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RAF Stations - U

[Definition of a RAF Station]

[Uetersen | Upavon | Upottery | Upper Heyford | Upwood | Usworth | Uxbridge]

RAF Uetersen

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

No 1304 Wing RAF Regiment (1Oct – Dec 1945)

No 1305 Wing RAF Regiment (xxx xxxx - 13 Nov 1945)

No 2868 Sqn RAF Regiment (1 Dec 1945 – 15 Mar 1946 )

No 2726 Rifle Sqn (10 Dec 1945 – Jul 1946 )

No 2786 Sqn RAF Regiment (4 Jan – Dec 1946)

No 3 Base Recovery Unit (7 Oct 1946 – 15 Apr 1947)

No 1 Base Repair and Salvage Unit, (15 Apr – 1 Oct 1947)

Missing Research and Enquiry Unit, G Section (Sep 1947 – 30 Sep 1949)

Air Formation Signal Regiment (Royal Corps of Signals) (xxx 1947 - xxx 1952)

HQ, 85 Wing (1 Sep 1947 –  31 Oct 1948)

BAFO Command Training School for Clerks (1 Sep 1947 – 1 Sep 1948)

Command German Language School (1 Sep 1947 – 6 Apr 1950)

No 253 Dental Unit (Sep 1947 – 29 Apr 1950)

No 254 Dental Unit (Sep 1947 – 29 Apr 1950)

Mobile Dental Surgery (Sep 1947 – 29 Apr 1950)

No 317 Supply and Transport Column (Apr 1948 – Jun 1954)

BAFO Command Ground Combat Training School, (26 Aug 1948 – Jan 1950)

No 9 Mobile Parachute Servicing Unit (26 Oct 1948 – 5 Jan 1949)

HQ, No 85 Group (31 Oct 1948 - 30 Jun 1950)

No 84 Group Communication Flt (1 Nov 1948 - 1 Mar 1950)

No 9 Mobile Parachute Servicing Unit (1 Nov 1948 - 10 Jan 1949)

HQ, No 1 Wing  RAF Regiment (Nov 1948 – 28 Nov 1949)

No 51 Rifle Sqn RAF Regiment (1 Feb – 29 Nov 1949 )

No 57 Rifle Sqn RAF Regiment (24 Jan – 29 Nov 1949 )

No 60 Rifle Sqn RAF Regiment (Feb – 29 Nov 1949 )

No 1 Mobile Repair and Salvage Unit (26 Jul 1949 – 25 Mar 1950)

BABS Trainer and Link Trainer Servicing Section (25 Aug 1949 – xxx xxxx)

No 365 Signals Unit (1 Sep 1950 – 23 Feb 1953)

Motor Transport Repair Unit (Germany) (15 Feb 1951 – 7 Jan 1953)

HQ, No 2 Wing RAF Regiment (13 Aug 1951 – 21 Feb 1952)

 No 24 LAA Sqn RAF Regiment (3 Sep 1951 – 13th Mar 1952)

No 25 LAA Sqn RAF Regiment (12 Sep 1951 – 22 Apr 1952)

No 5 (Signals) Wing (23 Feb 1953 – Jan 1954)

No 755 Signals Unit (23 Feb 1953 – 30 Jul 1955)


Country: - Germany

Lat/Long:  53:41:24N  09:38:24E

Height Above Sea Level:  20 ft

Operational Control: -


Royal Air Force Station Uetersen   The station was given formal status as an RAF Station on 1 Oct 1947, despite having been occupied by the RAF since May 1945.  This meant that it had its own station commander from the latter date,

28 Nov 1955   RAF Uetersen closed down and was taken over by the German civil authority.   On 4 Apr 1956 the first units of the new Luftwaffe arrived at the station, and the Luftwaffe remains there to this day.    The station is currently an NCO Training School with more than 1000 personnel based there.

