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RAF Stations - O

[Definition of a RAF Station]

[Oakhanger | Oakington | Oban | Odiham | Old Buckenham | Old Sarum | Ondal | Ossington | Oujda | Oulton | Ouston]

RAF Oakhanger

RAF Oakhanger badge

Main units (continued): -


County: - Hampshire

Lat/Long:  51:06:54N  00:54:22W

                 51:06:50N  00:53:34W

Grid Ref: 

Height above sea level: 

Operational Control: -

Equipment Support (Air ) Group (Nov 1999 - Current)


Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Oakington

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

627 Sqn (12 Nov 1943 - 15 Apr 1944)

571 Sqn (22 Apr 1944 - 20 Jul 1945)

No 4206 Servicing Echelon (31 Jul 1945 – 25 Apr 1946)

206 Sqn (1 Aug 1945 - 25 Apr 1946)

No 4086 Servicing Echelon (9 Aug 1945 – 15 May 1946)

86 Sqn (14 Aug 1945 - 25 Apr 1946)

242 Sqn (2 May 1946 - 1 Dec 1947)

No 4242 Servicing Echelon (7 May 1946 – 17 Nov 1947)

No 3 Section,1552 Radio Aids Training Flt (13 - xx  May 1946)

No 4238 Servicing Echelon (xx – 24 Nov 1947)

27 Sqn (24 Nov 1947 - 9 Nov 1948)

30 Sqn (24 Nov 1947 - 27 Nov 1950)

46 Sqn (24 Nov 1947 - 20 Feb 1950)

No 4046 Servicing Echelon (24 Nov 1947)

238 Sqn (24 Nov 1947 - 4 Oct 1948)

10 Sqn (4 Oct 1948 - 20 Feb 1950)

18 Sqn (5 Dec 1948 - 6 Oct 1949)

24 Sqn (25 Feb - 27 Nov 1950)

341st Bomb Sqn, USAAF (3 Oct - 4 Dec 1950)

No 1 Flying Training School (1 Dec 1950 - 31 Oct 1951)

No 206 Advanced Flying School (1 Nov 1951 - 1 Jun 1954)

No 5 Flying Training School (1 Jun 1954 - 31 Dec 1974)

657 Sqn AAC (Jan 1979 - xxx xxxx)


County: - Cambridgeshire

Lat/Long:   52:16:08N  00:04:00E

Grid Ref -  TL412654

Height Above Sea Level - 40 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 14 Jul 1940

No 2 Group (14 Jul 1940 - xx xxx xxxx)

No 3 Group (xx xxx xxxx - 15 Apr 1943)

No 8 Group (15 Apr 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed -


Main units: -

218 Sqn (18 Jul - 25 Nov 1940)

7 Sqn (29 Oct 1940 - 24 Jul 1945)

No 3 Photographic Reconnaissance Unit (16 Nov 1940 - 16 Jun 1941)

101 Sqn (1 Jul 1941 - 11 Feb 1942)

No 723 Defence Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 7 Conversion Flt (16 Jan - 4 Oct 1942)

No 2723 Sqn, RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - xxx 1942)

No 101 Conversion Flt (6 May - 7 Oct 1942)

Detachment - 75 Sqn (Aug - Nov 1942)

No 1409 (Meteorological) Flt (1 Apr - Nov 1943)

‘C’ Flt, 97 Sqn (Aug - Sep 1943)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,    Commanding Officers,

RAF Oban

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

209 Sqn (7 Oct 1939 - 16 Jul 1940)

210 Sqn (13 Jul 1940 - 28 Feb 1942)

Detachment - 10 Sqn RAAF (1 Aug 1940 - 10 Apr 1941)

No 746 Defence Sqn (xx xxx 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 2746 Sqn, RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - xx Mar 1943)

228 Sqn (10 Mar - 11 Dec 1942)

423 Sqn (18 May - 3 Nov 1942)

No 4 Flying Boat Servicing Unit (25 Sep 1942 - Apr 1944)

422 Sqn (25 Nov 1942 - 7 May 1943)

330 Sqn (28 Jan - 12 Jul 1943)

No 302 Ferry Training Unit (21 Jul 1943 - 28 Apr 1945)

