 - 1 May 1944, 21 Jul - 29 Aug 1944, 16 Apr - 16 Jun 1947, 30 Jun 1947 - 5 Jan 1948, 26 Feb - 28 May 1948, 11 Jun 1948 - 18 Sep 1957, 5 Jun 1959 - 6 Sep 1960)


66 Sqn (Sep - 30 Oct 1940)

19 Sqn (Jun 1941)

255 Sqn (Sep 1941 - Mar 1942)

133 Sqn (Feb - May 1942)

411 Sqn (Apr 1943 - Aug 1943)

124 Sqn (May - Jun 1943)

504 Sqn (4 Aug 1943 - xxx xxxx)

No 6316 (Polish) Servicing Echelon (28 Apr – 4 Jul 1944)

409 Sqn (14 May - 19 Jun 1944)

157 Sqn (xxx xxxx - 21 Jul 1944)

14 Sqn (Mar 1950, Jun - Aug 1950, Sep 1950)

Links to related sites/pages

Commanding OfficersSubterranea Britannica website, Aerial photo on Google MapsControl Towers websiteWest Malling Wing Leaders, Personnel Listings,

RAF West Raynham

RAF West Raynham badge#

Main units (continued): -

No 1482 Target Towing & Gunnery Flt (Jan - 2 May 1942)

No 1482 (Bomber) Gunnery Flt (2 May 1942 - 10 May 1943)

180 Sqn (11 Sep - 19 Oct 1942)

98 Sqn (12 Sep - 15 Oct 1942)

342 Sqn (1 Apr - 15 May 1943)

No 2755 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx 1943 - Jul 1944)

No 2770 Sqn RAF Regiment

No 2836 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx 1943 - xxx xxxx)

No 1482 (Bomber) Gunnery Flt (17 Sep - 1 Dec 1943)

HQ, No 100 Group (3 Dec 1943 - 17 Jan 1944)

141 Sqn (4 Dec 1943 - 3 Jul 1945)

239 Sqn (10 Dec 1943 - 1 Jul 1945)

No 100 Group Communications Flt (25 Jan - 9 Feb 1944)

No 1694 (Target Towing) Flt (24 Jan - 21 May 1944)

Special Duties (Radio) Development Unit (21 Mar - 25 Apr 1944)

746 Sqn FAA (23 Aug 1945 - 30 Jan 1946)

Central Fighter Establishment (1 Oct 1945 - 5 Oct 1962)

CFE included: -

  • Day Fighter Leaders School (1 Oct 1945 - 15 Mar 1958)

  • All-Weather Wing (3 Jul 1950 - Feb 1956)

  • All-Weather Development Sqn (Feb 1956 - Aug 1959)

  • All-Weather Fighter Leaders School (Jul 1950 - 15 Mar 1958)

  • All-Weather Fighter Combat School (15 Mar 1958 - 1 Jul 1962)

  • Day Fighter Combat Sqn (15 Mar 1958 - 13 Nov 1962)

787 Sqn FAA (16 Nov 1945 - 16 Jan 1956)

Fighter Command Instrument Training Flt/Sqn (20 May 1950 - 1 Dec 1952)

85 Sqn (9 Sep 1960 - 31 Mar 1963, 1 - 25 Apr 1963, 28 Jan 1972 - 19 Dec 1975, 19 Dec 1975 - 1 Jul 1991)

1 Sqn (13 Aug 1963 - 18 Jul 1969)

54 Sqn (14 Aug 1963 - 1 Sep 1969)

Kestral Evaluation Sqn (15 Oct 1964 - 28 Feb 1965)

41 Sqn (1 Sep 1965 - 31 Jul 1970)

Fighter Command Trials Unit (1 Feb 1966 - 30 Jun 1967)

Bloodhound Support Unit (6 Oct 1971 - 18 Dec 1975)

100 Sqn (1 Feb 1972 - 5 Jan 1976)

45 Sqn (1 Aug - 29 Sep 1972)

No 66 Sqn RAF Regiment


County: - Norfolk

Lat/Long:  52:47:00N  00:40:30E

Grid Ref:  TF850245

Height above sea level:  241ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 5 Apr 1939

No 2 Group (5 Apr 1939 - 1 Nov 1943)

No 3 Group (1 Nov - 1 Dec 1943)

No 100  Group (1 Dec 1943 - xx xxx 1945)

Fighter Command (xx xxx 1945 - May 1963)

No 38 Group (May 1963 - Jul 1969)

No 11 Group (Jul 1969 - 1 Jul 1994)


Main units: -

101 Sqn (6 May 1939 - 6 Jul 1941)

90 Sqn (6 May - 13 Aug 1939, 27 Aug - 3 Sep 1939, 11 - 14 Sep 1939, 15 May - 28 Jun 1941)

No 81 (Bomber) Wing (1 Sep 1939 - xx xxx xxxx)

No 2 Group Target Towing Flt (22 Feb 1940 - Mar 1941, 30 Sep - Nov 1941)

76 Sqn (30 Apr - 20 May 1940)

139 Sqn (30 May - 10 Jun 1940)

18 Sqn (12 Jun - 9 Sep 1940)

268 Sqn (20 - 21 Jun 1941)

No 1420 Flt (19 Jul - 15 Nov 1941)

114 Sqn (19 Jul 1941 - 13 Nov 1942)

No 1482 (Target Towing) Flt ((Nov 1941 - Jan 1942)


114 Sqn (Apr - Jun 1940)

No 14 Service Flying Training School (28 Feb - 22 Mar 1941)

614 Sqn (26 May - 26 Jun 1942)

107 Sqn (Mar - 28 Jul 1943)

No 1482 (Bomber) Gunnery Flt (18 Jul - 17 Sep 1943)

161 Sqn (Sep 1944 - xxx xxxx)

'UK Echelon', 4 Sqn (1 Sep 1969 - 13 Mar 1970)

Links to related sites/pages

 Commanding Officers, Aerial photo on Google MapsControl Towers websitePersonnel Listings,

RAF Weston-super-Mare

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 39 Elementary & Reserve Flying Training School (3 Jul - 3 Sep 1939)

No 5 Civil Air  Navigation School (2 Sep - 1 Nov 1939)

No 5 Air Observer & Navigation School (1 Nov 1939 - 12 Jun 1930)

Detachment - No 16 Operational Training Unit (May - Jul 1940)

No 3 Air Observer & Navigation School (3 - 12 Jun 1940)

No 10 Elementary Flying Training School (7 Sep 1940 - Sep 1941)

No 3 Aviation Candidates Selection Board (21 Apr 1941 - 2 Feb 1942)

No 1 Aviation Candidates Selection Board (4 May 1941 - 1 Dec 1942)

No 8 Aviation Candidates Selection Board (4 May 1941 - 1 Dec 1942)

286 Sqn (10 Oct - 29 Nov 1942)

Equipment Training School (Airmen) (1 Jul 1943 - 5 Aug 1944)

No 87 Gliding School (Aug 1943 - 1 Sep 1955)

Detachment - 116 Sqn (Nov 1943 - xxx xxxx)

Centaurus Flt (xxx - 15 Oct 1943)

RLG for No 3 Flying Instructors School (Jun 1944 - 18 Jul 1945)

Polish Air Force Staff College (Apr 1944 - 30 Apr 1946)

No 621 Volunteer Gliding School (1 Sep 1955 - 30 Jun 1993)


County: - Somerset

Lat/Long:   51:20:08N  02:56:15W

Grid Ref -  ST345602

Height Above Sea Level - 17 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1936

Requisitioned for use by NAC - 3 Sep 1939

Reserve Command - 3 Sep 1939 - xx xxx xxxx)

MAP (xx xxx xxxx - 1 Jun 1943)

SHQ opened - 1 Jun 1943

No 24 Group (1 Jun 1943 - 5 Aug 1944)

C & M (5 Aug 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed -


This station covered units located at the aerodrome and within the town.

It is now home to the International Helicopter Museum.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps FAA Archive Website, Atlantikwall websiteControl Towers website

RAF Weston Zoyland

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

171 Sqn (10 - 20 Sep 1942)

No 3226 Servicing Commando (2 Oct - 2 Nov 1942, 4 Dec 1942 - 3 Feb 1943)

169 Sqn (13 - 18 Oct 1942)

No 1600 (Anti-Aircraft Co-operation) Flt (1 Nov 1942 - 1 Dec 1943)

No 1601 (Anti-Aircraft Co-operation) Flt (1 Nov 1942 - 1 Dec 1943)

Target Towing Flt, No 1 Anti-Aircraft Practice Camp, Locking (20 Jan - 17 Jun 1943)

168 Sqn (1 - 17 Mar 1943)

430 Sqn (25 Apr - 5 May 1943)

No 1625 (Anti-Aircraft Co-operation) Flt (17 Jun - 1 Dec 1943)

231 Sqn (12 - 22 Jul 1943)

414 Sqn (31 Jul - 10 Aug 1943)

Transport Command Base Unit (27 Aug 1943 - 5 Feb 1944)

Base Transport Unit (1 Sep 1943 - 28 Jan 1944)

525 Sqn (2 Sep 1943 - 6 Feb 1944)

No 3207 Servicing Commando (28 Sep - 31 Oct 1943)

19 Sqn (30 Sep - 15 Oct 1943)

122 Sqn (15 Oct - 3 Nov 1943)

No 13 Armament Practice Camp (18 Oct - 20 Nov 1943)

286 Sqn (29 Nov 1943 - 10 Apr 1944, 28 Sep 1944 - 16 May 1945)

587 Sqn (1 Dec 1943 - 10 Apr 1944, 1 Oct 1944 - 1 Jun 1946)

653 Sqn (6 - 17 Dec 1943)

442nd Troop Carrier Group, USAAF (12 Jun - 5 Oct 1944)

No 1540 Beam Approach Training Flt (6 Feb - 17 Dec 1945)

285 Sqn (20 - 26 Jun 1945)

222 Sqn (5 Sep - 23 Oct 1945)

No 1 Fighter Command Servicing Unit (Nov - Dec 1945)

No 3 Fighter Command Servicing Unit (Nov - Dec 1945)

151 Sqn (8 Jul - 10 Oct 1946)

No 6151 Servicing Echelon (11 Jul – 10 Oct 1946)

14 Sqn (1 - 22 Aug 1946)

No 209 Advanced Flying School (f23 Jun 1952 - 1 Jun 1954)

No 12 Flying Training School (1 Jun 1954 - 24 Jun 1955)

‘C’ Sqn, No 231 Operational Conversion Unit (25 Jun - 1 Oct 1955)

No 3 All-Weather Jet Refresher Sqn (Jun - xxx 1955)

No 1362 Flt (15 Oct - Nov 1955)

76 Sqn (15 Nov 1955 - 1 Apr 1957)

542 Sqn (15 Dec 1955 - 31 Mar 1957)


County: - Somerset

Lat/Long:   51:06:15N  02:54:15W

Grid Ref -  ST365345

Height Above Sea Level - 30 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1926

Fighter Command (xx xxx xxxx - 24 Jun 1940)

No 22 Group (24 Jun - 1 Dec 1940)

SHQ Opened - 1 Sep 1940

No 70 Group (1 Dec 1940 - xx xxx xxxx)

Occupied by 9th Air Force (xx xxx - 20 Nov 1944)

No 70 Group (20 Nov 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1969


Main units: -

RAF Practice Camp, Weston Zoyland (Jul 1926 - xxx xxxx)

100 Sqn (17 Jun - 30 Aug 1926, 14 Apr - 19 May 1928)

Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Flt (Jun - Sep 1932, Jun - Sep 1933, 23 May - 15 Sep 1934, 21 May - 4 Sep 1935)

