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Communications/Signals Centres/Depots and Signals Units

This section covers a wide range of Communications Centres and Signals Units.

Aden Signals Unit.

This unit was formed at Steamer Point under the control of AHQ Aden in about March 1952. In September/October 1954, its title was amended to Aden Signals Unit (Steamer Point).

No 1 Air Transportable Signals Unit.

This unit commenced formation on 13 December 1943 at Chigwell in No 26 Group and on completion of training was transferred to HQ, 2nd TAF on 11 March 1944, but on 15 May 1944 returned to No 26 Group to be held as an operational reserve.  On 3 September 1944 it was transferred to the RAF Element of the First Allied Airborne Army, but on 1 December 1944 returned to No 26 Group for personnel and equipment to he held pending future requirement, no further details at present.

No 2 Air Transportable Signals Unit.

This unit commenced formation on 13 December 1943 at Chigwell in No 26 Group and on completion of training was transferred to HQ, 2nd TAF on 11 March 1944, but on 15 May 1944 returned to No 26 Group to be held as an operational reserve.  On 3 September 1944 it was transferred to the RAF Element of the First Allied Airborne Army, but on 1 December 1944 returned to No 26 Group for personnel and equipment to he held pending future requirement, no further details at present.

No 3 Air Transportable Signals Unit.

This unit commenced formation on 13 December 1943 at Chigwell in No 26 Group and on completion of training was to be allocated to HQ, 2nd TAF, but on 15 May 1944 this was decided to retain it in No 26 Group as an operational reserve.  On 3 September 1944 it was transferred to the RAF Element of the First Allied Airborne Army, but on 1 December 1944 returned to No 26 Group for personnel and equipment to he held pending future requirement, no further details at present.

No 4 Air Transportable Signals Unit.

This unit commenced formation on 13 December 1943 at Chigwell in No 26 Group and on completion of training was allocated to HQ, 2nd TAF, but on 15 May 1944 this was decided to retain it in No 26 Group as an operational reserve.  On 3 September 1944 it was transferred to the RAF Element of the First Allied Airborne Army, but on 1 December 1944 returned to No 26 Group for personnel and equipment to he held pending future requirement, no further details at present.

No 5 Air Transportable Signals Unit.

This unit commenced formation on 13 December 1943 at Chigwell in No 26 Group and on completion of training was transferred to Transport Command, and disbanded on 18 December 1944.

No 6 Air Transportable Signals Unit.

This unit commenced formation on 13 December 1943 at Chigwell in No 26 Group and on completion of training was transferred to Transport Command no further details at present.

No 7 Air Transportable Signals Unit.

This unit commenced formation on 13 December 1943 at Chigwell in No 26 Group and on completion of training was transferred to Transport Command, no further details at present.

No 8 Air Transportable Signals Unit.

This unit commenced formation on 13 December 1943 at Chigwell in No 26 Group and on completion of training was transferred to Transport Command, no further details at present.

No 9 Air Transportable Signals Unit.

This was formed on 6 March 1944 from the Signals Section of No 91 (Forward) Staging Post, on whose establishment it remained, but was disbanded in May 1944.

No 10 Air Transportable Signals Unit.

This was formed on 6 March 1944 from the Signals Section of No 92 (Forward) Staging Post on whose establishment it remained, but was disbanded in May 1944.

No 11 Air Transportable Signals Unit.

This was formed on 6 March 1944 from the Signals Section of No 93 (Forward) Staging Post, on whose establishment it remained, but was disbanded in May 1944.

No 12 Air Transportable Signals Unit.

This was formed on 6 March 1944 from the Signals Section of No 94 (Forward) Staging Post, on whose establishment it remained, but was disbanded in May 1944.

No 13 Air Transportable Signals Unit.

This was formed on 25 September 1944 at RAF Chigwell in No 26 Group and on completion of training was transferred to HQ Transport Command, its fate is unknown.

No 14 Air Transportable Signals Unit.

This was formed on 25 September 1944 at RAF Chigwell in No 26 Group and on completion of training was transferred to HQ Transport Command, its fate is unknown.

No 15 Air Transportable Signals Unit.

This was formed on 25 September 1944 at RAF Chigwell in No 26 Group and on completion of training was transferred to HQ Transport Command, its fate is unknown.

No 16 Air Transportable Signals Unit.

This was formed on 25 September 1944 at RAF Chigwell in No 26 Group and on completion of training was transferred to HQ Transport Command, its fate is unknown.

No 17 Air Transportable Signals Unit.

This was formed on 25 September 1944 at RAF Chigwell in No 26 Group and on completion of training was transferred to HQ Transport Command, its fate is unknown.

No 18 Air Transportable Signals Unit.

This was formed on 25 September 1944 at RAF Chigwell in No 26 Group and on completion of training was transferred to HQ Transport Command, its fate is unknown.

No 19 Air Transportable Signals Unit.

This was formed on 25 September 1944 at RAF Chigwell in No 26 Group and on completion of training was transferred to HQ Transport Command, its fate is unknown.

No 4 Base Signals Depot

This unit was formed from No 2 BSU at Sion, Bombay in July 1944 and disbanded in April 1946.

No 5 Base Signals Depot

This unit was formed from No 3 BSU at Calcutta in April 1944 and disbanded in August 1946.

No 1 Base Signals Unit

Formation was authorised from 20 January 1944 at Chigwell in No 26 Group, on completion of which it was allocated to HQ, AEAF, being assigned to No 85 Group.  It was redesignated Base Signals and Radar Unit on 1 June 1944.

No 2 Base Signals Unit

This unit was probably formed at Sion, Bombay on 15 October 1943, taking over the functions of No 2 RIMU and became No 4 Base Signals Depot in July 1944.

No 3 Base Signals Unit

This unit was formed at Calcutta on 15 October 1943, taking over the functions of No 3 RIMU and became No 5 Base Signals Depot in April 1944.

No 4 Base Signals Unit

This unit was formed at Maison Blanche on 28 October 1943 under the control of North-west African Air Service Command and disbanded in July 1945.

No 5 Base Signals Unit

This unit was formed at Sambre (Belgaum India) on 25 November 1943 and became 7 BSU in April 1944.

No 7 Base Signals Unit

This unit was formed by redesignating No 5 BSU at Sambre (Belgaum India) in April 1944 and disbanded in January 1946.

Base Signals and Radar Unit/Base Signals Centre

This unit was formed in No 85 Group on 1 June 1944 as the Base Signals and Radar Unit by redesignating No 1 Base Signals Unit, but also seems to have been referred to as the Base Signals Centre.  It originally controlled three MSUs and two Heavy Mobile W/T Units but on 16 June 1944 these five units were disbanded and absorbed into a re-organised Base Signals Centre.  No further details at present.

No 2 Base Signals and Radar Unit

This unit was probably formed at India in August 1945.  It moved to Paya Lebar, Singapore in around January 1946 and disbanded in December 1947.

Air Ministry Communication Centre

This unit was probably formed at Whitehall in December 1939 and disbanded in June 1940.

Communications Centre, Cyprus

This unit was probably formed at Ayios Nikolaos in January 1955 and disbanded in December 1965.

Communications Centre, Eastleigh

This unit was probably formed at Eastleigh, Kenya in January 1956 and disbanded in December 1966.

Communications Centre, Germany

This unit was probably formed at Hehn? in January 1958 and disbanded in May 1975.

Communications Centre, Hong Kong

This unit was probably formed at Hong Kong in January 1956 and disbanded in December 1971.

Communications Centre, London

This unit was probably formed at Whitehall in June 1952 and disbanded in December 1960.

Communications Centre, Malta

This unit was probably formed at Siggiewi, Malta in January 1956 and disbanded in December 1965.

Communications Centre, Northern Ireland

This unit was probably formed at Dundonald in January 1958 and disbanded in December 1961.

Communications Centre, Rudloe Manor

This unit was probably formed at Rudloe Manor in January 1976 and disbanded in June 1977.

Communications Centre, Singapore

This unit was probably formed at Changi in January 1956.  Its transmitter site was at Jurong, whilst its receiver was at Chia Keng and took over the Royal Signals receiver site at Amoy Quee in the 1960s.  Transmitter operations ended in August 1971 and disbanded in 29 October 1971.

Communications Centre, Western

This unit was probably formed at Rudloe Manor, in January 1971 and disbanded in December 1975.

Communications Control Centre

This unit was probably formed from the Communication Centre, Stanbridge in the early 1970s and disbanded in 2013.

Eastern Communications Centre

This unit was probably formed at Newmarket in March 1955 and disbanded in October 1970.

London Communication Centre

This unit was probably formed at MoD Buildings, London in January 1961 and disbanded in July 1964.

North West Communications Centre

This unit was probably formed at Haydock in January 1956 and disbanded in December 1971.

North-Eastern Communications Centre

This unit was probably formed at Newmarket in January 1958 and disbanded in December 1960.

South West Communications Centre

This unit was probably formed at Hawthorn/Rudloe Manor  in January 1956 and disbanded in December 1965.

South-East Communications Centre

This unit was probably formed at Uxbridge in January 1961 and disbanded in December 1965.

Telecommunications Centre, Aden

This unit was formed in early 1943, probably at Steamer Point, Aden but exact formation and disbandment dates have not yet been found.