Thanks to Peter Jackson for most of these details

Main units: -

No 8401 Air Disarmament Wing (13 May 1945 – Sep 1945)

No 2701 Sqn RAF Regiment (14 May – 17 Jul 1945)

HQ, No 5252 Airfield Construction Wing (Jun – Aug 1945)

No 6412 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (5 Jun 1945 – 15 Mar 1946)

No 2876 LAA Sqn RAF Regiment (7 Jun – 15 Dec 1945

No 2876 LAA Sqn RAF Regiment (7 Jun – 3 Dec 1945)

HQ, No 126 Wing (4 Jul 1945 – 19 Mar 1946)

No 411 Sqn (4 Jul 1945 – 19 Mar 1946)

No 412 Sqn (4 Jul 1945 -  19 Mar 1946)

No 416 Sqn (4 Jul 1945 – 19 Mar 1946)

No 6416 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (4 Jul 1945 – 15 Mar 1946)

No 443 Sqn (4 Jul 1945 – Mar 1946)

No 6443 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (5 Jul 1945 – 15 Mar 1946)

No 6411 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (5 Jul 1945 – 15 Mar 1946)

No 421 Sqn (8 Jul – 23 Jul 1945)

No 6421 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (8 – 23 Jul 1945)

HQ, No 126 Wing (2 - 7 Jul 1945)

No 2734 Rifle Sqn RAF Regiment (3 – 4 Jul 1945 )

No 2881 AA Sqn (7 Jul – Sept 1945 )

No 410 Repair & Salvage Unit (10 Jul - 11 Aug 1945)

No 2817 AA Sqn RAF Regiment (xxx xxxx - 8 Dec 1945)

No 3 Forward Repair Unit (Sep 1945 – xxx xxxx)

Links to related sites/pages

Officers Commanding, Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Upavon

RAF Upavon badge#

Main units (continued): -

Meteorological Flt (Mar - Apr 1920)

9 Sqn (1 - 30 Apr 1924)

3 Sqn (30 Apr 1924 - 10 May 1934)

17 Sqn (14 Oct 1926 - 10 May 1934)

54 Sqn (28 May - 20 Jun 1931)

No 408 (Fleet Fighter) Flt (12 Nov 1931 - 1 Jan 1932)

Handling Flt (8 Dec 1938 - 8 Nov 1940)

No 783 Defence Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 2783 Sqn, RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - xxx 1943)

No 7 Flying Instructors School (1 Apr 1942 - 2 May 1946)

No 1537 Beam Approach Training Flt (4 May 1943 - May 1946)

Transport Command Communication Flt (May 1946 - xxx 1959/1961)

No 38 Group Communication Flt (31 May 1946 - 1 Feb 1951, 1 Jan - 17 May 1960)

Sub-site, No 248 Maintenance Unit (1 Nov 1951 - 1 Oct 1957)

HQ, Transport Command (21 Apr 1952 - 1 Aug 1967)

No 1310 (Transport) Flt (31 Mar - May 1953)

230 Sqn (30 Apr 1959 - 30 May 1960)

No 14 Joint Trials Unit (2 Nov 1959 - xxx xxxx)

No 15 Joint Trials Unit (1 Dec 1959 - 22 Aug 1961)

Transport Command Communication Sqn (xxx 1959/1961 - 1 Apr 1964)

No 17 Joint Trials Unit (1 Oct 1960 - xxx 1964)

HQ, No 38 Group (1 Jan - 17 May 1960, 10 Nov 1975 - 17 Nov 1983)

HQ Air Support Command (1 Aug 1967 - 1 Sep 1972)

HQ, No 46 Group (1 Sep 1972 - 1 Jan 1976)

No 46 Group Air Transport Examining Unit (31 Oct 1973 - 10 Nov 1975)

No 38 Group Air Transport Examining Unit (10 Nov 1975 - xxx 1976)

No 38 Group Examining Unit (xxx 1976 - xxx xxxx)

No 38 Group Standardisation Unit (Apr - Sep 1976)

No 622 (Volunteer) Gliding School (Nov 1978 - xxx xxxx)

HQ, No 1 Group (17 Nov 1983 - 30 Jul 1993)


County: - Wiltshire

Lat/Long:  51:17:23N  01:46:00W

Grid Ref:   SU152542

Height above sea level: 570 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - May 1912

No 23 Group (1944)

Closed -


One the earlier military airfields in Britain

Main units: -

Central Flying School (13 May 1912 - 23 Dec 1919, 26 Apr 1920 - 7 Oct 1926, 2 Sep 1935 - 1 Apr 1942)

Experimental Flt (14 Dec 1914 - Sep 1916)

Testing Sqn (Sep 1916 - 16 Jan 1917)

72 Sqn (28 Jun - 8 Jul 1917)

73 Sqn (2 - 10 Jul 1917)

85 Sqn (1 - 10 Aug 1917)

87 Sqn (1 - 15 Sep 1917)

104th Aero Sqn, USAAS (24 Dec 1917 - 24 Mar 1918)