'A' Flt, Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (26 May - 1 Sep 1936)

'A' Flt, No 1 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (20 May - 16 Sep 1937, 16 May - Sep 1938, 27 Mar - 27 Aug 1939, 3 Sep 1939 - 29 Sep 1942, Oct - 1 Nov 1942)

'C' Flt, No 1 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit  (6 Sep - 4 Dec 1939)

'K' Flt, No 1 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit  (Dec 1939 - xxx 1940)

No 8 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (5 Aug - 6 Oct 1940)

16 Sqn (14 Aug 1940 - 25 Sep 1941, 3 Oct - 23 Nov 1941, 27 Nov 1941 - 2 Jan 1943)

239 Sqn (6 - 13 Jul 1941)

26 Sqn (14 - 18 Jul 1941, 7 - 23 Feb 1942)

268 Sqn (21 - 27 Jul 1941 , 25 Nov - 8 Dec 1941, 20 May - 2 Jun 1942, 9 - 16 Aug 1942)

2 Sqn (4 - 10 Aug 1941)

'P' Flt, No 1 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit  (25 Aug 1941 - 1 Nov 1942)

241 Sqn (8 - 14 Oct 1941)

No 1492 (Target Towing) Flt (18 Oct 1941 - 22 Apr 1942)

140 Sqn (29 Oct - 4 Nov 1941)

No 1492 (Fighter) Gunnery Flt (22 Apr 1942 - 18 Oct 1943)

170 Sqn (15 - 17 Jun 1942)

63 Sqn (16 Jul - 13 Nov 1942)

No 3225 Servicing Commando (8 - 12 Sep 1942)


No 8 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (7 Jul - 5 Aug  1940, 10 Nov 1940 - 5 Mar 1942, 5 Jan - Nov 1943)

98 Sqn (Jun 1938 - Mar 1940)

63 Sqn (Oct -  Nov 1939)

400 Sqn (Jun 1941 - Dec 1942)

225 Sqn (Jul 1941 - Jan 1942)

No 41 Operational Training Unit (Nov 1941, Aug - Oct 1942)

614 Sqn (Sep - Oct 1942)

170 Sqn (Mar - Jun 1943)

318 Sqn (Apr - Jul 1943)

691 Sqn (xxx - xxx 1946)

32 Sqn (Jan 1957)

73 Sqn (xxx 1957)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google MapsOfficers Commanding, Atlantikwall websiteControl Towers websitePersonnel Listings,

RAF Westley (including RAF Bury St Edmunds)

No Badge authorised

Main units (Bury St Edmunds): -

241 Sqn (11 Apr - 1 Jul 1941)

RAF Defence Guard (xx xxx xxxx - 1 Jul 1941)

No 89 Maintenance Unit* (15 Oct 1942 - 31 Mar 1946)

Main units (Westley): -

Emergency Landing Ground (1 Jul 1941 - xx xxx xxxx)

Satellite - RAF Snailwell (10 Aug 1942 - xx xxx xxxx)

No 103 Gliding School (xx xxx 1943 - xx xxx 1944, Jun 1944 - Dec 1948)


County: - Suffolk

Lat/Long:   52:14:56N 00:41:10E

Grid Ref -  TM825645/155

Height Above Sea Level - 200 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened (Bury St Edmunds)- 1 Dec 1940?

No 71 Group (1 Dec 1940 - 1 Jul 1941)

Renamed RAF Westley - 1 Jul  1941

No 34 Wing (10 Aug 1942 - 1 Jun 1943)

No 12 Group (1 Jun 1943 - 13 Oct 1944)

No 28 Group (13 Oct 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed -


This was originally the civil aerodrome at Bury St Edmunds but was renamed Westley on 1 Jul 1941 on being downgraded to an ELG to avoid confusion with a new RAF Station to be name Bury St Edmunds, but later renamed Rougham.

*Located at Barton Mills, Bury St Edmunds


Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google MapsCommanding Officers

RAF Wethersfield

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

416th Bomb Group, USAAF (1 Feb - 21 Sep 1944)

196 Sqn (14 Mar 1944 - 26 Jan 1945)

299 Sqn (9 Oct 1944 - 25 Jan 1945)

No 6196 Servicing Echelon (9 Oct 1944 – 26 Jan 1945)

No 1677 (Target Towing) Flt (28 Dec 1944 - 14 Jan 1945, 19 Oct 1945 - 15 Jan 1946)

Operational and Refresher Training Unit (15 Oct 1945 - 1 Apr 1946)

No 1 Mobile Parachute Servicing Unit (29 Mar - xxx 1946)

No 1385 (Heavy Transport) Conversion Unit (1 Apr - 7 Jul 1946)

No 15 Flying Training School (23 Feb - 12 May 1952)

20th Fighter Group, USAF (1 Jun 1952 - 8 Feb 1955)

20th Fighter Bomber Wing, USAF (Jun 1958 - xxx 1970)

Detachment - 23rd Helicopter Sqn, USAF (xxx xxxx - xxx xxxx)

No 611 Volunteer Gliding School (xx 1995 - Apr 1996)

No 614 Volunteer Gliding School (xxx xxxx - xxx xxxx)


County: - Essex

Lat/Long:   51:58:23N  00:30:38E

Grid Ref -  TL725335

Height Above Sea Level - 315 ft

Railway Stations

  • Sible & Castle Hedingham (passenger) LNER

  • Thaxted (goods) LNER

Operational Control: -

Opened - 10 Jan 1944

IX Bomber Command Substitution Unit (10 Jan - 15 Apr 1944)

IX Bomber Command, USAAF (15 Apr - 27 Sep 1944)

No 38 Group (27 Sep 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed -


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a operational bomber satellite airfield for Ridgewell was issued in December 1941.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google MapsCommanding Officers

RAF Weybourne

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

'X' Flt, No 1 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit  (16 May - 14 Sep 1939)

'T' Flt, No 1 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit  (25 Feb 1941 - 29 Apr 1942)


No 6 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (7 Dec 1942 - 30 Nov 1943)


County: - Norfolk

Lat/Long:   52:56:42N  01:07:50E

Grid Ref -  TG11_43_

Height Above Sea Level -  ft

Operational Control: -

Opened -

No 22 Group (xx xxx 1939 - 1 Dec 1940)

No 70 Group (1 Dec 1940 - xx xxx xxxx)

Transferred to the War Office - 19 Aug 1942


It is now a private military museum.


Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Wheaton Aston

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

RLG for No 11 (Pilots) Advanced Flying Unit (14 Mar 1942 - 1 Aug 1943)

No 21 (Pilots) Advanced Flying Unit (1 Aug 1943 - 5 Dec 1946)

No 1511 Beam Approach Training Flt (29 Sep 1943 - 31 Jul 1946)

No 1545 Beam Approach Training Flt (14 Feb - 25 Apr 1944)

No 1517 Radio Aids Training Flt (22 May -17 Dec 1945)


County: - Staffordshire

Lat/Long:   52:43:53N  02:14:00W

Grid Ref -  SJ842150

Height Above Sea Level - 350 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1941

Bomber Command (xx xxx 1941 - 10 Feb 1942)

No 21 Group (10 Feb 1942 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1947


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a satellite for High Ercall was issued in November 1940.  In October 1941 it was re-allocated for use as a satellite for Hixon (Bomber OTU).

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google MapsControl Towers website

RAF White Waltham

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

ATA Advanced Flying Training School (1 Apr 1942 - 30 Nov 1945)

ATA Air Movements Flt (Apr 1942 - Aug 1945)

No 1 Ferry Pool ATA (1 May 1942 - 31 Mar 1946)

No 3 Elementary Glider Training School (4 Oct 1942 - Dec 1943)

No 54 Group Communication Flt (Apr 1943 - 1 May 1944)

2nd Tactical Air Force Communication Flt (1 Jun - 24 Jul 1943)

No 402 Air Sores Park (7 Feb - 5 Apr 1944)

Detachment - No 10 Radio School (Jan - Apr 1945)

No 1 Ferry Pool (3 Dec 1945 - 31 Mar 1946)

RAF Staff College Communication Flt (24 Jun - 10 Sep 1946)

RAF Staff College Flt (10 Sep 1946 - 3 Feb 1948)

Reserve Command Communication Flt (10 Sep 1946 - 1 Aug 1950)

No 123 Gliding School (Feb 1948 - 1 Sep 1955)

Reserve Command Instrument Training Flt (1 Aug 1948 - 6 Apr 1949)

Reserve Command Training Flt (22 Sep 1948 - 1 Aug 1950)

HQ, Home Command (1 Aug 1950 - 31 May 1959)

Home Command Communication Sqn (1 Aug 1950 - 31 May 1959)

Home Command Training Flt (1 - 8 Aug 1950)

Home Command Examining Unit (8 Aug 1950 - xxx 1951, 31 Dec 1951 - 15 Jan 1959)

No 623 Volunteer Gliding School (1 Sep 1955 - 1 May 1963 )

No 6 Air Experience Flt (8 Sep 1958 - 23 Aug 1973)

No 1 Air Experience Flt (7 Feb - 12 Sep 1959, 10 Sep 1960 - 1 Apr 1963)

University of London Air Sqn (8 Feb 1959 - 8  Aug 1973)

Fighter Command Communication Sqn (1 Apr 1959 - 1 Apr 1964)

HQ, Air Cadets (1 May 1960 - 23 Sep 1968)

No 2 Mobile Glider Servicing Party (xxx xxxx - 26 Feb 1968)


County: - Berkshire

Lat/Long:   51:30:03N  00:46:28W

Grid Ref - 

Height Above Sea Level - 133 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened -

Air Transport Auxiliary: 1940 - 1945

SHQ opened - 1 Jul 1942

Closed -


It is now home to the West London Aero Club.

Main units: -

No 3 Elementary & Reserve Flying Training School (18 Nov 1935 - 3 Sep 1939)

Reserve Command Communication Flt (2 Sep 1939 - 27 May 1940, 10 Sep 1946 - 1 Aug 1950)

No 50 Group Communication Flt (2 Sep 1939 - 31 May 1947)

No 3 Elementary Flying Training School (3 Sep 1939 - 20 Dec 1940)

HQ, Air Transport Auxiliary (xxx 1940 - Sep 1945)

Training Command Communication Flt (12 Jan - 27 May 1940)

No 3 Ferry Pilots Pool/Ferry Pool ATA (15 Feb - 5 Nov 1940)

Flying Training Command Communication Flt (27 May 1940 - 15 Feb 1942, 1 May 1959 - 1 Apr 1964)

Technical Training Communication Flt (27 May 1940 - 6 Nov 1945)

ATA School (Oct 1940 - 1 Apr 1942)

No 1 Ferry Pilots Pool (5 Nov 1940 - 31 Mar 1946)

Army Cooperation Command Communication Flt (1 Dec 1940 - 31 May 1943)

ATA (Training) Ferry Pool (Jan 1941 - 5 Aug 1943)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps FAA Archive Website

RAF Whitley Bay

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 22 Recruit Centre (7 Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 2 RAF Regiment School (1 Feb 1942 - 25 Jan 1943)

Senior NCOs' Course (25 Jan - 6 Dec 1943)

The Air Crew NCOs School (6 Dec 1943 - 8 Jun 1945)

No 16 Initial Training Wing (1 Oct 1943 - 1 Feb 1944)

No 24 Air Crew Holding Unit (8 Mar - 22 May 1944)


County: - Northumberland

Lat/Long:   55:02:40N  01:26:31W

Grid Ref -  NZ35_72_

Height Above Sea Level -  ft

Operational Control: -

Opened (22 RC) - 7 Jul 1941

No 20 Group (7 Jul 1941 - 12 Oct 1942)

No 72 Group (12 Oct 1942 - 25 Jan 1943)

SHQ opened - 25 Jan 1943

No 54 Group (25 Jan 1943 - 1 Jan 1944)

No 22 Group (1 Jan 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed -


Units located in the town prior to the formation of the SHQ are shown here for clarity.