Telecommunications Centre, Levant.

This unit was probably formed at Ramleh but formation and disbandment dates have not yet been found.

Telecommunications Centre, Middle East

This unit was formed prior to 15 October 1943, when it assumed the duties of the Inter-Command W/T Station at Ismailia on its disbandment.  It may have been renamed HQ Middle East Signals Centre.

It reformed from  HQ Middle East Signals Centre at Kafr-el-Farouk, near Heliopolis, Egypt in January 1946 and disbanded in December 1950.

Telecommunications North Africa

This unit was probably formed at an unknown location in May 1943 and disbanded on 17 November 1943,

It possibly reformed at some point and became No 10 Signals Centre in May 1946.

Northern Signals Area HQ

This unit was probably formed at an unknown location in November 1946 and disbanded in February 1950.

Southern Signals Area HQ

This unit was probably formed at Detling in January 1946.  It controlled various signals units in the Southern half of the UK including Welford, Bawdsey and Ventnor and disbanded in December 1949. 

HQ Middle East Signals Centre

This unit was formed at Kafr-el-Farouk, near Heliopolis, Egypt in April 1942 and was retitled Telecommunication Centre, Middle East in January 1946.

No 9 Signals Centre

This unit was formed on 17 November 1943 at No 2 RAF Base Area, Tunis and disbanded on 1 June 1944.

No 10 Signals Centre

This unit was formed on 17 November 1943 at No 1 RAF Base Area, its fate is currently unknown.

No 11 Signals Centre

This unit was formed on 17 November 1943 at HQ, No 214 Group, and disbanded on 21 October 1944.

No 12 Signals Centre

This unit was probably formed at Capodichino, Naples on 22 March 1944 in No 214 Group to provide communications facilities for RAF Units in the Naples area and disbanded in December 1945.

No 14 Signals Centre

This unit was formed in Rome on 10 July 1944 under the operational control of HQ, MAAF, administered by No 214 Group to provide communications facilities for RAF Units in the Rome area, no further details.

RAF Signals Centre

This unit was formed at Delhi on 1 October 1944 and disbanded in March 1947.

RAF Signals Centre Detachment

This unit was probably formed at Ambala in October 1944 and disbanded in May 1946.

RAF Signals Centre, Calcutta

This unit was probably formed at an unknown location in September 1945 and disbanded in December 1946.

RAF Signals Centre, Colombo

This unit was probably formed at Colombo (Ceylon) on 12 July 1944 to provide signals facilities for HQ No 222 Group and disbanded in December 1950.

RAF Signals Centre, Singapore

This unit was probably formed at Changi in January 1947 and was redesignated Communications Centre, Singapore in December 1955.

Eastern Signals Centre

This unit was probably formed at Newmarket? but formation and disbandment dates have not yet been found.

European Signals Centre

This unit was probably formed at Chicksands Priory in August 1945 and disbanded in November 1948.

North Atlantic Signals Centre, Prestwick

This unit was probably formed at Prestwick in May 1945 and disbanded in June 1946.

North West Signals Centre

This unit had formed at Blackbrook by July 1943, by which time it was staffed by 19 officers and 524 other ranks and was a telephone and teleprinter switching centre covering the North Western Area as well as controlling the Long Range Cathode Ray D/F Service.  It disbanded in December 1950.

Signals Centre, Eastleigh

This unit was probably formed at Eastleigh, Kenya in August 1953 and was redesignated Communications Centre, Eastleigh in December 1955.

South West Signals Centre

This unit was formed at Rudloe Manor, Box, Wiltshire on 26 July 1943 in No 26 Group.

No 1 Signals Depot

This unit was formed at White Waltham on 2 June 1940, under the control of No 26 Group but was moved to West Drayton on 24 September 1940, it functions being: -

  1. To provide the Director of Signals, Air Ministry with a pool of mobile wireless stations of various types complete with trained crews which will be immediately available to provide unforeseen operational communication requirements.

  2. To provide facilities for the forming and training of Specialised Signals Units such as Wireless Observer Screens and Signal Centres.

  3. To provide facilities for the instruction of Signal personnel in the use of the various types of mobile wireless stations including D/F and heavy mobile.

  4. To provide workshop facilities for the fitting of all special or non-standard types of mobile wireless stations, for fabricating or modifying any special Signal equipment required by the Director of Signals and to provide special workshop parties for fitting special ground wireless stations required by the RAF.

By July 1943 it was staffed by 80 officers and 2,782 other ranks and its functions were: -

A disbandment date has not yet been found. 

No 2 Signals Depot

This unit was formed at Cowglen, near Glasgow on 14 September 1941, under the control of No 26 Group.  Its task was to perform the same functions as No 1 Signals Depot (see above) in the following areas: -

  1. That part of England Wales, North of the line Barmouth - Shrewsbury - Goole.

  2. Scotland

  3. Northern Ireland

It moved to Fazakerley on 1 June 1943, where it disbanded in June 1946.  By July 1943 it was staffed by 38 officers and 1,227 other ranks and its functions were the same as No 1 Signals Depot at West Drayton except that no prototyping was carried out.

No 8 Signals Depot

This was formed in around April 1953 at Watnall under the control of HQ, Fighter Command.

No 50 Signals Depot

This unit was formed at Newbold Revel in May 1942 in No 26 Group and became No 350 Signals Depot in November 1942.

No 350 Signals Depot

This unit was formed by redesignating No 50 Signals Depot at Newbold Revel in November 1942 and disbanded in March 1944.

No 1 Signals HQ

This unit was formed at RAF Wildenrath in March 1953 but was under the operational control of HQ Bomber Command.  Its task was presumably to control the various 'GH' units operating in Germany.

RAF Signals Office

This unit was probably formed at Bush House, London W.C.2 in December 1947 and disbanded in November 1950.

Signals Station, Freetown

This unit was probably formed by redesignating the Signal Station, Sierra Leone at Freetown in 1942/43 and disbanded April 1944.

Signals Station, Sierra Leone

This unit was probably formed at Freetown in April 1942 and disbanded in in 1942/43.

No 205 Group Signals Unit

A formation date for this unit has not been found but it was disbanded on 6 April 1944.

RAF Signals Unit, Borhampur

This unit formed on 20 April 1944 under the control of No 225 Group, no further details at present.

RAF Signals Unit, Dinjan

This unit formed on 20 May 1944 under the control of No 229 Group to provide communication facilities for air traffic to and from China , no further details at present.

NB: From September/October 1954, those Signals Units in existence, had their designations modified to include their location in brackets after 'Signals Unit' e.g.  No 1 Signals Unit (St Margaret's Bay)

No 1 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CHEL Station at St Margaret's Bay under the control of No 11 Group and probably disbanded in April 1958.

No 1 Signals Centre (Middle East)

This unit was probably formed at an unknown location but a formation date has not yet been found.

No 2 Signals Unit

This unit was probably formed at Stanbridge but formation and disbandment dates have not yet been found.

No 2 (Middle East) Signals Centre

This unit was probably formed in September 1942 and disbanded in April 1943 but not other details have been found so far.

It reformed at Changi under the control of Far East Air Force between October-December 1964, possibly by redesignating the Radio Relay Signals Unit.

No 3 Signals Centre

This unit was probably formed at Helwan, Egypt in April 1942 and disbanded in January 1946. 

No 4 Signals Unit

This unit was formed at Stenigot by November 1951 by redesignating the GEE Slave Station under the control of the Radio Navigation Aids Wing, No 90 Group.  It was part of a GEE Chain, the full system being switched off on 26 March 1970, after which it was and disbanded later in 1970.

No 5 (Middle East) Signals Centre

This unit was formed in Middle East Command on an unknown date and disbanded on 30 November 1943.

No 5 Signals Centre

This unit was formed at Episkopi between April-July 1965 under the control of HQ, NEAF.

No 6 (Middle East) Signals Centre

This unit was probably formed at Benina in April 1943 under the control of No 212 Group and disbanded on 1 February 1944.

No 6 Tactical Signals Unit

This unit was formed at Seletar under the control of No 224 Group between April-July 1965. 

No 7 Signals Unit

This unit was formed at Kormakiti under the control of RAF Levant in about October 1956.

It probably reformed at Port Stanley after June 1982.  It is based on Byron Heights in the Falkland Islands and believed to be still in existence

No 8 (Middle East) Signals Centre

This unit was formed in the Tripoli area after January 1943 under the control of No 243 Wing and probably disbanded on 31 March 1944.

No 9 Signals Unit

This unit was probably formed at Tunisia, in January 1944 and disbanded in April 1944.

It reformed at Rattlesden in 1 November 1964, its equipment comprising a US-manufactured AN/TPS-34 air transportable 3-D radar and associated equipment, to function as an Air Control Centre for redeployment overseas, primarily to the Near East Air Force and was redesignated No 1 Air Control Centre on 9 September 1965.

No 10 Signals Unit

This unit was probably formed in June 1944 and disbanded in April 1946 but not other details have been found so far.

It reformed at Boddington in 1 October 1978.  It had previously been the Communications Control Centre Detachment, Boddington and disbanded in December 2007.

No 11 Signals Unit

This unit was probably formed at Bari in May 1944 and disbanded in October 1944.