Flying Officers Instructors School (14 Aug - 10 Sep 1919)

Flying Instructors School (23 Dec 1919 - 26 Apr 1920)


Western Communication Sqn (1 Aug 1967 - 3 Feb 1969)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps FAA Archive WebsiteOfficers Commanding,

RAF Upottery

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

439th Troop Carrier Group, USAAF (26 Apr - 8 Sep 1944)

  • 91st Troop Carrier Sqn

  • 92nd Troop Carrier Sqn

  • 93rd Troop Carrier Sqn

820 Sqn (18 - 21 Nov 1944)

VP-107 (2 Jan - 4 Jun 1945)

Sub-sire, No 267 Maintenance Unit (1 Nov 1946 - 6 Sep 1948)


County: - Devon

Lat/Long:  50:53:08N 03:09:30W

Grid Ref:  ST184104/180

Height above sea level: 825 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 15 Feb 1944

IX Fighter Command Substitution Unit (1 - 15 Feb 1944)

No 10 Group (15 Feb - 18 Mar 1944)

IX Fighter Command Substitution Unit (19 Mar - 20 Nov 1944)

No 10 Group (20 Nov 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)


Closed - 1948


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a US Transport or Observation station was issued in May 1943.

Links to related sites/pages

RAF Upper Heyford

RAF Upper Heyford badge

Main units (continued): -

33 Sqn (27 Nov 1934 - 4 Oct 1935)

58 Sqn (13 Jan - 3 Sep 1936)

215 Sqn (14 Jan - 3 Sep 1936)

218 Sqn (16 Mar 1936 - 22 Apr 1938)

108 Sqn (4 Jan - 18 Feb 1937)

226 Sqn (15 Mar - 16 Apr 1937)

105 Sqn (12 - 26 Apr 1937)

113 Sqn (18 May - 31 Aug 1937)

233 Sqn (18 May - 9 Jul 1937)

Long Range Development Unit (1 Jan - Dec 1938)

34 Sqn (12 Jul 1938 - 2 Mar 1939)

HQ, No 70 Wing (1 - 22 Sep 1939)

7 Sqn (23 Sep 1939 - 8 Apr 1940)

76 Sqn (23 Sep 1939 - 8 Apr 1940)

No 5 Group Pool (23 Sep 1939 - 8 Apr 1940)

Experimental Section, Navigation Synthetic Training Development Unit (xxx xxxx - Nov 1945)

No 16 Operational Training Unit (8 Apr 1940 - 1 Mar 1946)

No 738 (Ground Defence) Sqn (19 Aug 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 1523 Beam Approach Training Flt (Jan 1942 - xxx xxxx)

No 2738 Sqn RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - 14 Aug 1942)

'A' Flt, 109 Sqn (19 Jan 1942 - Aug 1942)

1473 Flt (10 Jul - 1 Dec 1942)

1505 Beam Approach Training Flt (17 Dec 1942 - 3 Feb 1943)

No 92 Group Screened Instructors School (Dec 1942 - 15 Mar 1944)

No 91 Group Servicing Unit (25 Mar 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)

No 1655 Mosquito Training Unit (30 - 31 Dec 1944)

No 1 Parachute Training School (28 Mar 1946 - 3 Dec 1947)

No 1 Parachute and Glider Training School (3 Dec 1947 - 10 Jun 1950)

7509th Air Base Sqn (1 Jun 1951 - 10 Jan 1952)

7509th Air Base Group, (25 May 1951 - 25 Jan 1952)

3918th Air Base Group (10 Jan 1952 - 31Mar 1965)

Various detachments and rotations of USAF KB-29s, B-29s, B-50s, B-47s, RB-47s, RB-36s

7514th Combat Support Group (31 Mar 1965 - 1 Sep 1966)

66th Tactical Reconnaissance Wing (1 Sep 1966 - 1 Apr 1970)

20th Tactical Fighter Wing (12 Sep 1970 - xxx xxxx)

42nd Electronic Countermeasures Sqn (Feb 1984 -  Aug 1992)


County: - Wiltshire

Lat/Long:  51:56:00N  01:15:15W

Grid Ref:   SP515268

Height above sea level:   420ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1918

Closed - 1920

Reopened - Nov 1927

No 3 Group (xxx xxxx - 15 May 1951)

SAC (15 May 1951 - 31 Mar 1965)