On opening as a station its function was to provide training facilities to aircrew personnel attached from PRCs to undergo ground defence, leadership and administrative training with a pupil population of 500.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Wick

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

'B' Flt, No 1 PRU (9 Jan - 16 Apr 1941)

612 Sqn (1 Apr - 15 Dec 1941, 23 Sep 1942 - 18 Apr 1943)

'D' Flt, No 1 PRU (15 Apr - 15 Jul 1941)

220 Sqn (28 Apr 1941 - 9 Jan 1942)

Mosquito Flt, No 1 PRU (May - Dec 1941)

No 1406 Meteorological Flt (9 May 1941 - 7 Aug 1943)

No 748 Defence Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

'E' Flt, No 1 PRU (15 Jul - Oct 1941)

No 1408 Meteorological Flt (3 Dec 1941 - 7 Feb 1942)

48 Sqn (6 Jan - 23 Sep 1942)

608 Sqn (14 Jan - 5 Aug 1942)

No 2748 Sqn, RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - xxx 1942)

86 Sqn (9 Mar - 31 Jul 1942)

No 4 Air/Sea Rescue Marine Craft Unit (28 Mar 1942 - 1 Feb 1946)

415 Sqn (6 Aug - 5 Sep 1942)

489 Sqn (24 Sep 1942 - 6 Oct 1943)

404 Sqn (20 Apr 1943 - 8 May 1944)

519 Sqn (15 Aug - 11 Dec 1943, 29 Nov 1944 - 17 Aug 1945)

144 Sqn (20 Oct 1943 - 10 May 1944)

No 1693 (General Reconnaissance) Flt (11 Dec 1943 - 14 Jun 1944)

887 Sqn FAA (4 - 6 Jul 1944)

618 Sqn (9 Jul - 21 Aug 1944)

407 Sqn (22 Aug - 9 Nov 1944)

No 6122 Servicing Echelon (29 Aug – 24 Sep 1945, 19 Oct 1945 – 3 Jan 1946)

122 Sqn (19 Oct 1945 - 3 Jan 1946)

No 6118 Servicing Echelon (19 Oct 1945 – 3 Jan 1946)

316 Sqn (28 Nov 1945 - 15 Mar 1946)

303 Sqn (5 Jan - 6 Mar 1946)

No 6303 (Polish) Servicing Echelon (5 Jan – 6 Mar 1946)


County: - Caithness

Lat/Long:   58:27:23N  03:05:30W

Grid Ref -  ND363527

Height Above Sea Level - 120 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 22 Sep 1939

No 18 Group (22 Sep 1939 - xx xxx xxxx)

SHQ opened - xx Mar 1940

Closed - 1978


It is now Wick Airport.

Main units: -

269 Sqn (10 Oct 1939 - 6 Mar 1943)

41 Sqn (19 - 25 Oct 1939)

803 Sqn FAA (31 Oct - 8 Dec 1939, 11 Jan - 10 Feb 1940)

43 Sqn (26 Feb - 31 May 1940)

111 Sqn (27 Feb - 13 May 1940)

605 Sqn (28 Feb - 21 May 1940)

3 Sqn (23 May - 2 Sep 1940)

504 Sqn (24 May - 21 Jun 1940)

42 Sqn (19 Jun 1940 - 1 Mar 1941)

'A' Flt, Photographic Reconnaissance Unit (1 Jul - 10 Oct 1940)

No 1 Radio Maintenance Unit Calibration Flt (1 Jul - 21 Sep 1940)

No 1 Radio Servicing Section Calibration Flt (21 Sep - 16 Nov 1940)

'C' Flt, Photographic Reconnaissance Unit (11 Oct - 16 Nov 1940)

'C' Flt, No 1 PRU (16 Nov 1940 - 7 Jan 1941)


50 Sqn (Nov - 2 Dec 1939)

61 Sqn (Nov - 2 Dec 1939)

22 Sqn (12 Jun 1940 - xxx xxxx)

502 Sqn (8 Jan - 11 Feb 1941, Jul 1941 - xxx xxxx)

612 Sqn (10 Feb - 1 Apr 1941)

220 Sqn (1 Mar - 28 Apr 1941)

248 Sqn (1 Mar 1941 - xxx xxxx)

42 Sqn (Sep - Dec 1941)

86 Sqn (23 Feb - 9 Mar 1942)

58 Sqn (Apr - Jun 1942, 28 Jul - 11 Aug 1942)

144 Sqn (17 Jul - 3 Aug 1942)

254 Sqn (Jul - Oct 1942)

236 Sqn (Sep 1942 - May 1945)

455 Sqn (15 Jan - May 1943)

279 Sqn (27 Sep 1943 - xxx xxxx)

281 Sqn (Feb - Sep 1944)

162 Sqn RCAF (24 May - 7 Aug 1944)

282 Sqn (25 Sep 1944 - xxx xxxx)

279 Sqn (Feb 1945 - xxx xxxx)

518 Sqn (25 Jun - 17 Aug 1945)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,    Officers Commanding,

RAF Wickenby

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

Satellite, RAF Binbrook (15 Jul  1942 - 25 Apr 1943)

12 Sqn (25 Sep 1942 - 24 Sep 1945)

Sub Station, Binbrook Base (25 Apr - 16 Sep 1943)

Sub Station, No 12 Base (16 Sep - 16 Nov 1943)

Sub Station, No 14 Base (16 Nov 1943 - 12 Apr 1945 )

626 Sqn (7 Nov 1943 - 14 Oct 1945)

109 Sqn (22 Oct - 26 Nov 1945)

Sub-site, No 61 Maintenance Unit (21 Dec 1945 - 1 Nov 1949)

No 93 Maintenance Unit (4 Oct 1948 - 1 Jan 1949, 1 Jan 1949 - 8 Jan 1951)

Sub-site, No 93 Maintenance Unit (8 Jan 1951 - 30 Apr 1956)

No 92 Maintenance Unit (1 Sep 1952 - 30 Sep 1956)


County: - Lincolnshire

Lat/Long:   53:18:45N  00:21:00W

Grid Ref -  TF088803

Height Above Sea Level - 84 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 15 Jul 1942

No 1 Group (15 Jul 1942 - 21 Dec 1945)

Maintenance Command (21 Dec 1945 - 30 Sep 1956)

Closed - 1956


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a satellite for Market Rasen (Ludford Magna) was issued in May 1941, but was transferred transferred to RAF Binbrook in April 1942.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,    RAF-Lincolnshire.infoControl Towers website

RAF Wig Bay

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

See Stranraer

Seaplane Training Sqn (xxx 1940 - 16 Mar 1941)

Detachment - No 4 (Coastal) Operational Training Unit (20 Feb - 10 Nov 1942)

Flying Boat Servicing Unit (12 Mar - 25 Sep 1942)

No 1 Flying Boat Servicing Unit (25 Sep 1942 - 1 Feb 1944)

No 11 Flying Boat Fitting Unit (15 May - 8 Oct 1943)

No 57 Maintenance Unit (8 Oct 1943- 1 Oct 1951)

Flying Boat Storage Unit (1 Oct 1951 - 31 Oct 1957)


County: - Wigtownshire (Dumfries and Galloway)

Lat/Long:   54:57:54N  05:03:54W

Grid Ref - 

Height Above Sea Level -  ft

Operational Control: -

Opened -

No 17 Group (xx xxx xxxx - 1 Dec 1942)

No 15 Group (1 Dec 1942 - 1 Feb 1944)

SHQ closed - 1 Feb 1944

No 41 Group (1 Feb 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)


In October 1940 it was decided to establish a Flying Boat Servicing Unit at this location to replace RAF Calshot.

From 1 Feb 1944, No 57 MU became the Commanding Unit

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps

RAF Wigsley

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

Satellite, Ossington (xx Oct 1940 - xx Jul 1941)

Satellite, Swinderby (xx Jul 1941 - xx xxx xxxx)

455 Sqn (8 Feb - 26 Apr 1942)

RLG for No 14 (Pilots) Advanced Flying Unit (Apr - May 1942)

No 1654 Conversion Unit (15 Jun - 7 Oct 1942)

Air Bomber Training Unit (Jul - 27 Aug 1942)

No 50 Conversion Flt (21 - 22 Aug 1942)

No 83 Conversion Flt (21 - 22 Aug 1942)

No 1654 Heavy Conversion Unit (7 Oct 1942 - 1 Sep 1945)

No 28 Air Crew Holding Unit (20 Sep 1945 - 10 Jan 1946)

RLG for RAF College (xxx - xxx 1955)


County: - Nottinghamshire

Lat/Long:   53:13:00N  00:43:30W

Grid Ref -  SK855695

Height Above Sea Level - 33 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1942

No 7 Group (1944)

Closed - 1958


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a satellite for Ossington was issued in October 1940.

It was a sub-station of No 51 Base from 15 Mar 1943 to 3 Nov 1944, when it was transferred to No 7 Group, becoming a sub-station of No 75 Group until 1 Oct 1945.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,    RAF-Lincolnshire.infoControl Towers website

RAF Wigtown

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 834 Defence Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

Detachment - 114 Sqn (Jul - Sep 1941)

No 1 Air Observers School (13 Sep 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 1 (Observer) Advanced Flying Unit (1 Feb 1942 - 12 Nov 1945)

No 2834 Sqn, RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - xxx 1942)

174 Sqn (Jul - Oct 1943)

175 Sqn (Jul - Oct 1943)

182 Sqn (18 - 22 Sep 1943)

No 3206 Servicing Commando (18 - 26 Sep 1943)

Sub-site, No 14 Maintenance Unit (1 Jul 1946 - 1 Mar 1948)

Bombing Trials Unit (16 Jun 1947 - 6 May 1948)


County: - Wigtownshire

Lat/Long:   54:51:00N  04:26:30W

Grid Ref -  NX433536

Height Above Sea Level - 20 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 19 Aug 1941

No 25 Group (19 Aug 1941 - 1 Jul 1942)

No 29 Group (1 Jul 1942 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1948


Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google MapsOfficers Commanding, Control Towers website

RAF Wildenrath

RAF Wildenrath badge

Main units (continued): -

71 Sqn (8 Apr 1952 - 7 Jul 1955)

67 Sqn (5 May 1952 - 5 Jul 1955)

No 4 Repair and Salvage Unit (11 Aug 1952 - May 1956)

HQ, No 137 Wing (1 Apr 1953 - 1 Jan 1960)

2 TAF Sabre Conversion Sqn (10 Mar 1953 - 30 Jun 1954)

No 402 Air Stores Park (15 Apr 1953 - 1 Aug 1961)

2 TAF Communication Sqn (1 Dec 1954 - 1 Jan 1959)

88 Sqn (15 Jan 1956 - 17 Dec 1962)

17 Sqn (3 Apr 1957 - 31 Dec 1969)

RAF Germany Communications Sqn (1 Jan 1959 - 3 Feb 1969)

14 Sqn (17 Dec 1962 - 30 Jun 1970)

60 Sqn (3 Feb 1969 - 1 Apr 1992)

4 Sqn (1 Jun 1970 - 4 Jan 1977)

20 Sqn (1 Dec 1970 - 1 Mar 1977)

25 Sqn (1 Jan 1971 - 1 Mar 1983)

19 (Designate) Sqn (1 Oct 1976 - 1 Jan 1977)

19 Sqn (1 Jan 1977 - 9 Jan 1992)

92 (Designate) Sqn (1 Jan - 1 Apr 1977)

92 Sqn (1 Apr 1977 - 5 Jul 1991)

No 16 Sqn RAF Regiment

No 24 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx xxxx - 1 Jan 1958)

No 25 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx xxxx - 1 Jan 1958)

No 54 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx xxxx - 1 Jan 1958)


Country: - Germany

Lat/Long:  51:06:54N  06:12:47E

Height Above Sea Level:

Operational Control: -

Opened - 15 Jan 1952

2nd Tactical Air Force (Jan 1952 - Jan 1959)

RAF Germany (Jan 1959 - Apr 1993)

Closed - xxx 1992


The first of the 'Clutch' stations constructed near the Dutch border.