This was formed at RAF Wahn in around December 1952 as a Mobile Signals Unit under the control of No 83 Group, 2nd TAF and probably disbanded in May 1958.

it reformed at RAF Rheindahlen in late 1965.

No 12 Signals Unit

This unit was probably formed at Episkopi, Cyprus but a formation date has not yet been found.  It was absorbed into the Cyprus Communication Unit but a date for this or a disbandment date have not yet been found. 

No 13 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the GCI Station at Hack Green under the control of No 12 Group.  It probably disbanded in August 1957 but reformed between April-July 1962 at the GAF base at Celle, disbanding again between October-December 1964.

No 14 Signals Unit

This unit was probably formed at Rome in June 1944 and disbanded in December 1945. 

It was reformed at RAF Hack Green under the control of No 12 Group, Fighter Command and was transferred to Air Traffic Services HQ in September 1959, being redesignated Air Traffic Control Radar Unit (Hack Green) in April 1960.

No 15 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1959 at RAF Sopley under the control of Air Traffic Services HQ, and redesignated Air Traffic Control Radar Unit (Sopley) in April 1960.

No 16 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1959 at RAF Bishop's Court under the control of Air Traffic Services HQ, and redesignated Air Traffic Control Radar Unit (Bishop's Court) in April 1960.

No 17 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the GCI Station at Hack Green under the control of No 12 Group.  It probably disbanded in August 1957.

No 18 Signals Unit

This was formed at RAF Wahn in around December 1952 as a Mobile Signals Unit under the control of No 83 Group, 2nd TAF.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 19 Signals Unit

This unit was formed at RAF Khormaksar between January-April 1966 under the control of HQ, Air Forces Middle East.

No 21 Signals Unit

This was formed on 14 April 1942 at Long Cross, Chobham, Surrey in No 60 Group.  Its role was to act as an OTU for RDF personnel awaiting embarkation for overseas, its capacity being 15 officers, 30 NCOs and 290 Other Ranks.  It wa probably disbanded before August 1942.

No 21 Signals (Training) Unit

This was formed on 1 August 1942 at Renscombe Down, Swanage, Dorset in No 60 Group.

No 23 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CH, CHL (+CMH), CHEL Station at Ventnor under the control of No 11 Group and probably disbanded in October 1959.

No 25 Signals Unit                                

This unit was formed at Stanbridge between January-April 1966 under the control of HQ, Signals Command.

No 26 Signals Unit                                

This unit was formed at Sundern in about February 1954 (possibly disbanding in March 1956) but had moved to Gatow between July-October 1966.  It was based on the Teufelsberg in the Grunewald and was a specialist Signals Intelligence unit operated on behalf of GCHQ Cheltenham tasked with monitoring Warsaw Pact military communications over East Germany and Poland.  It probably disbanded in 1991.

No 29 Signals Unit                                

This unit was formed as a Mobile Signals Unit at Sundern in about February 1954.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 31 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 as a Mobile Signals Unit at RAF Bad Eilsen under the control of HQ 2nd TAF.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 32 Signals Unit

This was formed in around February 1955 at Faraid Head under the control of Caledonian Sector, No 12 Group.

No 33 Signals Unit

This unit was formed, under the control of ACAS (1), at Pergamos in Cyprus between July-October 1962, later moving to Ayios Nikolaos, Cyprus.  It was absorbed into the Joint Service Signal Unit (Cyprus) on 27 May 2003.

No 36 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the D/F Station at Highbridge under the control of RAF Cheadle and probably disbanded in September 1958.

No 39 Signals Unit

This was formed in around June 1952 at Goldsborough under the control of HQ 90 Group, later being transferred to No 12 Group, Fighter Command and probably disbanded in August 1958.

No 41 Signals Unit

This was formed in around April 1955 at RAF Dyce under the control of No 80 Wing, Fighter Command and probably disbanded in March 1957.

No 43 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating No 15218 AMES at Kai Tak under the control of AHQ Hong Kong.  It later moved to Ping Shan and probably disbanded in August 1957.

No 50 Signals Unit

A formation date for this unit in MAAF has not been found but it disbanded on 1 November 1944.

No 50 Tactical Signals Unit

This unit was formed at Tangmere between January-April 1965.  It moved to Benson where it was retitled No 38 Tactical Communications Wing in 1967.

No 51 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CH Station at Douglas Wood under the control of No 12 Group.  It possibly disbanded in March 1956.

No 53 Signals Unit

This unit was formed as a Mobile Radar Plotting Unit probably at Coningsby in March 1952 under the control of No 3 Group and by February 1954 had moved to Kidlington.  In August 1955 it moved to Yeadon and was transferred to No 1 Group and then moved to Haydock in May 1959.

No 54 Signals Unit

This unit was formed at Seletar in early 1964.  Initially it was set up in response to the Indonesia-Malaysia confrontation, which ended in 1966.  It moved to RAF Digby in 1969 from where it carried out regular deployments to Germany, Cyprus, British Honduras (Belize) as well as to various sites in the  UK.  In 1977 it moved to Celle in Germany, remaining there until it disbanded in October 1992.

It reformed at Digby in 2014 from The Air Electronic Surveillance (ES) Pillar under the control of the Air Warfare Centre and remains in existence.

It appears to have taken over the badge originally issued to No 469 SU.

No 55 Signals Unit

This was formed at RAF Wahn in around December 1952 as a Mobile Signals Unit under the control of No 83 Group, 2nd TAF.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 57 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the AMES Station at RAF North Front under the control of RAF Gibraltar.

No 59 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the GCI Station at Seaton Snook under the control of No 12 Group and was transferred to No 81 Group in September 1957.  It probably disbanded in December 1957.

No 60 Signals Unit

This was formed in around March 1952 at RAF Sundern under the control of No 2 Group, 2nd TAF.  By June 1954, it had moved to Cuxhaven.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 61 Signals Unit

This was formed in around August 1956 at RAF Seletar under the control of AHQ Singapore on a Care and Maintenance basis.  It moved to RNAS Sembawang in April 1957, later relocating to RAF Seletar and was transferred to the control of No 224 Group in September 1959.  It probably disbanded between October-December 1963.

No 62 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the M/F D/F Station at Leuchars under the control of the Radio Navigation Aids Wing, No 90 Group.  It probably disbanded in March 1958.

No 63 Signals Unit

This unit was formed as a Mobile Signals Unit at Sundern in about February 1954.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 64 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 as a Mobile Signals Unit at RAF Bad Eilsen under the control of HQ 2nd TAF.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 66 Signals Unit

This was formed at RAF Wahn in around December 1952 as a Mobile Signals Unit under the control of No 83 Group, 2nd TAF.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 70 Signals Unit

This was formed at RAF Wahn in around December 1952 as a Mobile Signals Unit under the control of No 83 Group, 2nd TAF.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 71 Signals Unit

This was formed in around March 1955 at Uig (Benbecula) on a Care and Maintenance basis under the control of HQ, No 90 (Signals) Group.  It was transferred to No 13 Group, Fighter Command in about October 1957.

No 72 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the AME Station at RAF Chicksands under the control of No 3 Group.  It later moved to Adenau in No 2 Group, 2nd TAF, although it remained under the functional control of HQ Bomber Command.  By March 1954 it had been transferred to the administrative control of No 83 Group.  In June 1957 it exchanged places with No 953 SU at Trois Epis Ligne in France and in February 1958 it returned to Adenau, replacing No 953 SU.  It probably disbanded in October 1958.

No 75 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the M/F D/F Station at Acklington under the control of the Radio Navigation Aids Wing, No 90 Group.  It possibly disbanded in August 1952.

No 77 Signals Unit

This unit was formed as a Mobile Signals Unit at Sundern in about February 1954.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 81 Signals Unit

This unit was probably formed at RAF Chicksands in April 1952 and probably disbanded in October 1960.

No 82 Signals Unit

This was formed in around April 1955 at RAF Ouston under the control of No 80 Wing, Fighter Command and probably disbanded in March 1957.

No 87 Signals Unit

This was formed as a CH station in around October 1951 by redesignating the CH, CHL & CHEL Station at Poling under the control of No 11 Group.  It probably disbanded in June 1956.

No 89 Signals Unit

This unit was formed as a Mobile Signals Unit at Sundern in about February 1954.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 90 Signals Unit

This unit was probably formed at Leeming in 1 April 2006 and is still in existence

Officers Commanding: -

xx xxx xxxx                         Gp Capt A P Cooksley

xx Sep 2018                       Gp Capt I D Chesworth

xx Nov 2020                      Gp Capt M G Brockie

xx Jul 2022                         Gp Capt O A Fashade

xx Nov 2022                       Gp Capt P M Jennings

No 91 Signals Unit

This was formed in around March 1955 at Saxa Vord on a Care and Maintenance basis under the control of HQ, No 90 (Signals) Group   It was transferred to No 13 Group, Fighter Command in about October 1957 and possibly disbanded in 2000.

No 92 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the GEE Slave Station at Clee Hill under the control of the Radio Navigation Aids Wing, No 90 Group.  It probably disbanded in March 1958.

No 95 Signals Unit

This unit was formed as a Mobile Signals Unit at Wahn in about February 1954.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 100 Signals Unit

This was formed in around March 1952 by redesignating the AME Station at Ta Silch under the control of AHQ Malta and probably disbanded between July-October 1961.