No 65 Air/Sea Rescue Marine Craft Unit (18 Oct 1943 - 11 May 1944)

524 Sqn (20 Oct - 7 Dec 1943)


County: - Argyllshire


Grid Ref - 

Height Above Sea Level - 0 ft

Railway Station -

Operational Control: -

Opened - 2 Oct 1939

No 18 Group (2 Oct 1939 - 17 Jul 1940)

No 15 Group (17 Jul 1940 - 15 Jul 1943)

No 17 Group (15 Jul 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed -


Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo of the general area on Google Maps, Unofficial WebsiteOfficers Commanding,

RAF Odiham

RAF Odiham badge

Main units (continued): -

414 Sqn (20 - 29 Feb 1944, 1 Apr - 15 Aug 1944)

184 Sqn (6 - 11 Mar 1944, 3 - 23 Apr 1944)

No 6184 Servicing Echelon (22 Mar – 23 Apr 1944)

No 6400 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (22 Mar – 1 Jul 1944)

No 6168 Servicing Echelon (31 Mar – 29 Jun 1944)

430 Sqn (1 Apr - 29 Jun 1944)

No 39 Wing Communication Flt (1 Apr - 20 Jun 1944)

No 6414 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (1 Apr – 15 Aug 1944)

No 6430 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (1 Apr – 29 Jun 1944)

HQ, No 129 Airfield (2 - 20 Apr 1944)

No 128 Wing (12 May - 29 Jun 1944)

No 128 Wing Communication Flt (12 May - 29 Jun 1944)

No 130 Wing (12 May - 7 Jul 1944)

No 6268 Servicing Echelon (27 Jun – 10 Aug 1944)

The Forward Repair Unit (Jul - Sep 1944)

No 1516 Beam Approach Training Flt (17 Sep 1944 - 1 Sep 1945)

No 6096 Servicing Echelon (23 Sep – 12 Dec 1944)

96 Sqn (24 Sep - 12 Dec 1944)

No 151 Repair Unit (Aircraft) (28 Nov 1944 - xxx xxxx)

264 Sqn (1 Dec 1944 - 9 Jan 1945)

604 Sqn (5 - 31 Dec 1944)

No 6604 Servicing Echelon (15 – 31 Dec 1944)

No 6264 Servicing Echelon (20 Dec 1944 – 7 Jan 1945)

No 3501 Servicing Unit (14 Feb - 22 May 1945)

No 1 Aircraft Delivery Flt (14 Feb - 4 Jun 1945)

‘X’ Flt, 787 Sqn  FAA (1 Mar - 4 Jun 1945)

233 Sqn (8 Jun - 15 Aug 1945)

271 Sqn (10 Aug - 5 Oct 1945)

No 4271 Servicing Echelon (10 Aug – 5 Oct 1945)

HQ, No 120 (RCAF) Wing (12 Nov 1945 - 30 Jun 1946)

No 4437 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (14 Nov 1945 – 15 Jun 1946)

437 Sqn (17 Nov 1945 - 15 Jun 1946)

436 Sqn (4 Apr - 22 Jun 1946)

No 4436 (RCAF) Servicing Echelon (4 Apr – 22 Jun 1946)

No 6247 Servicing Echelon (27 Jun – 1 Nov 1946, cadre from 10 Oct 1946)

54 Sqn (28 Jun - 9 Aug 1946, 27 Aug - 5 Sep 1946, 1 Oct 1946 - 6 Oct 1947, 27 Nov 1947 - 17 Jul 1959)

No 6054 Servicing Echelon (28 Jun – 5 Sep 1946, 30 Sep 1946 – 1 Nov 1947 – cadre from 10 Oct 1946)

130 Sqn (23 Jul 1946- 31 Jan 1947)

No 6130 Servicing Echelon (23 Jul 1946 – 31 Jan 1947)

72 Sqn (1 Feb - 6 Oct 1947, 28 Nov 1947 - 22 Mar 1950, 15 Nov 1961 - 16 Apr 1981)

No 6072 Servicing Echelon (31 Jan 1947 – 1 Nov 1948)