The domestic site is now Javelin Barracks, whilst the airfield is used by Siemens AG as a railway testing centre known as Wegberg-Wildenrath Test Center.

Main units: -

3 Sqn (1 Apr 1952 - 21 Jul 1953, 1 Jan 1972 - 1 Apr 1977)


4 Sqn (Apr - Jun 1970)

Links to related sites/pages

Officers Commanding, Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Wilmslow

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

No 75 Maintenance Unit (1 Dec 1940 - 31 Aug 1945)

No 2 Personnel Despatch Centre (13 Nov 1940 - 20 Feb 1941, 17 Sep 1941 - 25 Feb 1943)

  • No 33 Service Flying Training School* (20 Nov - 5 Dec 1940)

  • No 34 Air Stores Park* (1 May - 17 Jul 1941)

  • No 132 Air Stores Park* (7 Sep - 10 Nov 1942)

  • No 131 Air Stores Park* (9 Sep - 28 Oct 1942)

  • No 133 Air Stores Park* (xx Sep - 28 Oct 1942)

RAF Czech-Slovak Depot (19 Dec 1940 - 14 Feb 1942)

No 100 Wing (2 - 9 Sep 1941)

No 31 (WAAF) Recruit Centre (24 Feb 1943 - 1 Nov 1948)

No 25 Mobile Dental Unit (xx xxx xxxx - xx xxx xxxx)

No 184 Gliding School (Mar 1944 - May 1945, Dec 1945 - Jan 1946)

No 4 Recruit Centre (14 Jun 1945 - 1 Nov 1948)

No 4 School of Recruit Training (1 Nov 1948 - 31 Mar 1957)

No 31 (WAAF) School of Recruit Training (1 Nov 1948 - 1 Feb 1949)

No 31 WRAF Recruit Training School (1 Feb 1949 - 26 Jul 1960)

No 4 Joint Service Trials Unit (UK Element) (16 Dec 1959 - 31 Oct 1961)


County: - Cheshire


Grid Ref: 

Height above sea level:  ft

Operational Control: -

Opened -

No 28 Group (xx xxx xxxx - 24 Feb 1943)

No 20 Group (24 Feb 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)



*This unit was formed at No 6 RC/No 2 PDC prior to embarkation overseas.

HQ, No 63 Group was located at 162 Manchester Road, Wilmslow from 2 May to 27 July 1946.

Main units: -

No 6 Recruit Centre (11 Apr 1940 - 17 Sep 1941)

  • No 34 Service Flying Training School* (26 Feb - xx xxx 1941)

  • No 54 Repair and Salvage Unit* (1 May - xxx 1941)

  • No 324 Wing* (14 Sep - xx xxx 1941)

  • No 325 Wing* (14 Sep - xx xxx 1941)

Links to related sites/pages

RAF Windermere

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

WAAF Officers' School (5 Nov 1942 - Jul 1944)

WAAF Officers' Cadet Training Unit (Jul 1944 - Nov 1945)


County: - Westmorland (Cumbria)

Lat/Long:   54:22:48N  02:54:36W

Grid Ref - 

Height Above Sea Level -  ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 26 Oct 1942

No 27 Group (26 Oct 1942 - xx xxx xxxx)

No 28 Group (xx xxx xxxx - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed -


SHQ was at the Royal Hotel, Bowness, Windermere.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Wing

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 849 Defence Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 26 Operational Training Unit (15 Jan 1942 - 4 Mar 1946)

No 2849 Sqn, RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - 10 Jul 1942)

268 Sqn (1 - 6 Mar 1943)

613 Sqn (1 - 6 Mar 1943)

No 60 Group Communication Flt (xxx 1944 - 25 Apr 1946)

60 Group Radar Navigation Aids Test Flt (Jan - 31 Oct 1945)



County: - Buckinghamshire

Lat/Long:   51:54:00N  00:45:15W

Grid Ref -  SU912726

Height Above Sea Level - 450 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 27 Dec 1941

No 7 Group (27 Dec 1941  - xx xxx xxx)

No 92 Group (1944)

Closed - 1958


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as an aerodrome was issued in August 1940.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Winkleigh

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

406 Sqn (14 Apr - 17 Sep 1944)

Detachment - 286 Sqn (16 Apr - Nov 1944)

Detachment - 415 Sqn (4 May - 10 Jun 1944)

Detachment - 161 Sqn (29 Jul - Aug 1944)

Norwegian Training Base (11 Dec 1944 - 10 Nov 1945)



County: - Devon

Lat/Long:   50:52:00N  03:57:30W

Grid Ref -  SS620095

Height Above Sea Level - 540 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1943

No 10 Group (1 Jun 1943 - 11 Dec 1944)

(C & M) (20 Aug 1943 - 1 Jan 1945)

No 23 Group (11 Dec 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1958


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a satellite aerodrome for RAF Chivenor was issued in July 1941.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps, RAF Winkleigh website, Officers Commanding,

RAF Winthorpe

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

Satellite - RAF Swinderby (xx xxx xxxx - xx Jul 1941)

Satellite - RAF Ossington (xx Jul 1941 - 7 Feb 1942)

Satellite - RAF Syerston (7 Feb - 15 Oct 1942)

Satellite - RAF Swinderby (15 Oct 1942 - xx xxx xxxx)

No 1661 Heavy Conversion Unit (1 Jan 1943 - 24 Aug 1945)

Dropping zone for No 1333 Conversion Unit (Nov 1945 - Jul 1947)

Satellite for No 1331 Heavy Transport Conversion Unit (Dec 1946 - Jan 1948)

Sub-site, No 61 Maintenance Unit (15 Feb 1946 - 26 Oct 1948)

Central Servicing Development Unit (2 Feb 1953 - 1 Jan 1958)

No 54 Maintenance Unit (30 Mar 1953 - 15 Sep 1953)


County: - Nottinghamshire

Lat/Long:   53:05:45N  00:46:15W

Grid Ref -  SK825565

Height Above Sea Level - 54 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened as satellite - 1940

No 5 Group (xx xxx 1940 - 3 Nov 1944)

No 7 Group (3 Nov 1944 - xx xxx 1945)

Closed - 1958


This was originally approved for requisition in August 1939 as a satellite for Swinderby.

It was a sub-station of No 51 Base from 15 Mar 1943 to 3 Nov 1944, when it was transferred to No 7 Group, becoming a sub-station of No 75 Group until 1 Oct 1945.

It is now the site of the Newark Air Museum and Newark Showground

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google MapsOfficers Commanding,  Atlantikwall website, Control Towers website

RAF Witchford

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

Satellite, RAF Waterbeach (1 Jul - 25 Aug 1943)

196 Sqn (19 Jul - 18 Nov 1943)

Sub-Station, Waterbeach Base (25 Aug - 16 Sep 1943)

Sub-Station, No 33 Base (16 Sep 1943 - 1 Sep 1945)

513 Sqn (15 Sep - 21 Nov 1943)

115 Sqn (26 Nov 1943 - 10 Sep 1945)

RLG for No 3 Lancaster Finishing School (18 May - 25 Jul 1944)

195 Sqn (1 Oct 1944 13 Nov 1944

No 29 Air Crew Holding Unit (15 Oct 1945 - 31 Mar 1946) 


County: - Cambridgeshire

Lat/Long:   52:22:45N  00:14:00E

Grid Ref -  TF028025

Height Above Sea Level - 250 ft

Railway Station - Ely LNER

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1 Jul 1943

No 3 Group (1 Jul 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1946


This was originally known as Ely but the name was changed in February 1943, whilst under construction, to avoid confusion with the RAF Hospital, Ely.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,  

RAF Wittering

RAF Wittering badge

Main units (continued): -

91 Sqn (9 - 21 May 1943)

No 3028 Servicing Echelon (9 - 21 May 1943)

349 Sqn (5 - 8 Jun 1943)

55th Fighter Sqn, USAAF  (27 Aug 1943 - Apr 1944)

438 Sqn (19 Dec 1943 - 10 Jan 1944)

Fighter Interception Unit (3 Apr - 23 Aug 1944)

Air Fighting Development Sqn (1 Oct 1944 - 1 Sep 1959)

Fighter Experimental Flt (1 Oct 1944 - Jun 1945)

Central Fighter Establishment (16 Oct 1944 - 27 Feb 1945)

Day Fighter Leaders School (27 Dec 1944 - 15 Jan 1945)

68 Sqn (8 - 27 Feb 1945)

No 6068 Servicing Echelon (9 – 27 Feb 1945)

Flying Training Command Instructors School (17 Dec 1945 - 24 May 1946)

HQ, Lincolnshire Sector (1 Apr - 12 Jul 1946)

41 Sqn (15 Apr - 29 Jun 1946, 30 Aug - 11 Nov 1946, 20 Dec 1946 - 17 Apr 1947)

No 6041 Servicing Echelon (15 Apr – 29 Jun 1946, 30 Aug 1946 – 16 Apr 1947)

No 6219 Servicing Echelon (25 Apr – 1 Sep 1946)

219 Sqn (1 - 10 May 1946, 25 May - 1 Sep 1946)

No 6141 Servicing Echelon (17 Jun 1946 – 6 Jan 1947, 14 – 23 Jan 1947)

19 Sqn (29 Jun - 10 Sep 1946, 16 Sep 1946 - 23 Apr 1947)

No 6019 Servicing Echelon (29 Jun – 25 Sep 1946)

No 6023 Servicing Echelon (1 Sep 1946 – 23 Jan 1947)

264 Sqn (20 - 28 Apr 1947, 5 - 20 Jun 1947, 4 Jul 1947 - 13 Jan 1948)

No 6264 Servicing Echelon (22 Apr 1947 – 15 Jan 1948)

No 1 Initial Training School (20 Feb 1948 - 16 Nov 1949)

RLG for No 7 Flying Training School (xxx 1948 - 5 May 1951)

No 1 Wing, No 1 Initial Training School (16 Nov 1949 - 17 Apr 1950)

Air Ministry Servicing Development Unit (15 Apr - 1 Jun 1950)

Central Servicing Development Unit (1 Jun 1950 - 2 Feb 1953)

Bomber Command Armament School (1 Aug 1953 - 30 Apr 1968)

49 Sqn (1 Aug 1953 - 23 Feb 1954, 1 May 1956 - 26 Jun 1961)

100 Sqn (2 Aug 1953 - 1 Sep 1959, 1 May 1962 - 30 Sep 1968 )

61 Sqn (6 Aug 1953 - 30 Jun 1955)

76 Sqn (9 Dec 1953 - 15 Nov 1955)

40 Sqn (24 Feb 1954 - 31 Oct 1956)

No 1321 Flt (3 Aug 1954 - 15 Mar 1956)

Bomber Command Development Unit (24 Aug 1954 - 1 Mar 1960)

138 Sqn (6 Jul 1955 - 1 Apr 1962)

7 Sqn (26 Jul 1960 - 30 Sep 1962)

139 Sqn (1 Feb 1962 - 31 Dec 1968)

Victor (B2) Training Flight (31 Mar 1963 - 6 Feb 1970)