No 101 Mobile Signals Unit/Signals Unit

This unit was formed by renaming the Flying Boat Control Unit at Port of Spain, Trinadad as No 101 Mobile Signals Unit and continued to be administered by HQ Coastal Command but under the operational control of Ferry Command.  Its fate is unknown at present.

It formed at Brockzetel in about November 1956 under the control of No 2 Group, 2nd TAF and probably disbanded in December 1961.

No 102 Mobile Signals Unit/Signals Unit

This unit was formed by renaming the Flying Boat Control Unit at Kingston, Jamaica as No 102 Mobile Signals Unit and continued to be administered by HQ Coastal Command but under the operational control of Ferry Command.  Its fate is unknown at present.

This unit was formed as a Mobile Signals Unit at Wahn in about February 1954.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 104 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the M/F D/F Station at Talbenny, under the control of the Radio Navigation Aids Wing, No 90 Group. It probably disbanded in May 1955.

No 105 Signals Unit

This unit was formed as a Mobile Signals Unit at Sundern in about February 1954.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 106 Signals Unit

This unit was probably formed at Aboukir in April 1943 and disbanded in January 1944.

No 108 Signals Unit

This unit was formed as a Mobile Signals Unit at Sundern in about February 1954.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 112 Signals Unit

This was formed as a GH Station in around October 1951 by redesignating the AME Station at High Street, Darsham under the control of No 3 Group.  By December 1951 it had been transferred to No 1 Group and later moved to Halton Wood, where it probably disbanded in June 1959.

It reformed at Halton Wood on 1 January 1959 as an Electronic countermeasures (ECM) measurement and evaluation unit, disbanding in June.  It reformed at Stornoway in November 1960, remaining there until it disbanded in 1983.

No 114 Signals Unit

This was formed in around March 1952 at RAF Sundern under the control of No 2 Group, 2nd TAF.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 116 Signals Unit

This unit was formed as a Mobile Signals Unit at Wahn in about February 1954.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 117 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating No 21022 AMES at Kai Tak under the control of AHQ Hong Kong.  It was located at Mount Davis (from January 1952?) until January 1959 when it was relocated to Tai Mo Shan and possibly disbanded in December 1960.

No 119 Signals Unit

This unit was formed as a Mobile Signals Unit at Wahn in about February 1954.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 123 Signals Unit

This unit was formed at Habbaniya on 1 July 1954.  Initially equipped as a Type 21 Radar Convoy it was equipped with a Type 13 and a Type 14 Radar, a VHF cabin, a Control Centre and a diesel power unit.  In February 1955 a Type 15 Radar was  and on 8 August 1954 it was moved to a site on the Jabal-Az-Zaban plateau about four miles from RAF Habbaniya.  The Type 21 Convoy was removed in August 1955 and replaced by a Type E Convoy comprising three Type 13s, one Type 14 Mk 7, one Type 14 Mk 8 and one Type 15.  With the British withdrawal from Iraq, it disbanded in 15 July 1958.

It reformed at Steamer Point in Aden between July-October 1964.

No 124 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the AME Station at RAF Chicksands under the control of No 3 Group.  By April 1952 it was a GH station located at RAF Hemswell, but by October was back at RAF Chicksands before moving to Adeau in West Germany.  It moved to RAF Goch in June 1956 and to Xanten in April 1957 and possibly disbanded in January 1958..

No 125 Signals Unit

This unit was formed as a Mobile Signals Unit at Wahn in about February 1954.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 126 Signals Unit

This was formed in around May 1953 at Calvo under the control of HQ, No 90 (Signals) Group.

No 127 Signals Unit

This was formed in around March 1955 at Kilchiaran on a Care and Maintenance basis under the control of HQ, No 90 (Signals) Group.  It was transferred to No 13 Group, Fighter Command in January 1956 and probably disbanded in August 1958.

No 128 Signals Unit

This was formed between October-December 1963 at Episkopi in Cyprus under the control of Near East Air Force.

No 129 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating No 15216 AMES at Changi under the control of AHQ Malaya.  By April 1952 it had been transferred to the control of No 230 Group but in May returned to AHQ Malaya and appears to have disbanded in April 1953.

It reformed at Labuan between April-July 1964.

No 130 Signals Unit

This was formed in around April 1955 at Prestatyn on a Care and Maintenance basis under the control of HQ, No 90 (Signals) Group.  It was transferred to No 12 Group, Fighter Command in March 1956 and probably disbanded in August 1958.

No 131 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the M/F D/F Station at Andover under the control of the Radio Navigation Aids Wing, No 90 Group.  It possibly disbanded in April 1955.

No 132 Signals Unit

This unit was formed as a Mobile Signals Unit at Wahn in about February 1954.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 135 Signals Unit

This was formed in around December 1952 at Sundern under the control of HQ, No 2 Group, 2nd TAF.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 136 Signals Unit

This was formed in around June 1953 at Chenies under the control of HQ, No 90 (Signals) Group.

No 138 Signals Unit

This was formed at RAF Wahn in around December 1952 as a Mobile Signals Unit under the control of No 83 Group, 2nd TAF.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 140 Signals Unit

This was formed at Iburg in August 1954 under the control of HQ, 2nd TAF

No 144 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CH, CHL, CHEL Station at RAF Bawdsey under the control of No 11 Group.  It was later located at Ty Croes in Wales and Brunton in Northumberland but a disbandment date as not yet been found.

No 146 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CHL, CHEL Station at Bempton under the control of No 12 Group and disbanded on 1 December 1961.

No 149 Signals Unit

This was formed in around August 1955 at Theddlethorpe under the control of No 1 Group and it probably disbanded between July-October 1961.

No 155 Signals Unit

This was formed at RAF Sundern as a Mobile Signals Unit in No 83 Group in about May 1954.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 157 Signals Unit

This was formed in around December 1952 at Sundern under the control of HQ, No 2 Group, 2nd TAF.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 167 Signals Unit

This was formed in around July 1953 at Gailes under the control of the Caledonian Sector, No 12 Group.  It was probably disbanded in August 1956.

No 170 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CH Station at Hill Head under the control of No 90 Group.  By December it had been transferred to the control of the Caledonian Sector of No 12 Group and it probably disbanded in January 1956.

No 178 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CH Station at Stenigot under the control of Northern Sector, No 12 Group.  It was transferred to Eastern Sector in May 1953 and possibly disbanded in June 1956.

No 185 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CH Station at Drytree under the control of No 90 Group.  By June 1952 it had been transferred to No 11 Group, Fighter Command and was still on a Care & Maintenance basis.  It possibly disbanded in April 1955.

No 189 Signals Unit

This was formed between January and April 1961 at St Lawrence under the control of Signals Command and probably disbanded between January-April 1965 and became a satellite of the Central Communications Centre.

No 191 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CH Station at Staxton Wold under the control of No 12 Group and possibly disbanded in June 1955.

No 193 Signals Unit

This was formed in around December 1952 at Sundern under the control of HQ, No 2 Group, 2nd TAF.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 197 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the GCI Station at Ballywooden under the control of No 12 Group.  It possibly disbanded in March 1956.

No 198 Signals Unit

This was formed between April-July 1963 at Khormaksar under the control of HQ Air Forces Middle East.  Between January-April 1965 it moved to Masirah in Muscat and possibly disbanded between July-October 1965.

No 200 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the M/F D/F Station at Wick under the control of the Radio Navigation Aids Wing, No 90 Group.   It probably disbanded in March 1958.

No 202 Signals Unit

This was formed at RAF Sundern as a Mobile Signals Unit in No 83 Group in about May 1954.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 203 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the AME Station at Dingli under the control of AHQ Malta.

No 205 Signals Unit

This was formed at Winterburg in August 1954 under the control of HQ, 2nd TAF.  It disbanded between April-July 1961 on becoming a satellite of No 140 SU.

No 206 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the M/F D/F Station at Bircham Newton under the control of the Radio Navigation Aids Wing, No 90 Group.  It probably disbanded in June 1956.

No 210 Signals Unit

This was formed at Auenhausen in November 1956 under the control of No 83 Group, 2nd TAF and moved to Borgentreich in June 1957.  It was redesignated RAF Unit (Borgentreich) in April 1960.

No 212 Signals Unit

This was formed in around June 1955 at Murlough Bay on a Care and Maintenance basis under the control of HQ, No 90 Group.  It was transferred to No 12 Group, Fighter Command in March 1956 and then to No 13 Group in September 1957, probably disbanding in August 1958.

No 214 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the M/F D/F Station at Stornoway under the control of the Radio Navigation Aids Wing, No 90 Group.  It probably disbanded in March 1958.

No 217 Signals Unit (Chesil |Bank)

This was formed in around December 1955 at Bawtry under the control of No 1 Group, for deployment to Chesil Bank, which probably took place in January 1956.  It probably disbanded in June 1959.

No 219 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the D/F Station at Montrose under the control of RAF Cheadle.  It later moved to Kinnaber and probably disbanded between April-July 1962.

No 222 Signals Unit

This was formed in around September 1952 at Bawburgh under the control of HQ, No 90 (Signals) Group.

No 223 Signals Unit

This unit was probably formed at Sultanabad in March 1943 and disbanded in November 1943.

No 224 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the D/F Station at Sutton Valence under the control of RAF Cheadle.  It probably disbanded in March 1958.