USAFE (31 Mar 1965 -

Closed - xxx xxxx


Main units: -

157 Sqn (14 Jul 1918 - 1 Feb 1919)

158 Sqn (4 Sep - 20 Nov 1918)

89 Sqn (17 - 29 Jul 1918)

94 Sqn (19 Aug - 31 Oct 1918)

122 Sqn (29 Oct - 20 Nov 1918)

123 Sqn (20 Nov 1918 - 31 Mar 1919)

81 Sqn (1 Sqn CAF) (25 Nov 1918 - 2 May 1919)

2 Sqn CAF (28 Nov 1918 - 5 Feb 1920)

Oxford University Air Sqn (10 Jan 1928 - 3 Nov 1932)

10 Sqn (3 Jan 1928 - 1 Apr 1931)

99 Sqn (5 Jan 1928 - 15 Nov 1934)

40 Sqn (1 Apr 1931 - 8 Oct 1932)

18 Sqn (20 Oct 1931 - 7 Jan 1936, 7 Sep 1936 - 24 Sep 1939)

57 Sqn (5 Sep 1932 - 24 Sep 1939)

Links to related sites/pages

Subterranea Britannica website, Officers Commanding, Aerial photo on Google Maps Control Towers website,

RAF Upwood

RAF Upwood badge

Main units (continued): -

26 Sqn (1 - 2 Oct 1941)

No 1511 Beam Approach Training Flt (Oct 1941 - 28 Apr 1943)

No 719 (Ground Defence) Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 2719 Sqn RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942- 27 May 1942)

No 3503 Servicing Unit (17 Aug - 19 Dec 1942)

PFF Navigation Training Unit  (17 Jun 1943 - 5 Mar 1944)

139 Sqn (1 Feb 1944 - 4 Feb 1946)

156 Sqn (5 Mar 1944 - 27 Jun 1945)

105 Sqn (29 Jun 1945 - 1 Feb 1946)

No 1409 Flt  (5 Jul - 10 Oct 1945)

Bomber Command Film Unit (16 Oct - Dec 1945)

102 Sqn (15 - 28 Feb 1946)

53 Sqn (28 Feb - 25 Jun 1946)

No 4053 Servicing Echelon (28 Feb – 25 Jun 1946)

No 1552 Beam Approach Training Flt (4 Mar - 22 May 1946)

7 Sqn (29 Jul 1946 - 1 Jan 1956)

49 Sqn (29 Jul 1946 - 25 Jun 1952, 23 Feb 1954 - 1 Aug 1955)

148 Sqn (4 Nov 1946 - 1 Jul 1955)

214 Sqn (5 Nov 1946 - 30 Dec 1954)

Radar Reconnaissance Flt (27 Mar 1952 - 17 Oct 1955)

No 230 Operational Conversion Unit (1 Aug 1953 - 1 Feb 1955)

Lincoln Conversion Flt (1 Feb - Dec 1955)

18 Sqn (22 May 1955 - 1 Feb 1957)

61 Sqn (30 Jun 1955 - 31 Mar 1958)

50 Sqn (8 Jan 1956 - 1 Oct 1959)

40 Sqn (31 Oct 1956 - 1 Feb 1957)

76 Sqn (17 Jul 1958 - 30 Dec 1960)

542 Sqn (17 Jul - 1 Oct 1958)

21 Sqn (1 Oct 1958 - 15 Jan 1959)

No 16 Sqn RAF Regiment

No 37 Sqn RAF Regiment

No 48 Sqn RAF Regiment


County: - Huntingdonshire

175 miles SE of Ramsey

Lat/Long:  52:26:15N  00:08:00W

Grid Ref:  TL269842

Height above sea level:  50ft

Railway Station - Holme LNER

Operational Control: -

Opened - Jan 1937

No 2 Group (26 Jan 1937 - 11 May 1942)

No 92 Group (11 May 1942 - xx xxx 1943)

C & M (1 May - 20 Nov 1943)

No 8 Group (xx xxx 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

SHQ opened - 20 Nov 1943

Closed -


Main units: -

191 (Night) Training Sqn (1 Jul 1918 - 26 Jun 1919)

190 (Night) Training Sqn (5 Oct 1918 - 1 May 1919)