Bombing and Navigation Systems Development Sqn (1 May 1966 - xxx xxxx)

Harrier Conversion Team (1 Jan 1969 - 1 Oct 1970)

230 Sqn (10 Mar 1969 - 1 Dec 1971)

Strike Command Armament School (30 Apr 1968 - Sep 1971)

Electronic Warfare Support Unit (1 Apr 1969 - 1 Jan 1971)

No 51 Sqn RAF Regiment (Apr 1969 - Oct 1982)

No 15 Sqn RAF Regiment (Dec 1969 - xxx xxxx)

No 5 Wing RAF Regiment (xxx 1970 - xxx xxxx)

No 233 Operational Conversion Unit (1 Oct 1970 - 1 Sep 1992)

45 Sqn (29 Sep 1972 - 26 Jul 1976)

58 Sqn (1 Aug 1973 - 26 Jul 1976)

Harrier Conversion Team (1 Mar 1987 - Jan 1990)

No 20 (Reserve) Sqn (1 Sep 1992 - 31 Mar 2010)

800 Sqn FAA (xxx xxxx - 31 Mar 2004)

No 5131 (Bomb Disposal) Sqn (1 Jun 1995 - Current)

No 1 RAF Force Protection Wing HQ (xxx 1999 - Current)

No 37 Sqn RAF Regiment (Oct 2001 - xxx 2006)

A4 Force Headquarters: -

No. 1 Air Mobility Wing
No 42 (Expeditionary Support) Wing (xxx 2006 - Current): -

·         No. 71 Inspection and Repair (IR) Squadron

·         No. 93 Expeditionary Armaments (EA) Squadron

·         No. 5001 Squadron

·         No. 5131 Bomb Disposal (BD) Squadron

No 85 (Expeditionary Logistics) Wing (xxx 2006 - Current): -

·         No. 1 Expeditionary Logistics (EL) Squadron

·         No. 2 Mechanical Transport (MT) Squadron

·         No. 3 Mobile Catering (MC) Squadron

·         Joint Aircraft Recovery and Transportation Squadron (JARTS)

·         No 504 Sqn, RAuxAF (31 Mar 2012 - Current)

No 4 (Reserve) Sqn (1 Apr 2010 - 28 Jan 2011)

Cambridge University Air Sqn (4 Feb 2015 - Current)

University of London Air Sqn (4 Feb 2015 - Current)

No 5 Air Experience Flt (4 Feb 2015 - Current)


County: - Northamptonshire/Cambridgeshire

Lat/Long:  52:36:45N  00:27:30W

Grid Ref:  TF028025

Height above sea level:  250ft

Operational Control: -

Opened (Stamford) - 1916

Closed - Jan 1920

Re-opened - May 1924

Inland Area (May 1924 - 1 May 1936)

Training Command (1 May 1936 - 11 Apr 1938)

SHQ Opened - 11 Apr 1938

No 12 Group (11 Apr 1938 - xxx 1945)

Flying Training Command (xxx 1945 - xxx 1947)

Maintenance Command (xxx 1947 - xxx 1953)

Bomber Command (xxx 1953 - Feb 1969)

No 38 Group (Feb 1969 - Apr 2000)

No 3 Group (Apr 2000 - xxx 2004)

No 1 Group (xxx 2004 - Current)


Site used during WW1 as Stamford

The Station Operations Room at Walcot Hall was transferred to the USAAF on 15 September 1943 as USAAF Station 372 and was used as the HQ, 67th Fighter Wing.

Took over the role of RAF Stafford in April 2006

Main units (Stamford): -

Detachment - 38 Sqn (Oct 1916 - May 1918)

No 1 Training Depot Station (30 Jul 1917 - 14 Mar 1919)

HQ, No 35 (Training) Wing (22 Sep 1917 - 9 Apr 1919)

Detachment - 90 Sqn (Aug 1918 - Jun 1919)

11th Aero Sqn, USAAS (7 Jan - 24 Jun 1918)

20th Aero Sqn, USAAS (7 Jan -7 Aug 1918)

172nd Aero Sqn, USAAS (Jul - xxx 1918)

120th Aero Sqn, USAAS (10 - 27 Aug 1918)

Main units (Wittering): -

Central Flying School (7 Oct 1926 - 2 Sep 1935)

No 11 Flying Training School (1 Oct 1935 - 16 May 1938)

23 Sqn (16 May 1938 - 31 May 1940, 16 Aug - 12 Sep 1940, 1 - 22 Sep 1946, 4 Oct 1946 - 23 Jan 1947)

213 Sqn (18 May 1938 - 9 Jun 1940)

610 Sqn (10 Oct 1939 - 4 Apr 1940)

‘B’ Flt, 222 Sqn (xxx - xxx 1940)

266 Sqn (14 May - 12 Aug 1940, 21 Aug - 28 Sep 1940)

32 Sqn (26 May - 4 Jun 1940)

56 Sqn (3 - 4 Jun 1940)

229 Sqn (26 Jun - 9 Sep 1940, 15 - 22 Dec 1940)

74 Sqn (14 - 21 Aug 1940)

1 Sqn (9 Sep - 15 Dec 1940, 18 Jul 1969 - 28 Jul 2000)

151 Sqn (22 Dec 1940 - 30 Apr 1943)

25 Sqn (27 Dec 1940 - 16 Jun 1942)

No 1453 (Fighter) Flt (10 Jul 1941 - 2 Sep 1942)

No 1529 Beam Approach Training Flt (1 Nov 1941 - 5 Apr 1942)

Pilot Gunnery Instructors' Training Wing (27 Feb - 6 Apr 1942)

486 Sqn (9 Apr - 27 Sep 1942)

532 Sqn (2 Sep - 9 Nov 1942)

No 3040 Servicing Echelon (7 – 22 Sep 1942)

152 Sqn (30 Sep - 10 Nov 1942)

No 2809 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx 1942 - xxx 1944)

No 2827 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx 1942 - xxx 1944)

No 1530 Beam Approach Training Flt (23 Nov 1942 - 3 Jan 1943)

118 Sqn (3 - 17 Jan 1943)

No 2719 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx 1943 - xxx 1944)

No 2750 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx 1943 - xxx 1944)

No 2834 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx 1943 - xxx 1944)

63rd Fighter Sqn, USAAF (Jan - 5 Apr 1943)

Air Fighting Development Unit (25 Mar 1943 - 16 Oct 1944)

141 Sqn (30 Apr - 4 Dec 1943, 17 Jun - 21 Sep 1946, 5 Oct 1946 - 9 Jan 1947)


72 Sqn (8 - xx  Aug 1939)

264 Sqn (Dec 1939 - May 1940)

266 Sqn (7 Apr - 14 May 1940)

151 Sqn (Sep - Nov 1940, 6 - 22 Dec 1940)

288 Sqn (Jan - Nov 1943)

4 Sqn (13 Mar - 30 Sep 1970)

Links to related sites/pages

  Officers Commanding, Aerial photo on Google Maps, Wittering Wing Leaders, Personnel Listings,

RAF Wombleton

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 1666 Heavy Conversion Unit (21 Oct 1943 - 3 Aug 1945)

No 1678 Heavy Conversion Flt (13 Dec 1943 - 27 Jan 1944)

RAF Regiment Battle School (xx xxx xxxx - xx xxx xxxx)

Sub-site, No 268 Maintenance Unit (10 Sep 1946 -31 Aug 1948)


County: - North Yorkshire

Lat/Long:   54:13:45N  00:58:00W

Grid Ref -  SE673825

Height Above Sea Level - 120 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1943

No 7 Group (1944)

Closed - 1949


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a satellite aerodrome for RAF Church Fenton was issued in August 1941, but in August 1942 its use was changed to a bomber operational station.

It was a sub-station of  No 61 Base from 1 Aug 1943 - 9 Nov 1944, when it was transferred to No 7 Group as a sub-station of No 76 Group, remaining as such until 1 Sep 1945.

Group photo of the Battle School, RAF Wombleton, date unknown

Group photo of the Battle School, RAF Wombleton, date unknown (From the album of Sqn Ldr John Bates)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google MapsControl Towers website

RAF Woodbridge

RAF Woodbridge badge

Main units: -

Emergency Landing Ground (1943 - 1945)

Detachment, 149 Sqn (Aug 1944 - Apr 1946)

Bomb Ballistics Unit (22 May 1944 - Jul 1946)

Detachment - 149 Sqn (Dec 1944)

298 Sqn (21 - 24 Mar 1945)

Blind Landing Experimental Unit (16 Jul 1945 - 8 Apr 1946)

79th Fighter Bomber Sqn USAF (5 Jun 1952 - Nov 1969)

78th Tactical Fighter Sqn, 81st Tactical Fighter Wing, USAF (8 Jul  1958 - 15 May 1992)

67th Aerospace Rescue & Recovery Sqn USAF (Dec 1969 - 3 Jun 1988)

91st Tactical Fighter Sqn, 81st Tactical Fighter Wing, USAF (xxx 1978 - 28 Aug 1992)

21 Special Operations Sqn USAF (3 Jun 1988 - xxx xxxx)

67th Special Operations Group (3 Jun 1988 - xxx xxxx)


County: - Suffolk

Lat/Long:  52:05:20N  :01:24:30E

Grid Ref:  TM334490

Height above sea level:  70ft

Railway Station - Melton LNER

Operational Control: -

Opened - 15 Nov 1943

No 3 Group (15 Nov 1943 - xxx xxxx)

Closed - 15 Mar 1948

Ministry of Supply/Maintenance Command  - 1948 -1952

Fighter Command (26 May 1952 - 5 Jun 1952)

20th FBW USAF (5 Jun 1952 - 8 Jul 1958)

81st TFW USAF (8 Jul 1958 - xxx 1992)

Closed  - xxx 1992


It was requisitioned as a site for an emergency runway in 1942.

Runway declared operational on 15 September 1943.  It was fitted with FIDO.

On 20 March 1944 it became an independent, self-accounting unit, no longer being parents by No 11 Group.

4,120 emergency landings were made during WW2.

On 13 July 1944, a German Ju88 fitted with the latest Liechtenstein SN-2 radar landed at the station by mistake and was captured intact.