421 Sqn RCAF (19 Jan - 13 Nov 1951)

46 Sqn (15 Aug 1954 - 17 Jul 1959)

No 11 Group Modification Centre (1 Dec 1954 - Feb 1956)

HQ, No 38 Group (17 May 1960 - 15 May 1972)

No 38 Group Communications Flt (17 May 1960 - 15 May 1972)

225 Sqn (17 May 1960 -15 Nov 1963)

230 Sqn (30 May 1960 - 15 Jan 1963,31 Dec 1964 -10 Mar 1965, 25 Nov 1966 - 10 Mar 1969, 1 Jan 1972 - 14 Oct 1980)

Belvedere Trials Unit (4 Jul 1960 - 15 Sep 1961)

66 Sqn (15 Sep 1961 - 26 May 1962)

26 Sqn (1 Jun 1962 - 1 Mar 1963)

Transport & Communications Flt (1 Jan 1963 - Aug 1964)

Twin Pioneer Conversion Unit (1 Jan 1963 - Aug 1964)

Wessex Trials Unit (1 Jul 1963 - 27 Jan 1964)

18 Sqn (27 Jan 1964 - 1 Jan 1965, 8 Aug 1969 - 1 Sep 1970, 4 Aug 1981 - 6 Aug 1983, 1 Aug 1997 - Current)

No 1310 Flt (23 Jul - 1 Sep 1964)

Short-Range Conversion Unit (Aug 1964 - 1 Jul 1967)

Helicopter Operational Conversion Flt (1 Jul 1967 - 1 May 1971)

Air Training Sqn (1 May 1971 - 1 Jan 1972)

33 Sqn (14 Jun 1971 - 13 Jun 1997)

No 240 Operation Conversion Unit (1 Jan 1972 - 30 Sep 1993)

7 Sqn (1 Sep 1982 - Current)

Special Forces Flt, No 7 Sqn (xxx 1991 - Current)

Support Helicopter Trials and Tactics Unit (pre 1993 - Current)

No 27 (Reserve) Sqn (30 Sep 1993 - 1 Jan 1998)

27 Sqn (1 Jan 1998 - Current)

No 657 Sqn Army Air Corps (xxx 2000 - Current)

651 Sqn AAC (xxx 2006 - xxx 2008)

No 618 Volunteer Gliding School (xxx xxxx - xxx xxxx)


County: - Hampshire

Lat/Long:  51:14:00N  00:56:45W

Grid Ref:  SU738492

Height above sea level:  400ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 18 Oct 1937

No 22 Group, Fighter Command (xx Oct 1937 - 24 Jun 1940)

No 22 Group (24 Jun - 1 Dec 1940)

No 70 Group (1 Dec 1940 - Jun 1941)

No 71 Group (Jun 1941 - 1 Jun 1943)

No 11 Group (1 Jun 1943 - 7 Jun 1945)

No 46 Group (7 Jun - 21 Oct 1945)

RCAF (21 Oct 1945 - 28 Jun 1946)

No 11 Group (28 Jun 1946 - 15 Jul 1959)

Transport Command (15 Feb 1950 - 17 May 1960)

No 38 Group (17 May 1960 - 15 May 1972)

Joint Helicopter Command (


Main units: -

13 Sqn (24 Jul - Sep 1933, 16 Feb 1937 - 24 Sep 1939, 17 Jul 1941 - 1 Aug 1942, 10 Aug - 15 Nov 1942)

4 Sqn (16 Feb 1937 - 24 Sep 1939, 7 Aug - 15 Sep 1943, 6 Oct - 14 Nov 1943, 27 Jun - 16 Aug 1944)

HQ No 50 Wing (11 Jan 1937 - 21 Sep 1939)

53 Sqn (8 Apr 1938 - 20 Sep 1939)

613 Sqn (2 Oct 1939 - 30 Jun 1940)

614 Sqn (2 Oct 1939 - 8 Jun 1940, 27 Sep - 3 Oct 1941, 26 Aug - 16 Nov 1942)

225 Sqn (9 Oct 1939 - 9 Jun 1940, 17 May 1960 - 15 Nov 1963)

Autogyro Training Flt (2 Apr - 1 Jul 1940)

59 Sqn (10 Jun - 3 Jul 1940)

No 110 Sqn RCAF (Jun 1940 - 1 Mar 1941)