52 Sqn (1 Mar 1937 - 9 Sep 1939)

63 Sqn (3 Mar 1937 - 9 Sep 1939)

90 Sqn (16 Sep 1939 - 6 Apr 1940)

35 Sqn (1 Feb - 8 Apr 1940, 16 Jul 1956 - 11 Sep 1961)

No 17 Operational Training Unit (8 Apr 1940 - 30 Apr 1943)

No 11 Blind Approach Training Flt (22 Sep - Oct 1941)


98 Sqn (Jun 1938 - Mar 1940)

109 Sqn (Dec 1952 - xxx xxxx)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,    Commanding Officers Control Towers website,

RAF Usworth

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

No 1 Group Practice Flt (Jul 1937 - xxx 1938)

'G' Flt, No 1 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit  (1 - 15 May 1939)

‘B’ Flt, 64 Sqn (Apr 1940)

No 3 Radio Maintenance Unit Calibration Flt (1 Jul - 21 Sep 1940)

43 Sqn (8 Sep - 12 Dec 1940)

No 3 Radio Servicing Section (21 Sep 1940 - 17 Feb 1941)

No 72 (Signals) Wing Calibration Flt (17 Feb -  May 1941)

No 55 Operational Training Unit (14 Mar 1941 - 28 Apr 1942)

No 62 Operational Training Unit (1 Jun 1942 - 15 Jul 1943)

No 21 Initial Training Wing (15 Sep - 6 Nov 1943)

No 20 Initial Training Wing (6 Nov 1943 - 21 Apr 1944)

No 60 Initial Training Wing (26 Feb 1944 - 31 Mar 1945)

Durham University Air Sqn (25 Mar - 31 Dec 1944, 2 May1949 - 15 Oct 1957)

No 31 Gliding School (Apr 1944 - 1 Sep 1955)

Air Crew Disposal Unit (23 Jun - 22 Sep 1944)

No 2739 Sqn, RAF Regiment (10 Aug - xx xxx 1944)

No 2759 Sqn, RAF Regiment (10 Aug - xx xxx 1944)

Sub-site, No 14 Maintenance Unit (1 Dec 1944 - 30 Sep 1948)

No 23 Reserve Flying School (1 Feb 1949 - 31 Jul 1953)

No 2 Basic Air Navigation School (18 Apr 1951 - 20 Apr 1953)

No 27 Gliding School (Nov 1951 - 1 Sep 1955)

No 1965 Reserve AOP Flt, 664 Sqn (14 Feb 1954 - 10 Mar 1957)

No 641 Volunteer Gliding School (1 Sep 1955 - xxx 1962)

No 2 Civilian Fighter Control Co-operation Unit (8 Mar - 15 Oct 1957)


County: - County Durham

Lat/Long:   54:55:15N  01:28:00W

Grid Ref -  NZ340585

Height Above Sea Level - 120 ft

Railway Station - Usworth LNER

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1916

SHQ Opened - 1 Feb 1937

No 1 Group (1 Feb - 31 Dec 1937)

No 12 Group (31 Dec 1937 - 1 Aug 1939)

No 13 Group (1 Aug 1939 - 14 Mar 1941)

No 81 Group (14 Mar1941 - 21 Apr 1942)

No 13 Group (C &M) (21 Apr 1942 - xx xxx xxxx)

No 11 Group (xx xxx xxxx - 28 Aug 1943)

No 54 Group (28 Aug 1943 - 1 Dec 1944)

C & M (21 Apr 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)

No 56 Wing (1 Dec 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed -


It is now the Nissan UK car factory.

Main units: -

36 Sqn (1 Jul 1918 - 13 Jun 1919)

607 Sqn (17 Mar 1930 - 12 Aug 1939, 24 Aug -  9 Oct 1939, 4 Jun - 1 Sep 1940, 12 Dec 1940 - 16 Jan 1941)

103 Sqn (26 Feb 1937 - 2 Sep 1938)


No 7 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (4 Oct 1940 - xxx xxxx)

No 55 Operational Training Unit (12 Feb - 14 Mar 1941)

Glider Exercise Unit (10 - 12 Oct 1941)

776 Sqn FAA (7 - 12 Jul 1943)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,    Officers Commanding,

RAF Uxbridge

RAF Uxbridge badge

Main units (continued): -

HQ, Inland Area (1 Apr 1920 - 1 Jun 1926)

RAF Hospital

Central Trade Test Board (1 Jul 1922 - 1 Sep 1924)

No 1 Aerodrome Party (xxx - 28 Sep 1922)