Links to related sites/pages

Unofficial Website, Subterranea Britannica website, Aerial photo on Google MapsControl Towers website

RAF Woodcote

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 70 Maintenance Unit (1 Mar 1942 - 31 Oct 1947)

No 8 Site, No 3 Maintenance Unit (31 Oct 1947 - Apr 1952)

No 7 Site, No 3 Maintenance Unit (Apr 1952 - xxx 1959)


County: - Oxfordshire

Grid ref:  SU640820 - SU670790


Operational Control: -

Opened - 1941

No 40 Group

Closed - 1959


Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps, 


RAF Woodhall Spa

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

97 Sqn (2 Mar 1942 - 18 Apr 1943)

No 1514 Beam Approach Training Flt (8 Mar - Aug 1943)

619 Sqn (18 Apr 1943  - 9 Jan 1944)

9 Sqn (25 Aug - 4 Sep 1943)

Sub Station , RAF Coningsby (24 Nov 1943 - 1 Jan 1944)

Sub Station, No 54 Base (1 Jan 1944 - 15 Nov 1945)

617 Sqn (10 Jan 1944 - 17 Jun 1945)

627 Sqn (15 Apr 1944 - 1 Oct 1945)

No 1317 (Training) Flt (13 - 27 Jun 1945)

109 Sqn (1 Oct 1945 - 22 Oct 1945)

HQ, No 242 Wing (15 Jun - xxx 1945)

Sub-site, No 93 Maintenance Unit (1 Nov 1951 - 31 Mar 1958)

Sub-site, No 92 Maintenance Unit (1 Sep 1952 - 1 Jun 1956)

222 Sqn (1 May 1960 - 30 Jun 1964)

112 Sqn (2 Nov 1964 - 1 Oct 1967)


County: - Lincolnshire

Lat/Long:   53:08:00N  00:11:30W

Grid Ref -  TF204610

Height Above Sea Level - 45 ft

Railway Station - Coningsby LNER

Operational Control: -

Opened (Satellite) - xx Feb 1942

No 5 Group (xx Feb 1942 - 15 Nov 1945)

No 1 Group (15 Nov 1945 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1964


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a satellite for RAF Coningsby was issued in January 1940.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,    Thorpe Camp


RAF Woodvale

RAF Woodvale badge

Main units (continued): -

322 Sqn (12 Jun - 15 Nov 1943, 30 Nov - 31 Dec 1943)

No 9 Group Communications Flt (5 - 26 Aug 1943)

285 Sqn (25 Aug 1943 - 19 Nov 1944)

222 Sqn (30 Dec 1943 - 14 Feb 1944)

313 Sqn (6 - 10 Jan 1944)

No 12 (Pilot) Advanced Flying Unit (10 Jan - 7 Feb 1944, 21 Mar - 16 Aug 1944)

No 3136 Servicing Echelon (8 Feb – 15 Mar 1944)

316 Sqn (15 Feb - 28 Apr 1944)

219 Sqn (27 Feb - 15 Mar 1944)

No 6316 (Polish) Servicing Echelon (22 Mar – 28 Apr 1944)

63 Sqn (27 Apr - 28 May 1944, 2 Jul - 30 Aug 1944)

No 6063 Servicing Echelon (27 Apr – 28 May 1944, 1 Jul – 29 Aug 1944)

‘B’ Flt, 650 Sqn  (18 - 26 May 1944)

776 Sqn FAA (7 Apr - 6 Oct 1945)

889 Sqn FAA (1 Jun -10 Aug 1945)

736B Sqn FAA (28 Jun - 20 Jul 1945)

816 Sqn FAA (1 Jul - 11 Aug 1945)

736B Sqn FAA (17 Aug - 26 Sep 1945)

889 Sqn FAA (28 Aug - 10 Sep 1945)

822 Sqn FAA (28 Aug - 4 Oct 1945)

611 Sqn (22 Jul 1946 - 9 Jul 1951)

No 190 Gliding School (Mar 1947 - 31 Mar 1948)

No 186 Gliding School (15 Mar 1948 - Dec 1952)

Civilian Fighter Control Co-operation Unit (xxx 1952 - Mar 1957)

Liverpool University Air Sqn (13 Jul 1951 - 1 Jan 1952)

No 19 Reserve Flying School (13 Jul 1951 - 20 Jun 1954)

THUM Flt (13 Jul 1951 - 1 May 1959)

University of Liverpool Air Sqn (1 Jan 1952 - Current)

Manchester University Air Sqn (13 Mar 1953 - 25 May 1974)

Western Sector Communication Flt (xxx 1956 - 25 Oct 1957)

No 5 Civilian Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (1 Jan 1958 -  30 Sep 1971)

Manchester & Salford University Air Sqn (25 May 1974 - Current)

No 10 AEF (25 Aug 1958 - Current)

No 631 Volunteer Gliding Sqn (Mar 2006 - Current)


County: - Lancashire/Merseyside

Lat/Long:  53:34:53N  03:03:15W

Grid Ref:  SD302098

Height above sea level:  35ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 7 Dec 1941

No 9 Group (7 Dec 1941 - xx xxx xxxx)

No 12 Group (1944)

Personnel & Training Command (2006)


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a fighter sector aerodrome was issued in March 1941.

From 1945 until January 1946, the station was under Royal Navy control as HMS Ringtail II

Main units: -

308 Sqn (12 Dec 1941 - 1 Apr 1942)

No 835 (Ground Defence) Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 2835 Sqn RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942- xxx xxxx)

315 Sqn (1 Apr - 5 Sep 1942)

256 Sqn (1 Jun 1942 - 24 Apr 1943, 25 Aug - 25 Sep 1943)

317 Sqn (5 Sep 1942 - 13 Feb 1943)

‘C’ Flt, 116 Sqn (16 Nov 1942 - 10 Sep 1943)

195 Sqn (12 Feb - 13 May 1943)

198 Sqn (15 May - 5 Jun 1943)

501 Sqn (5 - 12 Jun 1943)

No 3037 Servicing Echelon (5 – 12 Jun 1943)

167 Sqn (12 Jun 1943)


285 Sqn (14 Apr 1942 - 27Aug 1943)

776 Sqn FAA (16 May 1942 - 7 Apr 1945)

63 Sqn (3 Jul - xxx 1943, 27 Apr - 26 May 1944)

577 Sqn (19 Nov 1944 - 11 Oct 1945)

No 1606 (Anti-Aircraft Co-operation) Flt (Jun 1944)

650 Sqn (Nov 1944 - Jun 1945)

Links to related sites/pages

FAA Archive Website, Commanding Officers, Aerial photo on Google MapsControl Towers website

RAF Woolfox Lodge

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

Satellite, Cottesmore (xx xxx 1940 - xx Jul 1941)

RLG or No 14 Operational Training Unit (13 Dec 1940 - 1 Aug 1941)

Satellite, North Luffenham (xx Jul 1941 - 7 Jun 1943)

61 Sqn (Nov 1941 - 5 May 1942)

No 61 Conversion Flt (27 Mar - 5 May 1942)

No 1429 (Czech Operational Training) Flt (26 Jun - 26 Aug 1942)

RLG or No 29 Operational Training Unit (1 Aug 1942 - 3 Jun 1943)

No 1665 Heavy Conversion Unit (7 Jun 1943 - 23 Jan 1944)

Detachment - No 1657 Heavy Conversion Unit (8 - xx Nov 1943)

218 Sqn (7 Mar 1944 4 Aug 1944

RLG or No 3 Lancaster Finishing School (15 May - 18 Jul 1944)

‘C’ Flt, 3 Lancaster Finishing School (7 - 28 Aug 1944)

No 33 Heavy Glider Maintenance Section (16 Aug 1943 - 15 Mar 1944)

RLG or Heavy Glider Conversion Unit (Sep - 16 Oct 1944)

Sub-Station , No 73 Base (1 Nov 1944 - 1 Aug 1945)

No 1651 Heavy Conversion Unit (9 Nov 1944 - 13 Jul 1945)

RAF Central Vision Training School (1 Mar 1946 - Jun 1948)

RLG or No 7 Flying Training School (5 May 1951 - 14 Apr 1954)

62 Sqn (1 Feb 1960 - 30 Sep 1964)


County: - Rutland

Lat/Long:   52:42:30N  00:34:30W

Grid Ref -  SK962132

Height Above Sea Level - 345 ft

Railway Station - Stamford LMS & LNER

Operational Control: -

Opened (satellite) - 1940

No 92 Group (xx xxx 1942 - 7 Jun 1943)

SHQ opened - 7 Jun 1943

No 3 Group (7 Jun 1943 - xx xxx 1944)

IX Troop Carrier Command Substitution Unit (1 Sep - 20 Oct 1944)

No 7 Group (1 Nov 1944 - xx xxx 1945)

Closed - 1964


Acted as Parent Station to: -

  • RAF Cottesmore/RAF Saltby (1 Aug 1943 -1 Sep 1944)

  • RAF North Luffenham (15 Jul 1943 - 1 Sep 1944)

  • No 100 Maintenance Unit (1 Aug 1943 - 1 Sep 1944)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,    Control Towers website

RAF Worksop

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

RLG for No 18 Operational Training Unit (1 Sep 1942 - 27 Mar 1943, 11 Nov 1943 - 2 Dec 1944)

No 18 Operational Training Unit (2 Dec 1944 - 30 Jan 1945)

Bomber Command Central Night Vision School (xxx 1945 - 1 Mar 1946)

No 1 Engine Control and Demonstration Unit (3 Feb 1945 - 17 Jan 1946)

No 1 Group Communication Flt (Dec 1945 - Jan 1946)

Transport Command Central Vision Training School (30 Nov 1946 - 31 May 1958)

No 211 Advanced Flying School (11 Aug 1952 - 1 Jun 1954

No 211 Flying Training School (1 Jun 1954 - 9 Jun 1956)

616 Sqn (23 May 1955 - 10 Mar 1957)

No 4 Flying Training School (9 Jun 1956 - 9 Jun 1958)


County: - Nottinghamshire

Lat/Long:   53:19:45N  01:03:30W

Grid Ref -  SK625815

Height Above Sea Level - 195 ft

Operational Control: -

No 22 Group (24 Jun 1940 - xx xxx xxxx)

SHQ Opened - 1943

No 91 Group (1944)

Closed - 1960


This was originally requisitioned for use as a bomber operational station.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google MapsOfficers CommandingControl Towers website

RAF Wormingford

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

362nd Fighter Group, USAAF (30 Nov 1943 - 15 Apr 1944)

  • 377th Fighter Sqn

  • 378th Fighter Sqn

  • 379th Fighter Sqn

55th Fighter Group, USAAF (16 Apr 1944 - 22 Jul 1945)

  • 38th Fighter Sqn

  • 338th Fighter Sqn

  • 343rd Fighter Sqn

No 160 Staging Post (Nov 1945 - 15 Apr 1946)

No 94 Staging Post (xxx xxxx - 31 Mar 1946)

No 163 Staging Post (3 May 1946)


County: - Essex

Lat/Long:   51:56:20N  00:47:38E

Grid Ref -  TL918306

Height Above Sea Level - 220 ft

Railway Station - Bures LNER

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1 Aug 1943

4th Bombardment Wing Substitution Unit (1 Aug - xx xxx 1943)

3rd Bombardment Wing Substitution Unit (xx xxx - 18 Nov 1943)

IX Bomber Command Substitution Unit (18 Nov 1943 - 9 May 1944)

VIII Fighter Command, USAAF (9 May - xx Sep 1944)

3rd Bombardment Division (xx Sep 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1947


An area near the village was used as a Home Defence night landing ground by 37 Sqn  from Dec 1916 to Jan18 and 75 Sqn from Jan to Oct 1918.