ROC Flt (23 Aug - 2 Dec 1940)

Franco-Belgian Air Training School (28 Oct 1940 - 9 Jun 1941)

400 Sqn (1 Mar - 18 Jun 1941, 30 May - 27 Oct 1942, 18 Feb - 1 Jul 1944)

No 768 (Ground Defence) Sqn (19 Dec 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 2768 Sqn RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942- xxx 1942)

No 2888 Sqn RAF Regiment

171 Sqn (12 Jul - 25 Aug 1942)

168 Sqn (18 Nov 1942 - 1 Mar 1943, 17 Mar - 20 Sep 1943, 21 Feb - 6 Mar 1944, 31 Mar - 29 Jun 1944)

239 Sqn (18 Nov - 6 Dec 1942)

174 Sqn (6 Dec 1942 - 1 Mar 1943)

175 Sqn (14 Jan - 1 Mar 1943, 13 - 19 Mar 1943)

412 Sqn (6 - 7 Mar 1943)

No 3206 Servicing Commando (8 Apr - 1 May 1943, 6 May - 11 Jun 1943)

No 3205 Servicing Commando (28 May - 12 Jun 1943)

268 Sqn (31 May - 15 Sep 1943, 9 - 15 Oct 1943, 27 Jun - 10 Aug 1944)

170 Sqn (26 Jun - 20 Sep 1943)

No 35 Wing Communication Flt (28 Jun 1943 - 15 Aug 1944)

HQ, No 130 Airfield (7 Aug - 15 Nov 1943)

2 Sqn (7 Aug - 22 Sep 1943, 6 Oct - 30 Nov 1943, 27 Jun - 29 Jul 1944)

'A' Section, No 3210 Servicing Commando (18 Aug - xxx 1943)

HQ, No 3210 Servicing Commando (Oct 1943)

No 4 Aircraft Delivery Flight (14 - 25 Nov 1943)

No 412 Repair and Salvage Unit (15 Nov 1943 - 3 Jan 1944)

No 413 Repair and Salvage Unit (15 Nov 1943 - 3 Jan 1944)

No 511 Forward Repair Unit (16 Nov 1943 - Jul 1944)

No 418 Air Stores Park (6 Dec 1943 - 20 Jan 1944)

181 Sqn (31 Dec 1943 - 13 Jan 1944)

182 Sqn (31 Dec 1943 - 5 Jan 1944)

247 Sqn (31 Dec 1943 - 13 Jan 1944, 27 Jul - 7 Sep 1946, 16 Sep 1946 - 7 Oct 1947, 27 Nov 1947 - 31 Dec 1957) 

HQ, No 124 Airfield (31 Dec 1943 - 13 Jan 1944)

HQ, No 128 Airfield (19 Feb - 12 May 1944)


26 Sqn (Jun - Aug 1940)

No 7 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (Aug 1940 - 14 Jun 1942)

613 Sqn (Oct 1941 - Apr 1942, Aug 1942 - Mar 1943)

No 8 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (Nov 1940 - xxx 1941)

82 Sqn (Sep 1941)

114 Sqn (May 1942)

247 Sqn (Aug 1942)

63 Sqn (31 Dec 1942 - 19 Feb 1943)

No 6 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (8 Mar 1943 - xxx xxxx)

174 Sqn (Mar - Apr 1943)

116 Sqn (Nov 1943 - xxx xxxx)

400 Sqn (1 Jul - xxx 1944)

Flying Training Command Communication Sqn(e1 Apr 1959 - 1 Apr 1964 )

Links to related sites/pages

Station Website, Commanding OfficersAerial photo on Google Maps Control Towers website, Personnel Listings,

RAF Old Buckenham

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

USAAF Station 144 (13 Feb 1944 - xx xxx xxxx)

453rd Bomb Group, USAAF (23 Dec 1943 - 9 May 1945)

  • 732nd Bomb Sqn

  • 733rd Bomb Sqn

  • 734th Bomb Sqn

  • 735th Bomb Sqn

Sub-site, No 94 Maintenance Unit (27 Jan 1948 - 1 Sep 1956)

Sub-site, No 53 Maintenance Unit (1 Sep 1956 - 1 Feb 1958)