No 225 Signals Unit

This was formed in about March 1959 at Bishop's Court under the control of No 13 Group, Fighter Command.  It was probably disbanded in May 1960.

No 227 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the GCI Station at RAF Sopley under the control of No 11 Group.  It was absorbed into SHQ, RAF Sopley in 1959.

No 227 Signals Unit

This unit was probably formed at Sopley in 1956 and disbanded in in 1958.

No 229 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CH (+ CMH), CHEL Station at Fairlight under the control of No 11 Group and probably disbanded in October 1958.

No 233 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the M/F D/F Station at Sumburgh under the control of the Radio Navigation Aids Wing, No 90 Group.  It probably disbanded in June 1956.

No 235 Signals Unit

This unit was probably formed at an unknown location but formation and disbandment dates have not yet been found.

No 236 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the GCI Station at Northstead under the control of No 12 Group.

No 243 Signals Unit (Jurby)

This was formed in around November 1955 at Bawtry under the control of No 1 Group, for deployment to Jurby.  It was transferred to No 3 Group in August 1959.

No 244 Signals Unit

This unit was probably formed at an unknown location but formation and disbandment dates have not yet been found.

No 246 Signals Unit

This unit was formed in about May 1956 at Kato Kividhes in Cyprus under the control of RAF Levant and probably disbanded in August 1956.

No 250 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CHL (+ CMH), CHEL Station at Hopton under the control of No 12 Group.

No 253 Signals Unit

This was formed in around March 1952 at RAF Chigwell under the control of No 90 Group.  It was transferred to No 80 Wing, Fighter Command in April 1955 and then to No 12 Group, where it probably disbanded in August 1958.

No 259 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating No 21401 AMES at Changi under the control of AHQ Malaya.  By April 1952 it had been transferred to the control of No 230 Group but in May returned to AHQ Malaya and appears to have disbanded in April 1953.

No 261 Signals Unit

This was formed at RAF Sundern as a Mobile Signals Unit in No 83 Group in about May 1954.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 264 Signals Unit

This unit was formed at Digby under the control of HQ No 90 Group in about February 1953, before moving to Ayos Nicolaos, Cyprus in March 1954.  It moved to Pergamos in the summer of 1958 and disbanded in December 1960.

No 266 Signals Unit

This was formed at RAF Waddington in August 1953 under the control of No 1 Group, Bomber Command, and had moved to RAF Butzweilerhof in Germany by November, still under the control of HQ Bomber Command.  It moved to the Army camp at Luneburg in June 1956.  It probably disbanded in October 1958.

No 271 Signals Unit

This unit was formed at Neatishead in May 1953 under the control of Eastern Sector, No 12 Group and probably disbanded in 1961 when the station was placed in Care & Maintenance. 

No 272 Signals Unit

This was formed in around December 1952 at Sundern under the control of HQ, No 2 Group, 2nd TAF.  It appears to have disbanded by June 1954.

No 276 Signals Unit

This unit was probably formed at Habbaniya in August 1946.  It acted in the Sigint role, moving to Pergamos on Cyprus in October 1958 and probably disbanded in September 1959.

It reformed at Masirah, in September 1974, where it remained until at least January 1977.

No 280 Signals Unit

This unit was formed at Akrotiri in 1956 as No 280 Signals Wing but was redesignated No 280 Signals Unit when it moved to Cape Gata in March 1957.  It was later located at Mount Olympus and Troodos, where it  was absorbed into the JSSU in 1994.

No 284 Signals Unit

This was formed at RAF Waddington in August 1953 under the control of No 1 Group, Bomber Command, and had moved to RAF Butzweilerhof in Germany by November, still under the control of HQ Bomber Command.  It possibly disbanded in January 1958.

No 285 Signals Unit

This was formed by redesignating the W/T Station at Weyhill near Andover in around April 1952 under the control of the Central Signals Area, No 90 Group and probably disbanded in October 1960.

No 288 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the M/F D/F Station at Pendeen under the control of the Radio Navigation Aids Wing, No 90 Group.  It probably disbanded in March 1958.

No 291 Signals Unit

This unit was formed at Hambuhren in March 1953 under the control of No 5 Signals Wing.  It moved to Scharfoldendorf in July 1955 then to Butzweilerhof in August 1958, where it was amalgamated into No 477 SU and disbanded.

No 292 Signals Unit

This was formed in around March 1952 at RAF Sundern under the control of No 2 Group, 2nd TAF.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 293 Signals Unit

This was formed in around December 1952 at Sundern under the control of HQ, No 2 Group, 2nd TAF.  It appears to have disbanded by June 1954.

No 296 Signals Unit

This was formed at Beckendorf in No 2 Group, 2nd TAF in about December 1956 and probably disbanded in July 1960.

No 300 Signals Unit

This was formed in around January 1952 by redesignating the 2nd TAF Operations Centre at RAF Wunstorf under the control of No 2 Group.  By April it had moved to Oldenburg under the direct control of HQ, 2nd TAF, but by June had returned to No 2 Group control at Moordorf, before moving again to Rostrup by August.  By November it was located at Moorhousen, but returned to RAF Oldenburg by June 1954 and probably disbanded in December 1956.

No 302 Signals Unit

This was formed at RAF Sundern as a Mobile Signals Unit in No 83 Group in about May 1954.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 303 Signals Unit

This was formed between April-July 1963 at Khormaksar under the control of HQ Air Forces Middle East.  It later moved to Mukeiras before disbanding in 1968.

It probably reformed at Port Stanley after June 1984.  It is situated on Mount Kent in the Falkland Islands and believed to be still in existence

No 307 Signals Unit

This was formed in around July 1955 at West Myne on a Care and Maintenance basis under the control of HQ, No 90 (Signals) Group.  It was transferred to No 11 Group, Fighter Command in March 1956 and disbanded in August 1958.

No 313 Signals Unit

This unit was formed at Sparsholt Firs, near Wantage in about November 1957.  It was part of a GEE Chain, the full system being switched off on 26 March 1970, after which it was disbanded later in 1970.

No 315 Signals Unit

This was formed between October-December 1963 at Changi in Singapore under the control of HQ Far East Air Force.

No 320 Signals Unit

This unit was formed at Scarnish in June 1953 under the control of HQ, No 90 Group, later being transferred to No 13 Group, Fighter Command and probably disbanded in about October 1957.

No 321 Signals Unit

This unit was formed at RAF Nicosia in about September 1956 under the control of AHQ, Levant, MEAF.  It probably disbanded in January 1957.

No 322 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CH Station at Pevensey under the control of No 11 Group and possibly disbanded in December 1952.  It was reformed in April 1954, stills at Pevensey in No 11 Group but may have disbanded in July.

No 323 Signals Unit

This unit was probably formed at St Tywnells in about June 1958.  It was part of a GEE Chain, the full system being switched off on 26 March 1970, after which it was and disbanded later in 1970.

No 324 Signals Unit

This was formed in around March 1952 at RAF Sundern under the control of No 2 Group, 2nd TAF.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 330 Signals Unit

This was formed at RAF Waddington in August 1953 under the control of No 1 Group, Bomber Command, and had moved to RAF Butzweilerhof in Germany by November, still under the control of HQ Bomber Command.  It later moved to Schleswigland, before retuning to Butzweilerhof in June 1956.  It's next move was to Kalmit in April 1957 but returned to Butzweilerhof in June but the following month was back at Kalmit, having replaced No 615 SU.  It absorbed Nos 259 and 953 signals units in May 1958 and moved to Ingolstadt in Bavaria as a GEE Station in July 1958, disbanding on 1 September 1961.

No 331 Signals Unit

This was formed at RAF North Front under the control of RAF Gibraltar in about April 1956 and possibly disbanded in May 1959.

No 333 Signals Unit

This was formed at RAF Sundern as a Mobile Signals Unit in No 83 Group in about May 1954.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 334 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the M/F D/F Station at Lympne under the control of the Radio Navigation Aids Wing, No 90 Group.

No 336 Signals Unit

This was formed in around May 1953 as a GCI unit at Patrington under the control of Northern Sector, No 12 Group.

No 338 Signals Unit

This was formed at Uelsen in August 1954 under the control of HQ, 2nd TAF.  It disbanded between April-July 1961 on becoming a satellite of No 140 SU.

No 341 Signals Unit

This was formed in around April 1952 at RAF Sundern under the control of No 2 Group, 2nd TAF.

No 342 Signals Unit

This was formed at RAF Sundern as a Mobile Signals Unit in No 83 Group in about May 1954.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 344 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CHL (+ CMH) Station at Bard Hill under the control of No 12 Group.  It appears to have disbanded in about March 1954.

No 345 Signals Unit

This unit was probably formed at Swingate in or before August 1957.  It was part of a GEE Chain, the full system being switched off on 26 March 1970, after which it was and disbanded later in 1970.

No 348 Signals Unit

This was formed at Uedem in February 1957 under the control of HQ, 2nd TAF.  In July 1957 it was transferred to No 83 Group and disbanded between October-December 1961.

No 350 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 as a Mobile Signals Unit at RAF Bad Eilsen under the control of HQ 2nd TAF.  By May 1952 it moved to RAF Sundern.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 351 Signals Unit

This unit was formed at Anstruther about October 1952 under the control of HQ, No 90 Group.  It probably disbanded in August 1957.