Originally requisitioned in 1942 as the site for a bomber operational station.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google MapsControl Towers website

RAF Worthy Down

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

Flying element, No 1 Electrical & Wireless School (Nov 1925 - 11 Mar 1927)

7 Sqn (7 Apr 1927 - 3 Sep 1936)

102 Sqn (1 Oct 1935 - 3 Sep 1936)

215 Sqn (1 Oct 1935 - 14 Jan 1936)

49 Sqn (8 Aug 1936 - 14 Mar 1938)

35 Sqn (20 Aug 1936 - 20 Apr 1938)

207 Sqn (29 Aug 1936 - 20 Apr 1938)

No 1 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (24 May - 16 Sep 1937)

800 Sqn (7 Jul 1938 - 11 Jan 1939, 24 Mar - 3 Apr 1939, 24 May - 9 Jul 1939)

803 Sqn (21 Nov 1938 - 5 Feb 1939, 23 Mar - 3 Apr 1939, 18 - 30 Apr 1939)

755 Sqn (24 May 1939 - 31 Oct 1944)

757 Sqn (24 May 1939 - xxx xxxx)

Sub-store, No 2 Stores Depot (xxx 1936 - xxx xxxx)

Southampton University Air Sqn (xxx 1942 - 14 Dec 1945, xxx - 18 Oct 1946)


County: - Hampshire

Lat/Long:   51:06:45N  01:19:10W

Grid Ref -  SU468353

Height Above Sea Level - 345 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1918

No 3 Group (xx xxx xxxx - 3 Sep 1936)

No 2 Group (3 Sep 1936 - xx xxx xxxx)

Transferred to the Royal Navy - 1939


Main Units: -

Army & Infantry Co-operation School (Jan 1918 - 19 Sep 1918)

RAF and Army Co-operation School (19 Sep 1918 - 23 Dec 1919)

School of Army Co-operation (23 Dec 1919 - 8 Mar 1920)

58 Sqn (1 Apr 1924 13 Jan 1936)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps FAA Archive Website,   Commanding Officers

RAF Wortley

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 220 Maintenance Unit (10 Apr - 1 Oct 1942)

USAF Supply Depot (1 Oct 1942 - xx xxx xxxx)


County: - West Yorkshire (South Yorkshire)

Lat/Long:   53:28:58N  01:31:59W

Grid Ref - 

Height Above Sea Level -  ft

Operational Control: -

Opened -

Closed -


Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps

RAF Wratting Common

No Badge authorised

Main units (West Wickham): -

Unbuilt satellite, RAF Stradishall (15 Mar - 1 May 1943)

Sub Station, Stradishall Base (1 May - 16 Sep 1943)

90  Sqn (31 May - 21 Aug 1943)

No 24 Heavy Glider Maintenance Section (16 - 21 Aug 1943)

Main units : -

90 Sqn ( 21 Aug - 13 Oct 1943)

No 24 Heavy Glider Maintenance Section (21 Aug 1943 - 15 Mar 1944)

Sub Station, No 31 Base (16 Sep 1943 - 12 Apr 1945)

No 1651 Heavy Conversion Unit (20 Nov 1943 - 9 Nov 1944)

195 Sqn (13 Nov 1944 - 14 Aug 1945)

Detachment - 51 Sqn (Oct 1945 - Jan 1946)

No 2 Section, No 1552 Beam Approach Beacon System Flt (6 Apr - 29 Jul 1946)

No 116 Storage Sub-Site, No 273 Maintenance Unit (20 Jul 1946 - 15 Sep 1947)


County: - Cambridgeshire

Lat/Long:   52:07:38N  00:24:00E

Grid Ref -  TL645500

Height Above Sea Level - 390 ft

Railway Station - Haverhill LNER

Operational Control: -

Opened (unbuilt satellite)  - 15 Mar 1943

No 3 Group (15 Mar 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1946


Approval for the requisition of this site, known as West Wickham, for use as a operational bomber satellite airfield for Stradishall was issued in December 1941.  It name was changed on 21 August 1943.

It was a sub-station of Stradishall/No 31 Base from 30 Apr 1943 to 1 Nov 1944.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps

RAF Wrexham

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

Satellite for No 57 OTU (5 Jun 1941 - Nov 1942)

No 9 Group Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Flt (9 Aug - 1 Dec 1941)

96 Sqn (21 Oct 1941 - 20 Oct 1942)

285 Sqn (1 Dec 1941 - 29 Oct 1942)

Detachment -  No 6 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (7 Dec 1942 - 1 Dec 1943)

RLG for No 5 (Pilot) Advanced Flying Unit (25 Mar - 30 Jun 1943)

RLG for No 17 (Pilots) Advanced Flying Unit (1 May 1943 - 1 Feb 1944)

Detachment - 577 Sqn (1 Dec 1943 - Jul 1945)

Detachment - 595 Sqn (Dec 1943 - Apr 1946)

RLG for No 11 (Pilots) Advanced Flying Unit (1 Feb 1944 - 1 Jun 1945)

32nd Field Artillery Battalion, US Army (xxx xxxx - xxx xxxx)


County: - Denbighshire

Lat/Long:   53:04:00N  02:57:00W

Grid Ref -  SJ363526

Height Above Sea Level - 250 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 17 Jul 1941

No 9 Group (17 Jul 1941 - xx xxx xxxx)

No 21 Group (1944)

Closed - 1945


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a satellite for Hawarden was issued in October 1940.

It was also known as Borras

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Wroughton

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 15 Maintenance Unit (1 Apr 1940 - 31 Mar 1972)

No 76 Maintenance Unit (26 May 1941 - 30 Sep 1946)

RAF Hospital, Wroughton (16 Jul 1941 - xx xzx xxxx)

Glider Test and Ferry Flt (20 Mar 1943 - Aug 1945)

No 88 Gliding School (xxx 1944 - 28 Sep 1947)

No 41 Group Test Pilots Pool (xxx xxxx - Mar 1960)

Maintenance Command Jet Training Flt (xxx - Mar 1960)


County: - Wiltshire

Lat/Long:   51:30:15N  01:48:00W

Grid Ref -  SU139786

Height Above Sea Level - 600 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - xx xxx 1940

Maintenance Command (1944)

Became RN Aircraft Yard Wroughton - 31 Mar 1972


Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Wunstorf

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

No 6198 Servicing Echelon (27 May – 15 Sep 1945)

HQ, No 123 Wing (30 May 1945 - 16 Apr 1946)

No 6349 (Belgian) Servicing Echelon (29 Jun – 30 Nov 1945)

322 Sqn (2 Jul - 7 Oct 1945)

No 6322 (Dutch) Servicing Echelon (2 Jul – 7 Oct 1945)

No 6350 (Belgian) Servicing Echelon (13 Jul – 1 Sep 1945, 4 Sep – 29 Nov 1945)

349 Sqn (4 Sep - 30 Nov 1945)

350 Sqn (4 Sep - 29 Nov 1945)

451 Sqn (27 Sep - 28 Nov 1945, 30 Dec 1945 - 21 Jan 1946)

No 6451 (RAAF) Servicing Echelon (27 Sep – 28 Nov 1945, 30 Dec 1945 – 21 Jan 1946)

453 Sqn (18 Oct 1945 - 21 Jan 1946)

3 Sqn (24 Jan - 27 Mar 1946, 19 Sep - 22 Oct 1946, 25 Nov 1946 - 4 Jan 1947, 3 Feb - 2 Sep 1947, 16 Sep - 1 Oct 1947, 3 Nov 1947 - 5 Jan 1948, 1 Feb - 25 Jun 1948)

No 6003 Servicing Echelon (24 Jan – 27 Mar 1946, 19 Sep 1946 – 4 Jan 1947, 3 Feb – 1 Oct 1947, 3 Nov 1947 – 5 Jan 1948)

HQ, No 124 Wing (30 Jan - Apr 1946)

41 Sqn (31 Jan - 28 Feb 1946, 29 Mar - 1 Apr 1946)

No 6041 Servicing Echelon (31 Jan - 1 Apr 1946)

26 Sqn (1 - 13 Apr 1946, 7 Jan 1950 - 12 Aug 1952)

No 6026 Servicing Echelon (1 – 13 Apr 1946)

80 Sqn (31 Jan - 17 Apr 1946, 19 Sep 1946 - 14 Feb 1947, 22 Mar - 5 May 1947, 16 May - 3 Jun 1947, 30 Jun - 2 Sep 1947, 17 Sep 1947 - 4 Feb 1948, 11 Feb - 2 Apr 1948, 29 Apr - 10 May 1948, 5 - 22 Jun 1948)

No 6080 Servicing Echelon (31 Jun 1946 – 7 Jan 1948)

2 Sqn (15 Apr - 22 Nov 1947, 11 Dec 1947 - 28 Jun 1948, 15 Sep 1949 - 29 Jun 1950)

No 6002 Servicing Echelon (15 Apr – 22 Nov 1947, 11 Dec 1947 – 7 Jan 1948)

Wunstorf Wing (Oct 1947 - 1 Apr 1953)

4 Sqn (10 Jul 1950 - 1 Mar 1952)

11 Sqn (14 Aug 1950 - 26 Sep 1955, 15 Oct 2956 - 16 Nov 1957)

5 Sqn (1 Mar 1952 - 10 Oct 1955, 9 Oct 1956 - 11 Oct 1957)

266 Sqn (14 Jul 1952 - 15 Oct 1955, 15 Oct 1956 - 16 Nov 1957)

541 Sqn (7 Nov 1955 - 7 Sep 1957)

79 Sqn (14 Nov 1955 - 15 Sep 1956)


County: -Germany

Lat/Long:   52:27:18N  09:25:44E

Height Above Sea Level - 272 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened -

Closed -


It is now a German Air Force Station.

Main Units: -

HQ, No 126 Wing (14 Apr - 13 May 1945)

No 6401 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (14 Apr – 12 May 1945)

HQ, No 39 Wing (15 Apr - 26 Jun 1945)

401 Sqn (15 Apr - 13 May 1945)

402 Sqn (15 Apr - 12 May 1945)

411 Sqn (15 Apr - 14 May 1945)

No 6411 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (15 – 21 Apr 1945)

No 6412 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (15 Apr – 13 May 1945)

No 6441 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (15 – xx Apr 1945)

No 401 Air Sores Park (16 Apr - 13 May 1945)

400 Sqn (16 - 28 Apr 1945)

412 Sqn (16 Apr - 13 May 1945)

430 Sqn (16 - 28 Apr 1945)

No 6400 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (16 – 28 Apr 1945)

No 6414 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (16 – 28 Apr 1945)

414 Sqn (17 - 28 Apr 1945)

No 6430 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (17 – 28 Apr 1945)

No 83 Group Communication Sqn (27 - 29 Apr 1945)

164 Sqn (27 May - 17 Jun 1945)

183 Sqn (27 May - 16 Jun 1945)

198 Sqn (27 May – 15 Sep 1945)

609 Sqn (27 May - 2 Jun  1945, 23 Jun - 15 Sep 1945)

No 6609 Servicing Echelon (27 May – 15 Sep 1945)

No 6183 Servicing Echelon (27 Apr - 16 Jun 1945)


No 92 (Forward) Staging Post (1 Apr 1945 - May 1946)

No 427 Refuelling and Re-arming Party (May - Oct 1945)

No 426 Refuelling and Re-arming Party (Jul - Aug 1945)

18 Sqn (Berlin Airlift)

24 Sqn (Berlin Airlift)

27 Sqn (Berlin Airlift)

30 Sqn (Berlin Airlift)

40 Sqn (Berlin Airlift)

46 Sqn (Berlin Airlift)

51 Sqn (Berlin Airlift)

53 Sqn (Berlin Airlift)

59 Sqn (Berlin Airlift)

77 Sqn (Berlin Airlift)

99 Sqn (Berlin Airlift)

206 Sqn (Berlin Airlift)

242 Sqn (Berlin Airlift)

511 Sqn (Berlin Airlift)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps

RAF Wymeswold

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 28 Operational Training Unit (16 May 1942 - 15 Oct 1944)

RLG for No 16 Service Flying Training School (Jul 1942 - xxx xxxx)

No 1521 Beam Approach Training Flt (23 Apr - 30 May 1943, 21 Jun 1943 - 20 Oct 1945)

No 108 (Transport) Operational Training Unit (10 Oct 1944 - 10 Aug 1945)

No 49 Gliding School (xxx 1945 - xxx 1946)

No 1382 (Transport) Conversion Unit (10 Aug - 10 Dec 1947)

504 Sqn (2 Apr 1949 17 Sep 1951

56 Sqn (5 Jun - 16 Jul 1954, Aug - Sep 1955)

No 1969 Reserve AOP Flt, 664 Sqn (15 Jul 1954 - 10 Mar 1957)

263 Sqn (28 May 1956 - 16 Jan 1957)

257 Sqn (10 Jun 1956 - 15 Jan 1957)

RLG for No 2 Flying Training School (1 Jan 1958 - Dec 1966, Jan 1967 - Jan 1970)