County: - Norfolk

Lat/Long:   52:30:00N  01:03:45E

Grid Ref -  TM078936

Height Above Sea Level - 195 ft

Railway Station - Attleborough LNER

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1 Oct 1943

2nd Bombardment Wing Substitution Unit (1 Oct - xx xxx 1944)

2nd Bombardment Wing, USAAF (13 Feb 1944 - xx xxx 1945)

Closed - 1945


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a bomber satellite aerodrome was issued in August 1941.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps Control Towers website,

RAF Old Sarum

RAF Old Sarum badge

Main units (continued): -

'D' (Army Co-operation) Flt (20 May - 3 Jun 1940)

112 Sqn RCAF (29 May - 14 Jun 1940)

225 Sqn (9 Jun - 1 Jul 1940)

No 8 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (6 Oct - 9 Nov 1940)

No 769 Defence Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 2769 Sqn, RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - xxx 1942)

651 Sqn (1 Aug 1941 - 31 Jul 1942)

No 36 Wing Communication Flt (15 Aug 1941 - 16 Jul 1943)

No 41 Operational Training Unit (20 Sep 1941 - 15 Nov 1942)

No 1471 (Anti-Aircraft Co-operation) Flt (1 Apr - 10 Oct 1942)

652 Sqn (1 May - 15 Jun 1942)

992 (Balloon) Sqn (3 Jun 1942 - 3 May 1943)

653 Sqn (20 Jun - 8 Jul 1942)

654 Sqn (15 Jul - 15 Sep 1942)

No 3225 Servicing Commando (27 Jul - 8 Sep 1942)

879 Sqn FAA (18 Nov 1942 - 22 Mar 1943)

No 43 Operational Training Unit (19 Nov 1942 - 17 Feb 1944)

655 Sqn (30 Nov 1942 - 24 Feb 1943, 14 - 22 Mar 1943)

658 Sqn (30 Apr - 4 Aug 1943)

660 Sqn (31 Jul - 21 Sep 1943)

661 Sqn (31 Aug - 27 Nov 1943)

662 Sqn (30 Sep 1943 - 4 Feb 1944, 23 May - 5 Jun 1944)

No 3205 Servicing Commando (1 Dec 1943 - 21 Feb 1944, 1 - 7 Jun 1944, 2 Oct - 2 Nov 1944)

No 2886 Sqn, RAF Regiment (23 Mar - xx xxx 1944)

No 3206 Servicing Commando (6 - 13 Jun 1944)

No 17 Sector (6 - 14 Jun 1944)

659 Sqn (9 - 14 Jun 1944)

No 15 Sector (13 - 21 Jun 1944)

HQ, No 39 Wing (20 - 25 Jun 1944)

No 404 Air Sores Park (22 - 28 Jun 1944)

No 14 Personnel Transit Centre (16 - 19 Jul 1944)

No 402 Air Sores Park (5 - 7 Aug 1944)

No 418 Air Sores Park (12 - 16 Aug 1944)

No 408 (Polish) Air Sores Park (18 - 20  Aug 1944)

No 84 Group Communication Flt (20 Aug - 2 Sep 1944)

HQ, No 72 (Signals) Wing (2 - 4 Sep 1944)

No 105 Mobile Air Reporting Unit (21 - 23 Sep 1944)

No 3207 Servicing Commando (3 - 26 Oct 1944)

No 3209 Servicing Commando (3 - 26 Oct 1944)

No 3210 Servicing Commando (3 - 26 Oct 1944)

No 17 Personnel Transit Centre (14 - 23 Oct 1944)

The School of Air Support (5 Nov 1944 - 1 May 1947)

School of Land/Air Warfare (1 May 1947 - 31 Mar 1963)

VISTRE Flt (18 Nov 1950 - 15 Jan 1952)

Helicopter Development Unit (1 Jun 1961 - 1 Apr 1963)

Joint Warfare Establishment (1 Apr 1963 - xxx xxxx)

No 622 Volunteer Gliding School (1 Jul 1963 - xxx 1978)

Joint Helicopter Development Unit (1 Feb 1965 - 31 Oct 1976)

132 Flt AAC (6 Jun 1967 - 22 Sep 1970)

846 Sqn (10 - 12 Dec 1968)


County: - Wiltshire

Lat/Long:   51:05:53N  01:47:00W

Grid Ref -  SU155335

Height Above Sea Level - 270 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1917

No 22 Group, Fighter Command (xx xxx xxxx - 24 Jun 1940)

No 22 Group (24 Jun - 1 Dec 1940)

No 70 Group (1 Dec 1940 - xx xxx xxxx)

Transferred to Army - 15 Dec 1971


Originally known as Ford Farm?