HQ, Air Defence of Great Britain (1 Jun 1926 - 13 Jul 1936)

HQ Fighting Area (7 Jul 1926 - 1 May 1936)

No 1 RAF Depot (1 Sep 1937 - 7 Sep 1939, 4 Jan 1940 - 25 Nov 1942)

HQ, Bomber Command (14 Jul 1936 - 13 Mar 1940)

HQ, No 11 Group (1 May 1936 - xxx 1955)

HQ No 12 Group (1 Apr - 18 May 1937)

No 1 Personnel Transit Centre (23 Aug - 6 Sep 1939)

No  1 Recruit Receiving Centre (7 Sep 1939 -4 Jan 1940)

No 8 Aviation Candidates Selection Board (3 Sep 1939 - 4 May 1941)

No 1 Aviation Candidates Selection Board (4 Sep 1939 - 4 May 1941)

No 2 Aviation Candidates Selection Board (4 Sep 1939 - 2 Feb 1941)

No 1 Recruits Centre (4 Jan - 3 Dec 1940)

No 63 Fighter Wing Servicing Unit (29 Apr - xxx 1940)

HQ, No 256 Wing (23 - 28 Apr 1940)

No 2 School of Photography (xxx xxxx - 24 Jul 1940)

Personnel Despatch Centre (Aug 1940 - 12 Feb 1941)

No 3 Personnel Reception Centre (28 Feb - 25 Jun 1941)

The Officers' School (11 Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 1 Officers' School (1 Feb - 15 Jun 1942)

HQ No 85 Group (20 Dec 1943 - 16 Jan 1944)

HQ, 2 Tactical Air Force (1 Feb - 20 Aug 1944)

Advanced HQ Detachment, 9th Air Force (17 Feb 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)

Advanced HQ, Allied Expeditionary Air Forces (1 May - 9 Aug 1944)

No 4 Air Delivery Letter Service (16 Jun 1944 - 2  Jan 1945)

No 100 Personnel Disposal Centre (1 Sep 1944 - 15 Nov 1946)

HQ, No 28 Group (24 Feb 1949 - 6 Mar 1950)

No 6 Trials Unit (15 Jul 1954 - 5 Jan 1955)

RAF Central School of Aircraft Recognition (15 Sep 1954 - 11 Nov 1957)

No 28 Trials Unit (21 Apr 1975 - xxx 1976)

No 63 Sqn RAF Regiment (Queen's Colour Sqn)


County: - Middlesex

Lat/Long:  51:32:31N  00:28:16W

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1918

SHQ opened - 24 Nov 1942

Personnel & Training Command (2006)

Air Command

Closed - 30 Mar 2010


This entry also includes Units located at Uxbridge prior to the formation of a SHQ.

Main units: -

Armament School (18 Dec 1917 - 13 Sep 1919)

RAF Depot (Oct 1918 - 1 Sep 1937)

HQ, No 2 Group (7 Jul 1919 - 31 Mar 1920)

Recruits Training Dept (14 Aug - 23 Dec 1919)

1 Sqn (19 Sep 1919 - 21 Jan 1920)

24 Sqn (19 Sep 1919 - 1 Feb 1920)

4 Sqn (20 Sep 1919 - 30 Apr 1920)

HQ South-Eastern Area (13 - 20 Sep 1919)

HQ, Southern Area (20 Sep 1919 - 1 Apr 1920)

HQ Home Defence Wing (2 Dec 1919 - 10 Jan 1920)

39 Sqn (20 Dec 1919 - 12 Apr 1920)

3 Sqn (27 Oct 1919 - 21 Jan 1920)

207 Sqn (16 - 20 Jan 1920)

Links to related sites/pages

Subterranea Britannica website, Commanding Officers, Aerial photo on Google Maps,

[Uetersen | Upavon | Upottery | Upper Heyford | Upwood | Usworth | Uxbridge]

Station badges on this page are courtesy of Dave Clifford except those marked #

Badges marked # have been produced by Mary Denton on behalf of the RAF Heraldry Trust and are displayed on this page with the permission of the RAFHT.  Mary Denton and the RAFHT have probably completed half of the 'official' badges authorised but are still looking for sponsorship for the remaining badges. The work continues and details can be found on their website.

**Detachment dates indicate at a detachment(s) took place at some point between these dates

© Crown Copyright is reproduced with the permission of the Directorate of Intellectual Property Rights

is page was last updated on 22/07/24©

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