No 353 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CH Station at Stoke Holy Cross under the control of No 12 Group and possibly disbanded in June 1956.

No 358 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 as a Mobile Signals Unit at RAF Wunstorf under the control of No 2 Group and by March 1952 had moved to RAF Sundern, but appears to have disbanded by May 1952.

No 365 Signals Unit

This was formed at RAF Uetersen in around January 1951 and was disbanded in March 1953 by being redesignated as No 755 Signals Unit.  In August 1955 it moved to Hambuhren.

No 367 Signals Unit

This unit was formed at Hong Kong on 1 October 1946 by amalgamating Nos 367 and 368 Wireless Units.  The operational site was initially at Tai Po Tsai with billets at Kai Tak but in July 1951 operations also began at Little Sai Wan.  In 1952 the billets were relocated to Little Sai Wan and between 1953 and 1958 the site at Little Sai Wan was developed into a integrated operational and domestic site. It was probably absorbed into the Composite Signals Organisation Station in early 1964 and disbanded in 1982.

No 369 Signals Unit

This was formed at RAF Sundern as a Mobile Signals Unit in No 2 Group in about May 1954.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 376 Signals Unit

This was formed in around December 1952 at Sundern under the control of HQ, No 2 Group, 2nd TAF.  By August 1954 it had moved to RAF Wahn in No 83 Group.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 380 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the GEE Slave Station at West Prawle under the control of the Radio Navigation Aids Wing, No 90 Group.  It probably disbanded in March 1958.

No 383 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CH Station at Sennen under the control of No 90 Group.  It probably disbanded in August 1957.

No 388 Signals Unit

This unit was formed as a Mobile Radar Plotting Unit probably at Church Lawford in March 1952 but a formation date has not yet been found.  It moved to Bishopbriggs as a Mobile Signals Unit in March 1960, from where it used two AA No. 3 Mk.7 radars to score simulated bombing missions on pre-determined target ranges in the Glasgow area and disbanded in 1966.

No 392 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CH Station at Haycastle Cross under the control of No 90 Group.  It probably disbanded in July 1956.

No 395 Signals Unit

This was formed in around March 1952 at RAF Sundern under the control of No 2 Group, 2nd TAF.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 399 Signals Unit

This unit was formed at Hammersley Hayes in November 1952 and moved to Digby in September 1954.   It merged with Special Signals Support Unit from Loughborough to form the Joint Service Signal Unit on 1 September 1998.

No 400 Signals Unit

This was formed in around March 1957 at RAF Driffield under the control of HQ, Fighter Command for duty at Cottam.  It probably disbanded in November 1957.

No 401 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CH Station at Netherbutton under the control of No 90 Group. It was later transferred to Fighter Command and and possibly disbanded in June 1956.

No 402 Signals Unit

This was formed between October-December 1963 at Steamer Point in Aden under the control of Air Forces Middle East.

No 404 Signals Unit

This unit was formed at Sundern in July 1954 under the control of No 2 Group, 2nd TAF.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 405 Signals Unit

This unit was formed at Hartland Point on 12 June 1953 in No 11 Group, being transferred to No 81 Group in December 1956 and reverted to the name RAF Hartland Point in 1970.

No 407 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the GEE Slave & Monitor Station at Worth Matravers under the control of the Radio Navigation Aids Wing, No 90 Group.

No 409 Signals Unit

This unit was formed at Buchan about October 1952 under the control of HQ, No 90 Group.

No 411 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the GEE Master Station at Bullbarrow Hill under the control of the Radio Navigation Aids Wing, No 90 Group.  It probably disbanded in March 1958.

No 414 Signals Unit

This was formed in around March 1953 at Kuala Lumper under the control of AHQ Malaya, moving to Port Sweetenham in December 1955.  It probably disbanded in July 1958.

No 416 Signals Unit

This was formed at Kuppendorf in August 1954 under the control of HQ, 2nd TAF.  It disbanded between April-July 1961 on becoming a satellite of No 140 SU.

No 417 Signals Unit

This was formed in around March 1952 at RAF Sundern under the control of No 2 Group, 2nd TAF.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 419 Signals Unit

This was formed at RAF Sundern as a Mobile Signals Unit in No 2 Group in about May 1954.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 420 Signals Unit (Tehran)

This was formed at Tehran in Iran under the control of RAF Levant in about December 1957 but appears to have disbanded the following month.

No 425 Signals Unit

This unit was formed at El Adem in Libya in about August 1958 under the control of MEAF.  Between July-October 1964 it moved to Episkopi in Cyprus.

No 428 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the GEE Slave Station at Sennen under the control of the Radio Navigation Aids Wing, No 90 Group.  It was part of a GEE Chain, the full system being switched off on 26 March 1970, after which it was and disbanded later in 1970.

No 430 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CH Station at High Street, Darsham under the control of No 12 Group and possibly disbanded in December 1955.

No 432 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CHEL Station at Trimingham under the control of No 12 Group. It had been absorbed into SHQ, RAF Trimingham by April 1961.

No 433 Signals Unit

This was formed in around August 1958 at Yatesbury under the control of HQ Technical Training Command and possibly disbanded in April 1959.

No 437 Signals Unit

This was formed in around ? by redesignating the GCI Station at Trewan Sands under the control of No 90 Group and it probably disbanded in April 1957.

No 443 Signals Unit

This was formed in around March 1952 at RAF Sundern under the control of No 2 Group, 2nd TAF.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 444 Signals Unit

This unit was formed at Amman in Jordan in about August 1958 under the control of MEAF.  It possibly disbanded in May 1959.

It reformed as a ground station for the Skynet satellite communications system, in Stanley Fort, Hong Kong in 1971.  It possibly used equipment which had previously been in use in Bahrein and disbanded in 1977.

No 447 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the AME Station at Wardia under the control of AHQ Malta.

No 449 Signals Unit

This was formed in around December 1952 at Sundern under the control of HQ, No 2 Group, 2nd TAF.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 450 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1956 at Munchen Gladbach under the control of HQ, 2nd TAF, probably being redesignated the RAF Communication Centre in April 1959.

No 453 Signals Unit

This was formed on about 1 October 1951 by redesignating No 15307 AMES at Kabrit under the control of No 205 Group.  By March 1952 it appears to have been disbanded.

No 459 Signals Unit

This was formed as a GH station in around October 1951 by redesignating the AME Station at RAF Wythall under the control of No 3 Group.  By December 1951 it had been transferred to No 1 Group, later moving to Camp Hill North and it probably disbanded between July-October 1961.

No 469 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating No 15054 Forward Director Post at Handorf under the control of No 2 Group.  It probably disbanded in October/November 1956.

No 471 Signals Unit

This was formed in around September 1953 at RAF Watton under the control of HQ, No 90 Group and possibly disbanded in December 1955.

No 473 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 as a Mobile AMES at Deversoir under the control of No 205 Group, moving to Fayid in March 1952, where it probably disbanded in September 1952.

No 477 Signals Unit

This unit was formed as a Mobile Signals Unit at Butzweilerhof in about February 1954.  It absorbed No 291 SU in August 1958.  In 1955 its CO was Sqn Ldr W D Reid and it probably disbanded in August 1958.

No 479 Signals Unit

This was formed in around March 1952 at RAF Sundern under the control of No 2 Group, 2nd TAF.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 480 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the M/F D/F Station at Plympton under the control of the Radio Navigation Aids Wing, No 90 Group.  It possibly disbanded in April 1955.

No 484 Signals Unit

This was formed in around April 1955 at Trimley Heath under the control of No 80 Wing, Fighter Command and probably disbanded in March 1957..

No 487 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating No 21310 AMES (C & M) at Seletar under the control of AHQ Malaya.  It moved to Bayan Lapas in about January 1951 and possibly moved to Butterworth in 1955, disbanding in 1960.

It reformed at Kuching between April-July 1964.

No 491 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the GCI Station at Sandwich under the control of No 11 Group and probably disbanded in April 1958.

No 492 Signals Unit

This was formed in around March 1952 at RAF Sundern under the control of No 2 Group, 2nd TAF.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 495 Signals Unit

This was formed in around September 1952 at Shipton under the control of HQ, No 90 (Signals) Group.  It was transferred to No 12 Group, Fighter Command in February 1953 as the Sector Operations Centre for the Northern Sector and redesignated RAF Shipton.

No 500 Signals Unit

This unit was formed at Boulmer, probably in February 1953, under the control of HQ, No 90 Group. A disbandment date as not yet been found.

No 502 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the GCI/CEW and/or CHEL Station at Treleaver under the control of No 90 Group and appears to have disbanded in April 1953.

No 506 Signals Unit

This was formed in around March 1952 at RAF Sundern under the control of No 2 Group, 2nd TAF.  It had moved to Bad Lipperspringe under the control of No 83 Group in April 1953 but returned to Sundern in May 1953.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 508 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CH Station at Folly under the control of No 90 Group.  It probably disbanded in July 1956.

No 510 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 as a Mobile Signals Unit at RAF Wunstorf under the control of No 2 Group.  By May 1952 it had moved to RAF Sundern.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 511 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 as a Mobile Signals Unit at RAF Wunstorf under the control of No 2 Group but appears to have disbanded by April 1952.