Main units: -

99 Sqn (30 Aug 1917 - 25 Apr 1918) (as Ford Farm)

98 Sqn (31 Aug 1917 - 1 Mar 1918)

103 Sqn (8 Sep 1917 - 12 May 1918)

124 Sqn (1 Feb - 1 Mar 1918)

125 Sqn (1 Feb - 1 Mar 1918)

126 Sqn (1 Feb -1 Mar 1918)

53 Sqn (17 Mar - 25 Oct 1919)

No 11 Training Depot Station (1 Apr - Nov 1918)

School of Instruction, Southern Training Brigade (xxx - 10 Jun 1918)

104th Aero Sqn, USAAS (10 - 22 Jul 1918)

167th Aero Sqn, USAAS (Jul 1918 - xxx xxxx)

377th Aero Sqn, USAAS (24 Jul 1918 - xxx xxxx)

34 Sqn (3 May - 25 Sep 1919)

No 11 Training Sqn (Jul 1919 - Mar 1920)

7 Sqn (21 Sep - 27 Oct 1919)

‘C’ Flt, 4 Sqn (xxx 1920 - 9 Feb 1921)

School of Army Co-operation (Jan 1921 - 20 Oct 1939)

16 Sqn (1 Apr 1924 16 Feb 1940

Special Duties Flt (xxx 1926 - 12 Sep 1928)

13 Sqn (3 May 1935 - 16 Feb 1937)

18 Sqn (14 Aug - 12 Sep 1936)

107 Sqn (25 Feb - 14 Jun 1937)

59 Sqn (28 Jun 1937 - 2 Mar 1939, 1 Apr - 11 May 1939)

615 Sqn (29 Aug 1938 - 4 Sep 1939)

810 Sqn (17 Sep - 27 Oct 1938, 3 - 30 Jul 1939)

Army Co-operation Pool (25 Sep 1939 - 22 Oct 1940)

No 1 School of Army Co-operation (20 Oct 1939 - 20 Sep 1941)

110 Sqn RCAF (25 Feb - 9 Jun 1940)


No 8 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (10 Nov 1940 - 30 Sep 1942, Nov 1942 - 24 Mar 1943)

846 Sqn FAA (18 - 29 Nov 1968)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google MapsOfficers Commanding, Atlantikwall website Control Towers website, Personnel Listings,

RAF Ondal

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

34 Sqn (13 Jun - 8 Dec 1942)

110 Sqn (11 Oct - 1 Nov 1942)

No 96 Air Sores Park (22 Oct 1942 - Mar 1943)

No 82 Repair & Salvage Unit (22 Oct - 8 Nov 1942)

HQ, No 168 Wing (1 - 4 Nov 1942)


Country: -  India

Lat/Long:  23:35:24N  87:13:48E

Height Above Sea Level: 

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1 Jun 1942

No 221 Group (1 Jun 1942 - xx xxx xxxx)


Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Ossington

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 840 Defence Sqn (xx Jul 1941 - 1 Feb 1942)

No 14 Service Flying Training School (19 - 26 Jan 1942)

No 14 (Pilots) Advanced Flying Unit (26 Jan 1942 - 25 May 1943)

No 2860 Sqn, RAF Regiment (1 Feb 1942 - xxx 1942)

No 82 Operational Training Unit (1 Jun 1943- 9 Jan 1945)

No 1685 (Bomber) Defence Training Flt (5 Jun 1943 - 21 Aug 1944)

No 28 Operational Training Unit (6 - 18 Jun 1943)

No 6 Lancaster Finishing School (1 Jan 1944 - 1 Nov 1945)

Squadron & Flight Commanders School (16 Jul 1945)

No 1384 (Heavy Transport) Conversion Unit (1 Nov 1945 - 30 Jun 1946)


County: - Nottinghamshire

Lat/Long:   53:10:30N  00:53:00W

Grid Ref -  SK780413

Height Above Sea Level - 211 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1 Nov 1941

No 5 Group (1 Nov 1941 - 19 Jan 1942)

No 21 Group (19 Jan 1942 - 1 Jun 1943)

No 93 Group (1 Jun 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1946


Approval for the requisition of this site for use as a bomber operational aerodrome was issued in October 1940.