County: - Leicestershire

Lat/Long:   52:47:38N  01:07:45W

Grid Ref -  SK586224

Height Above Sea Level - 272 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 17 May 1942

No 92 Group (17 May 1942 - 15 Jul 1942)

No 93 Group (15 Jul 1942- 10 Oct 1944)

No 44 Group (10 Oct 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1957


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a Bomber Operational station was issued in April 1941.   In May 1941 its use was changed to that of a Bomber OTU.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google MapsControl Towers website

RAF Wythall

RAF Wythall badge

Main units: -

No 6 Balloon Centre (8 Jun 1939 - 2 Jan 1945)

992 (Balloon) Sqn (1 Feb - 5 Dec 1944)

993 (Balloon) Sqn (1 Feb - 4 May 1944)

994 (Balloon) Sqn (1 Feb - 29 Jul 1944, xxx - 1 Sep 1944)

995 (Balloon) Sqn (1 - 15 Feb 1944)

996 (Balloon) Sqn (1 Feb - 29 Jul 1944)

997 (Balloon) Sqn (1 Feb - 26 Apr 1944, 1 Sep - 2 Dec 1944)

998 (Balloon) Sqn (1 Feb - 26 Apr 1944)

999 (Balloon) Sqn (1 Feb - 26 Apr 1944)

991 (Balloon) Sqn (1 Apr - 20 May 1944)

976 (Balloon) Sqn (14 Apr - 9 May 1944)

980 (Balloon) Sqn (14 Apr - May 1944, 9 - 16 Oct 1944,1 Nov 1944 - 19 Jan 1945)

974 (Balloon) Sqn (1 - 25 Nov 1944)

Sub-site, No 25 Maintenance Unit (xxx 1947 - 13 Jul 1948)

Radar Navigation Aids Wing (Apr 1952 - 12 Feb 1953)


County: - Worcestershire

Lat/Long:   52:22:21N  01:53:44W (approx)

Grid Ref - 

Height Above Sea Level -  ft

Operational Control: -

Opened -

Balloon Command (8 Jun 1939 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed -


Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Wyton

RAF Wyton badge

Main units (continued): -

No 730 Defence Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 1504 Beam Approach Training Flt (Oct 1941 - 4 Aug 1942)

No 2730 Sqn RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942- xxx xxxx)

No 15 Conversion Flt (23 Apr - 5 May 1942)

109 Sqn (7 Aug 1942 - 5 Jul 1943)

No 8 Group Communications Flt (15 Aug 1942 - 31 Oct 1945)

83 Sqn (15 Aug 1942 - 18 Apr 1944)

No 1499 (Bomber) Gunnery Flt (31 Mar - 19 Jun 1943)

No 1409 (Meteorological) Flt (8 Jan 1944 - 5 Jul 1945)

128 Sqn (15 Sep 1944 - 22 Jun 1945)

No 2763 Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx xxxx - Aug 1945)

163 Sqn (25 Jan - 10 Aug 1945)

Technical Training Command Communications Flt (6 Nov 1945 - 1 Apr 1964)

No 1688 Bomber (Defence) Training Flt (19 Mar - 30 Sep 1946)

90 Sqn (11 Nov 1946 - 1 Sep 1950)

138 Sqn (12 Nov 1946 - 1 Sep 1950)

340th Bomb Sqn, USAF (Jul 1950 -  Feb 1951)

715th Bomb Sqn, USAF (Feb - May 1951)

20th Bomb Sqn, USAF (May - Aug 1951)

Ground Controlled Approach Operators School (10 Mar 1952 - 14 Mar 1953)

540 Sqn (26 Mar 1953 - 31 Mar 1956)

58 Sqn (31 Mar 1953 - 30 Sep 1970)

82 Sqn (31 Mar 1953 - 1 Sep 1956)

Canberra Air Race Flt (4 Jun - Oct 1953)

No 1323 Flt (20 Oct 1953 - Mar 1954, Jun 1954 - 1 Nov 1955)

542 Sqn (15 May 1954 - 1 Oct 1955, 1 Nov - 15 Dec 1955)

Radar Reconnaissance Flt (17 Oct 1955 - 1 Sep 1961)

543 Sqn (18 Nov 1955 - 24 May 1974)

No 237 Operational Conversion Unit (23 Oct 1956 - 21 Jan 1958)

Central Reconnaissance Establishment (12 Jan 1957 - 1 Oct 1970)

51 Sqn (31 Mar 1963 - 28 Apr 1995)

Northern Communications Sqn (1 Jan - 3 Feb 1969)

26 Sqn (3 Feb 1969 - 31 Mar 1976)

39 Sqn (1 Oct 1970 - 1 Jun 1982)

Electronic Warfare Engineering and Training Unit (25 Jan 1971 - xxx 1976)

360 Sqn (1 Sep 1975 - 31 Oct 1994)

Electronic Warfare and Avionic Unit  (1 Jun 1976 - 1 Oct 1993)

13 Sqn (22 Oct 1978 - 5 Jan 1982)

100 Sqn (5 Jan 1982 - 1 Sep 1993)

No 1 Photographic Reconnaissance Unit (2 Jun 1982 - 1 Jul 1992)

No 231 Operational Conversion Unit (31 Aug 1982 - 15 Dec 1990, 13 May 1991 - 23 Apr 1993)

25 Sqn (1 Mar 1983 - 1 Oct 1989)

'F' Flt, 85 Sqn (1 Oct 1989 - 1 Dec 1990)

Canberra Standardisation and Training Flt (15 Dec 1990 - 13 May 1991)

39 Sqn (1PRU) (1 Jul 1992 - 1 Dec 1993)

Electronic Warfare Operational Support Establishment (1 Oct 1993 - 1 Apr 1995)

Cambridge University Air Sqn (Sep 1999 - 4 Feb 2015)

No 5 Air Experience Flt (Sep 1999 -  4 Feb 2015)

London University Air Sqn (Sep 1999 - 4 Feb 2015)

57 (Reserve) Sqn (1 Oct 2008 - Oct 2014)

JFIG Command Group

  • Defence Intelligence Fusion Centre (DIFC)

  • Joint Intelligence Operations Centre

  • 42 Engineer Regiment (Geographic): 13,14 and 16 Sqns

Defence Infrastructure Organisation

Defence Security Assurance Services

Defence Intelligence Estates Rationalisation Team (PRIDE)

Wyton Area Voluntary Band (WAVB)


County: - Huntingdonshire/Cambridgeshire

3.5 miles NE of Huntingdon

Lat/Long:  52:21:23N  00:06:53W

Grid Ref:  TL288750

Height above sea level:  132ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1916

Closed - 1919?

Reopened - 3 Sep 1936

No 3 Group (3 Sep 1936 - 1 Mar 1937)

No 2 Group (1 Mar 1937 - 1 Nov 1940)

No 3 Group (1 Nov 1940 - 25 Jan 1943)

No 8 Group (25 Jan 1943- xxx 1945)

No 3 Group (xxx 1945 -

Defence Logistics Command (2006)

Joint Forces Command


Main units: -

46 Sqn (20 Apr - 20 Oct 1916)

65 Sqn (1 Aug 1916 - 29 May 1917)

No 31 (Reserve) Sqn (1 Oct 1916 - 1 Jun 1917)

No 54 (Reserve) Sqn (15 Feb - 1 Jun 1917)

No 20 (Training) Sqn (1 Jun - 15 Sep 1917)

No 31 (Training) Sqn (1 Jun 1917 - 2 Sep 1918)

No 54 (Training) Sqn (1 Jun 1917 - 17 Mar 1918)

104 Sqn (1 - 16 Sep 1917)

83 Sqn (15 Sep - 12 Dec 1917)

No 5 Training Sqn (12 Dec 1917 - 10 Aug 1918)

No 72 (Training) Sqn (10 Jan 1918 - Jan 1919)

130 Sqn (1 Mar - 1 Apr 1918)

‘A’ and ‘B’ Flts, 151st Aero Sqn, USAAS (Jul 1918 - xxx xxxx)

‘A’ Flt, 153rd Aero Sqn, USAAS (Jul 1918 - xxx xxxx)

‘A’ Flt, 165th Aero Sqn, USAAS (Jul 1918 - xxx xxxx)

124 Sqn (10 - 17 Aug 1918)

119 Sqn (26 Sep - 6 Dec 1918)

96 Sqn (28 Sep - 9 Dec 1918)

156 Sqn (12 Oct - 9 Dec 1918, 27 Jun - 25 Sep 1945)

81 Sqn/1 Sqn CAF (13 - 20 Nov 1918)

120 Sqn (23 Nov 1918 - 20 Feb 1919)

117 Sqn (30 Nov 1918 - 23 Mar 1919)

211 Sqn (25 Mar - 24 Jun 1919)

139 Sqn (3 Sep 1936 - 1 Dec 1939, 4 Jul 1943 - 1 Feb 1944)

114 Sqn (1 Dec 1936 - 9 Dec 1939)

44 Sqn (8 - 18 Mar 1937, 29 Aug 1946 - 7 Feb 1951)

40 Sqn (3 Dec 1939 - 2 Feb 1941)

15 Sqn (10 Dec 1939 - 14 Apr 1940, 15 May 1940 - 13 Aug 1942, 19 Aug 1946 - 29 Nov 1950)

No 2 Group Communication Flt (xxx 1940 - 5 May 1943)

57 Sqn (22 - 29 May 1940, 11 - 24 Jun 1940, 6 - 20 Nov 1940)

HQ, No 70 Wing (21 May - 28 Jun 1940)

No 7 Group Communications Flt (15 Jul 1940 - 11 May 1942)

No 4 Blind Approach Training Flt (17 Dec 1940 - Oct 1941)


Detachment - 8th Aero Sqn, USAAS (xxx xxxx - xxx xxxx)

24th Aero Sqn, USAAS (31 Jan - 1 May 1918)

Wireless Intelligence Development Unit (Oct -  Dec 1940)

109 Sqn (Jan - Apr 1942)

No 1655 Mosquito Conversion Unit (27 Jun - 30 Dec 1944)

100 Sqn (Aug 1956 - Sep 1959)

207 Sqn (Feb 1969 - Jun 1984)

Links to related sites/pages

  Commanding Officers, Aerial photo on Google Maps,

[Waddington | Wadi Saidna | Wahn | Wainfleet | Warboys | Warmwell | Royal Air Force Organisational History | Wartling | Watchfield | Waterbeach | Waterloo | Wattisham | Watton | Weeton | Wegberg | Welford | Wellesbourne Mountford | Wendling | Westcott | West Drayton | West Freugh | West Kirby | West Malling | West Raynham | Weston-super-Mare | Weston Zoyland | Westley | Wethersfield | Weybourne | Wheaton Aston | Whitley Bay | White Waltham | Wick | Wickenby | Wig Bay | Wigsley | Wigtown | Wildenrath | Wilmslow | Windermere | Wing | Winkleigh | Winthorpe | Witchford | Wittering | Wombleton | Woodbridge | Woodvale | Woodhall Spa | Woolfox Lodge | Worksop | Wormingford | Worthy Down | Wortley | Wratting Common | Wrexham | Wroughton | Wunstorf | Wymeswold | Wythall | Wyton]

Station badges on this page are courtesy of Dave Clifford except those marked #

Badges marked # have been produced by Mary Denton on behalf of the RAF Heraldry Trust and are displayed on this page with the permission of the RAFHT.  Mary Denton and the RAFHT have probably completed half of the 'official' badges authorised but are still looking for sponsorship for the remaining badges. The work continues and details can be found on their website.

**Detachment dates indicate that a detachment (s) took place at some point between these dates. unless stated otherwise.

© Crown Copyright is reproduced with the permission of the Directorate of Intellectual Property Rights

This page was last updated on 21/07/24

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