No 517 Signals Unit

This was formed in around December 1952 at Sundern under the control of HQ, No 2 Group, 2nd TAF.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 521 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 as a Mobile Signals Unit at RAF Wunstorf under the control of No 2 Group.  It probably disbanded at Sundern in March 1956.

No 523 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 as a Mobile Signals Unit at RAF Bad Eilsen under the control of HQ 2nd TAF.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 524 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 as a Mobile Signals Unit at RAF Bad Eilsen under the control of HQ 2nd TAF.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 526 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 as a Mobile Signals Unit at RAF Wunstorf under the control of No 2 Group.  It probably disbanded at Sundern in March 1956.

No 527 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 as a Mobile Signals Unit at RAF Wunstorf under the control of No 2 Group.  It probably disbanded at Sundern in March 1956.

No 529 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 as a Mobile Signals Unit at RAF Wunstorf under the control of No 2 Group.  It probably disbanded at Sundern in March 1956.

No 530 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 as a Mobile Signals Unit at RAF Wunstorf under the control of No 2 Group.  It probably disbanded at Sundern in March 1956.

No 534 Signals Unit

This was formed in around December 1951 as a M/F D/F Station at Ponteland under the control of the Radio Navigation Aids Wing, No 90 Group.  It possibly disbanded in April 1955.

 No 537 Signals Unit

This was formed in around March 1954 at RAF Geilenkirchen as a mobile signals unit under the control of No 83 Group, 2nd TAF.  By January 1955 it have moved to RAF Buckeburg under the control of HQ, 2nd TAF and probably disbanded in December 1956.

 No 540 Signals Unit

This was formed in around March 1952 at RAF Sundern under the control of No 2 Group, 2nd TAF.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 545 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CHEL Station at Easington under the control of No 12 Group.

No 547 Signals Unit

This was formed in around March 1952 at RAF Sundern under the control of No 2 Group, 2nd TAF.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 548 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the GCI Station at Ripperstone under the control of No 90 Group.

No 550 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the AME Station at RAF Chicksands under the control of No 3 Group.  In early 1952 it moved to Fort Spijkerboor in 2nd TAF as a GEE Station, initially in No 2 Group, it was transferred to No 83 Group in March 1954, remaining under the functional control of HQ Bomber Command and disbanded in about April 1958.

No 553 Signals Unit

This was formed at RAF Sundern as a Mobile Signals Unit in No 2 Group in about May 1954.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 555 Signals Unit

This was formed in around April 1952 at RAF Sundern under the control of No 2 Group, 2nd TAF.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 561 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the GEE Slave Station at Folly under the control of the Radio Navigation Aids Wing, No 90 Group and probably disbanded in June 1958.

No 564 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the GEE Monitor Station at Trerew under the control of the Radio Navigation Aids Wing, No 90 Group and probably disbanded in June 1958.

No 573 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CH Station at Danby Beacon under the control of No 12 Group.  It was later transferred to No 13 Group and possibly disbanded in June 1956.

No 577 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating No 15306 AMES at El Firdan under the control of No 205 Group.

No 579 Signals Unit

This was formed in around November 1953 at Wunstorf as a MRCP under the control of No 2 Group, 2nd TAF.  In December 1956 it appears to have been split into two with an element remaining at Wunstorf whilst the other moved to Handorf.  By March 1857 the element at Wunstorf had ceased to exist.

No 585 Signals Unit

This unit was formed at Oxenhope Moor in about August 1956 as part of a GEE Chain, the full system being switched off on 26 March 1970, after which it was disbanded later in 1970.

No 588 Signals Unit

This unit was formed at RAF Butzweilerhof in about August 1956 under the control of HQ, 2nf TAF and probably disbanded in July 1959.

No 591 Signals Unit

This unit was formed at Wythall in June 1952.  It moved to Medmenham in September 1953 and then to Digby in July 1955 and is now a Communications and Electronic Security monitoring unit providing services across UK defence agencies and remains in existence

No 593 Signals Unit

This was formed by redesignating the W/T Station at Stoke Hammond in around April 1952 under the control of the Central Signals Area, No 90 Group and probably disbanded in October 1960.

No 602 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating No 826 AMES (C & M) at Nicosia under the control of No 205 Group.  It probably disbanded in December 1951.

No 607 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CHEL Station at Truleigh Hill under the control of No 11 Group.  It probably disbanded in August 1957.

No 610 Signals Unit

This was formed in around April 1952 at RAF Sundern under the control of No 2 Group, 2nd TAF.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 615 Signals Unit

This was formed at RAF Waddington in August 1953 under the control of No 1 Group, Bomber Command, and had moved to RAF Butzweilerhof in Germany by November, still under the control of HQ Bomber Command, later moving to Luneburg Army Camp (June 1954), it returned to Butzweilerhof in June 1956 and then to Kalmit in June 1957 but the following month relocated to RAF Gutersloh.  It possibly disbanded in March 1960.

No 617 Signals Unit

This was formed in around August 1952 at RAF Cheadle under the control of HQ, No 90 Group.  It later moved to Crosslaw  and probably disbanded in October 1958.

No 618 Signals Unit

This was formed at RAF Sundern as a Mobile Signals Unit in No 83 Group in about May 1954, later moving to RAF Wahn and by December 1954 it had moved to RAF Wunstorf.  It moved to Geilenkirchen in September 1955 and then to Nordhorn in June 1958 when it was transferred to No 2 Group and probably disbanded in August 1958.

No 620 Signals Unit

This was formed by redesignating the CH station at West Prawle in around October 1951 on a Care & Maintenance basis under the control of No 90 (Signals) Group.  I was transferred to the control of No 11 Group, Fighter Command in June 1952 and  probably disbanded in June 1956.

No 622 Signals Unit

This was formed at RAF Wahn in around December 1952 as a Mobile Signals Unit under the control of No 83 Group, 2nd TAF.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 625 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CH Station at School Hill under the control of No 90 Group.  By December it had been transferred to the control of the Caledonian Sector of No 12 Group and possibly disbanded in June 1956.

No 630 Signals Unit

This was formed in around April 1952 at RAF Sundern under the control of No 2 Group, 2nd TAF.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 631 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the M/F D/F Station at Belfast under the control of the Radio Navigation Aids Wing, No 90 Group.  It possibly disbanded in April 1955.

No 633 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CH Station at Drone Hill under the control of No 12 Group and possibly disbanded in June 1956.

No 635 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the GEE Monitor Station at Barkway under the control of the Radio Navigation Aids Wing, No 90 Group. It was part of a GEE Chain, the full system being switched off on 26 March 1970, after which it was and disbanded later in 1970.

No 644 Signals Unit

This was formed in around January 1953 at Treleaver under the control of HQ, No 90 (Signals) Group.  It possibly disbanded in April 1955.

No 646 Signals Unit

This unit was formed by redesignating the ASRU in Germany at Obernkirchen in September 1952.  Until 1952 it had been under the control of the Director Scientific Intelligence at the Air Ministry.  It moved to Scharfoldenhof in August 1958 and disbanded in 1964  Two of its COs were Sqn Ldr E Ackermann (1954 - June 59), Wg Cdr Dunlop (from June 1959).

No 650 Signals Unit

This unit was formed as a Mobile Signals Unit at Wahn in about February 1954.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 661 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the D/F Station at Mere Branston under the control of RAF Cheadle and probably disbanded in April 1958.

No 668 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1952 as a Mobile Signals Unit at RAF Sundern under the control of HQ, No 2 Group.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 671 Signals Unit

This was formed in around September 1952 as VHF D/F station at Maidens Hall under the control of Northern Sector, No 12 Group.  It possibly disbanded in June 1953.

No 675 Signals Unit

This was formed in around September 1953 at RAF Medmenham under the control of HQ, No 90 Group

No 681 Signals Unit

This was formed in around April 1953 at Stanmore Park under the control of HQ, Fighter Command.

No 684 Signals Unit

This was formed at RAF Wahn in around December 1952 as a Mobile Signals Unit under the control of No 83 Group, 2nd TAF.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 686 Signals Unit

This was formed at RAF Wahn in around December 1952 as a Mobile Signals Unit under the control of No 83 Group, 2nd TAF.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 688 Signals Unit

This was formed at RAF Wahn in around December 1952 as a Mobile Signals Unit under the control of No 83 Group, 2nd TAF.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 690 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the GCI Station at Exminster under the control of No 11 Group.  It probably disbanded in November 1954.

No 691 Signals Unit

This was formed at RAF Wahn in around December 1952 as a Mobile Signals Unit under the control of No 83 Group, 2nd TAF.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 696 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the GCI Station at Orby under the control of No 12 Group.  It probably disbanded in November 1954.

No 699 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the GEE Master Station at Daventry under the control of the Radio Navigation Aids Wing, No 90 Group.

No 700 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1952 as a Mobile Signals Unit at RAF Sundern under the control of HQ, No 2 Group.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 703 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CH Station at Ringstead under the control of No 11 Group.  It operated two satellite stations, The Verne (CHEL) an Westcliffe (CHL) and possibly disbanded in December 1955 .

No 705 Signals Unit

This was formed in around March 1960 at Church Lawford as a Mobile Signals Unit under the control of No 1 Group.  Between October-December 1963 it moved to RAF Kenley and then between April-July 1966 to RAF Coningsby in No 3 Group.