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Oujda

No Badge authorised

Main units: -

No 3 Aircraft Delivery Flt (Middle East) (21 Jan - 23 Sep 1944)

No 71 Staging Post (14 Sep - 23 Oct 1943)

No 75 Staging Post (15 May 1944 - 31 Jul 1945)

No 3 Ferry Unit (23 Sep 1944 - 1 Jun 1945)


Country: - Morocco

Lat/Long:  34:40:58N  01:55:12W

Height Above Sea Level: 

Operational Control: -



Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

RAF Oulton

No Badge authorised

Main units (continued): -

18 Sqn (3 Apr - 13 Jul 1941, 5 Nov - 5 Dec 1941)

139 Sqn (13 Jul - 23 Oct 1941, 5 - xx  Dec 1941, 15 - 20 Jun 1942)

65 Sqn (28 Sep - 3 Oct 1941)

No 1428 (Ferry Training) Flt (29 Dec 1941 - 6 Jun 1942)

236 Sqn (3 Jul - 19 Sep 1942)

88 Sqn (29 Sep 1942 - 30 Mar 1943)

21 Sqn (1 Apr - 27 Sep 1943)

No 18 Heavy Glider Maintenance Section (16 Aug 1943 - 15 Mar 1944)

No 1699 (Fortress Training) Flt (16 May 1944 - 24 Oct 1944)

214 Sqn (16 May 1944 - 27 Jul 1945)

223 Sqn (23 Aug 1944 - 29 Jul 1945)

No 1699 (Bomber Support) Conversion Unit (24 Oct 1944 - 29 Jun 1945)

No 110 Storage Sub-Site (30 Oct 1945 - 28 Oct 1947)

RAF Element, Helicopter Development Unit (1 Jun 1961 - 1 Feb 1965)


County: - Norfolk

Lat/Long:   52:48:00N  01:11:00E

Grid Ref -  TG145275

Height Above Sea Level - 157 ft

Operational Control: -

Opened - 1940

No 2 Group (xx xxx 1940 - 10 Sep 1943)

No 3 Group ( 10 Sep - 9 Dec 1943)

No 100 Group (9 Dec 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 1947


Originally a satellite of RAF Horsham St Faith, it was transferred to RAF Swanton Morley on 1 November 1942.

Main Units: -

114 Sqn (10 Aug 1940 - 2 Mar 1941)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,    Control Towers website,

RAF Ouston

RAF Ouston badge#

Main units (continued): -

81 Sqn (6 Jan - 14 Feb 1942, 14 Apr - 15 May 1942)

281 Sqn (29 Mar 1942 - 14 Jun 1943)

242 Sqn (15 May - 1 Jun 1942)

243 Sqn (1 Jun - 2 Sep 1942)

No 3015 Servicing Echelon (13 Jun – 2 Aug 1942, 10 Aug – 7 Oct 1942)

613 Sqn (28 Aug 1942 - 1 Mar 1943)

No 1490 (Fighter) Gunnery Flt (4 Sep 1942 - Apr 1943)

72 Sqn (26 Sep - 8 Nov 1942)

No 3021 Servicing Echelon (26 Sep – 8 Nov 1942)

804 Sqn FAA (3 Jan - 3 Feb 1943)

No 3004 Servicing Echelon (22 Jan – 9 Feb 1943)

198 Sqn (23 Jan - 9 Feb 1943)

657 Sqn (31 Jan - 1 May 1943)

350 Sqn (8 Jun - 20 Jul 1943)

No 3012 Servicing Echelon (8 Jun – 20 Jul 1943)

No 62 Operational Training Unit (15 Jul 1943 - 6 Jun 1945)

Durham University Air Sqn (25 Mar - 31 Dec 1944, Sep 1946 - 2 Feb 1949, 15 Oct 1957 - 1 Aug 1963)

No 1508 (Gee Training) Flt (24 Jun - 8 Aug 1944)

No 80 (French) Operational Training Unit (Jul 1945 - 8 Mar 1946)

No 22 Service Flying Training School (31 May 1946 - Feb 1948)

No 27 Gliding School (Jun 1948 - xxx 1949)

No 1965 Reserve AOP Flt, 664 Sqn (1 Sep 1949 - 14 Feb 1954)

607 Sqn (10 Oct 1951 - 10 Mar 1957)

No 2 Civilian Fighter Control Co-operation Unit (15 Oct 1957 - 31 Jan 1961)

No 641 Volunteer Gliding School (Sep 1962 - 31 Dec 1974)

No 11 Air Experience Flt (8 Sep 1958 - 30 Sep 1974)

HQ No 11 (Fighter) Group (1 Jan - 25 Sep 1961)

RLG for No 6 Flying Training School (25 Sep 1961 - xxx xxxx)

No 4 Mobile Glider Servicing Party (1 Mar 1962 - 27 Sep 1974)

Northumbrian Universities Air Sqn (1 Aug 1963 - 30 Sep 1974)


County: - Northumberland

Lat/Long:   55:01:15N  01:52:15W

Grid Ref -  NZ082700

Height Above Sea Level - 450 ft

Operational Control: -

SHQ Opened - 1 Feb 1941

No 13 Group (1 Feb 1941 - 15 Jul 1943)

No 9 Group (15 Jul 1943 - xx xxx xxxx)

Closed - 27 Sep 1974


Main units: -

No 3 Radio Maintenance Unit (1 Jul - 21 Sep 1940)

No 3 Radio Servicing Section Calibration Flt (21 Sep 1940 - 17 Feb 1941)

No 13 Group Communication Flt (xxx 1940 - 15 Jul 1943, 1 Nov 1955 - 1 Jan 1961)

No 72 Wing Calibration Flt (17 Feb - 21 May 1941)

RLG for No 55 Operational Training Unit (11 Apr 1941 - 24 Apr 1942)

317 Sqn (29 Apr - 26 Jun 1941)

122 Sqn (26 Jun -1 31 Aug 1941)

131 Sqn (30 Jun - 9 Jul 1941)

232 Sqn (21 Jul - 11 Nov 1941)

‘A’ Flt, 410 Sqn (2 Sep 1941 - 7 Apr 1942)

No 1423 (Fighter) Flt (19 Dec 1941 - Oct 1943)


315 Sqn (Mar 1941 - xxx xxxx)

No 13 Group Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Flt (May - Nov 1941)

No 7 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (14 May 1941 - xxx xxxx)

226 Sqn (Dec 1941 - Jan 1943)

165 Sqn (xxx - 27 May 1942)

No 62 Operational Training Unit (21 Jun - 15 Jul 1943)

No 7 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit (May 1941)

289 Sqn (Dec 1941- 18 Nov 1944, Dec 1944 - xxx xxxx)

116 Sqn (8 Apr 1944 - xxx xxxx)

291 Sqn (21 Nov 1944 - 5 Mar 1945)

288 Sqn (Nov 1944 - May 1945)

770 Sqn FAA (19 - 23 Apr 1945)

Links to related sites/pages

Aerial photo on Google Maps,

[Oakhanger | Oakington | Oban | Odiham | Old Buckenham | Old Sarum | Ondal | Ossington | Oujda | Oulton | Ouston]

Station badges on this page are courtesy of Dave Clifford except those marked #

Badges marked # have been produced by Mary Denton on behalf of the RAF Heraldry Trust and are displayed on this page with the permission of the RAFHT.  Mary Denton and the RAFHT have probably completed half of the 'official' badges authorised but are still looking for sponsorship for the remaining badges. The work continues and details can be found on their website.

**Detachment dates indicate that a detachment (s) took place at some point between these dates.

© Crown Copyright is reproduced with the permission of the Directorate of Intellectual Property Rights

This page was last updated on 21/07/24©

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