No 708 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CH Station at Trelanvean under the control of No 90 Group.  By June 1952 it had been transferred to No 11 Group, Fighter Command and was still on a Care & Maintenance basis.  It possibly disbanded in April 1955.

No 716 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 as a Mobile Signals Unit at RAF Bad Eilsen under the control of HQ 2nd TAF.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 717 Signals Unit

This was formed at RAF Sundern as a Mobile Signals Unit in No 2 Group in about May 1954.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 719 Signals Unit

This unit was formed at Habbaniya in Iraq in about April 1953 and moved to Mafraq June 1954.  It probably disbanded in January 1957.

No 721 Signals Unit

This unit was formed at RAF Feltwell in August 1957 under the control of No 3 Group, Bomber Command, moving to Lindholme in late 1963.  It was a mobile bomb scoring unit, moving to Spadeadam in mid 1970s but a disbandment date as not yet been found

No 724 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating No 15053 Forward Director Post at RAF Butzweilerhof under the control of HQ 2nd TAF.  It later moved to RAF Wildenrath and possibly disbanded in March 1957.

No 725 Signals Unit

This unit was formed at Adenaur in the mid 1950s as a GEE Station and disbanded in the late 1950s. 

No 727 Signals Unit

This was formed in around April 1954 as a Mobile Signals Unit at RAF Sundern under the control of No 2 Group.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 729 Signals Unit

This was formed in around September 1952 as VHF D/F station at Woodlands under the control of Northern Sector, No 12 Group.  It possibly disbanded in May 1953.

No 731 Signals Unit (Luce Bay)

This was formed in around November 1955 at Bawtry under the control of No 1 Group, for deployment to Luce Bay, which probably took place during January 1956.

No 735 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1957 at RAF Lindholme under the control of No 1 Group, Bomber Command but in about February 1958 it moved to RAF Ouston in No 13 Group, Fighter Command, remaining under the control of No 1 Group.

No 743 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating No 15217 AMES (C & M) at Hong Kong under the control of AHQ Hong Kong.  It later moved to Cap D'Aguilar and probably disbanded in October 1957.

No 744 Signals Unit

This was formed in around December 1952 at RAF Chigwell under the control of No 90 Group.

No 745 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CHL Station at Happisburgh under the control of No 12 Group.  It appears to have disbanded in about March 1954.

No 749 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CH Station at Dunkirk under the control of No 11 Group and possibly disbanded in December 1955.

No 751 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating No 21078 AMES at Kabrit under the control of No 205 Group, but appears to have left by April 1952, before reappearing at El Firdan in May.  By December 1955 it had moved to Nicosia in Cyprus and in March 1957 moved to Cape Greco, where it probably disbanded in January 1960.

It probably reformed at Port Stanley after June 1983.  It is situated on Mount Alice in the Falkland Islands and is believed to be still in existence

No 752 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1952 as a Mobile Signals Unit at RAF Sundern under the control of HQ, No 2 Group.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 755 Signals Unit

This unit was formed at Uetersen in March 1953 under the control of No 5 Signals Wing.  It moved to Hambuhren in July 1955, when its CO was Sqn Ldr W Edwards and disbanded in October 1957.  

No 757 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the AME Station at RAF Chicksands under the control of No 3 Group.  By April 1952 it was a GH station located at RAF Scampton but had returned to Chicksands by August 1952, from where it was despatched to Herongen in Germany, still under the control of Bomber Command.  It later moved to Butzweilerhof and the to Handorf in December 1957.

No 762 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CH (+ CMH), CHL Station at Swingate under the control of No 11 Group and possibly disbanded in December 1952.  It appears to have been reformed in about April 1954, again under the control of No 11 Group, but may have disbanded in July.

No 764 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 as a Mobile Signals Unit at RAF Wunstorf under the control of No 2 Group.  It probably disbanded at Sundern in March 1956.

No 772 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the D/F Station at Marston Montgomery under the control of RAF Cheadle.  It probably disbanded in March 1958.

No 775 Signals Unit

This was formed in around March 1952 as a Mobile Signals Unit at RAF Sundern under the control of No 2 Group.    By August 1954 it had moved to RAF Wahn in No 83 Group.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 781 Signals Unit

This unit was formed as a Mobile Signals Unit at Sundern in about February 1954.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 783 Signals Unit

This was formed in around November 1951 by redesignating the Sector Operations Centre at Trimley Heath under the control of RAF Cheadle.  It was disbanded in April 1954.

No 788 Signals Unit

This unit was formed as a Mobile Signals Unit at Sundern in about February 1954.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 796 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the GEE Slave Station at Gibbett Hill under the control of the Radio Navigation Aids Wing, No 90 Group.  It probably disbanded in March 1958.

No 797 Signals Unit

This was formed in around November 1952 as a Mobile Signals Unit at RAF Sundern under the control of HQ, No 2 Group.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 802 Signals Unit

This was formed in around September 1952 at Kelvedon under the control of HQ, No 90 (Signals) Group.  It was transferred to No 11 Group, Fighter Command in February 1953 as the Sector Operations Centre for the Metropolitan Sector and redesignated RAF Kelvedon.

No 804 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1952 as a Mobile Signals Unit at RAF Sundern under the control of HQ, No 2 Group.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 808 Signals Unit

This was formed in around March 1952 as a Mobile Signals Unit at RAF Sundern under the control of No 2 Group.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 810 Signals Unit

This was formed by redesignating the W/T Station at Edlesborough in around April 1952 under the control of the Central Signals Area, No 90 Group and probably disbanded in October 1960.

No 815 Signals Unit

This unit was formed at The Verne, Portland in March 1953 as a CEW Station and probably disbanded in August 1958.

No 817 Signals Unit

This unit was formed as a Mobile Signals Unit at Wahn in about February 1954.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 820 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CH (+ CMH), CHEL Station at West Beckham under the control of No 12 Group and possibly disbanded in June 1956.

No 824 Signals Unit

This was formed in around May 1953 at Charmy Down under the control of HQ, No 90 (Signals) Group.  It was transferred to No 11 Group, Fighter Command in July 1954 and possibly disbanded in June 1955.

No 833 Signals Unit

This was formed in around March 1952 as a Mobile Signals Unit at RAF Sundern under the control of No 2 Group.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 840 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the RAF Signals Unit Station at Siggiewi under the control of AHQ Malta.  In December 1956 it was redesignated Signals Centre, Malta.

No 854 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CHL Station at Humberstone under the control of No 12 Group.  It appears to have disbanded in about March 1954.

No 858 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CH Station at Castle Rock under the control of No 90 Group.  By September 1954 it had been transferred to Caledonian Sector, No 12 Group, Fighter Command and possibly disbanded in December 1955.

No 860 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CH Station at Rye under the control of No 11 Group.  It possibly disbanded in May 1956.

No 863 Signals Unit

This was formed in around April 1955 at RAF Horsham St Faith under the control of No 80 Wing, Fighter Command and probably disbanded in March 1957.

No 869 Signals Unit

This was formed in around March 1952 at Bletchley under the control of No 90 Group.  It possibly disbanded in November 1956.

No 880 Signals Unit                              

This was formed in around March 1952 at Beachy Head as a CEW station under the control of No 90 Group, but was transferred to the Metropolitan Sector, No 11 Group in November 1952 and was probably disbanded in May 1958.

No 884 Signals Unit                              

This was formed in around February 1956 at RAF Bawtry under the control of No 1 Group, Bomber Command for deployment to the Air Weapons Range at Cowden on the East Yorkshire Coast.  It disbanded in about May 1957 but was reformed at Holbeach in June 1958, becoming a satellite of RAF Marham between July-October 1962.

No 889 Signals Unit                              

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the AME Station at RAF Chicksands under the control of No 3 Group.  By April 1952 it was a GH station located at RAF Binbrook, but had returned to RAF Chicksands by September 1952, still under the functional control of HQ Bomber Command.

It reformed at Fulda in the mid 1950s as a GEE Station and disbanded between October-December 1961. 

It reformed at Singapore in 1 September 1974, taking over responsibility for Air/Ground/Long Haul communications from 9th ANZUK Signal Regiment and disbanded in 1 February 1976.

No 891 Signals Unit

This was formed in around September 1952 at Cold Heseldon as a CEW station under the control of HQ, No 90 (Signals) Group.  By October 1953 it had been transferred to No 12 Group, Fighter Command and probably disbanded in October 1958.

No 894 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the GEE Slave Station at Truleigh Hill under the control of the Radio Navigation Aids Wing, No 90 Group.  It probably disbanded in March 1958.

No 899 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the GEE Master Station at Sharpitor under the control of the Radio Navigation Aids Wing, No 90 Group, the full system being switched off on 26 March 1970, after which it was and disbanded later in 1970.

No 896 Signals Unit

This was formed in around April 1955 at RAF Tangmere under the control of No 80 Wing, Fighter Command and probably disbanded in March 1957.

No 901 Signals Unit

This was formed in around March 1952 as a Mobile Signals Unit at RAF Sundern under the control of No 2 Group.  It moved to Bad Lipperspringe under the control of No 83 Group in May 1953 and probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 909 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the GCI Station at RAF Comberton under the control of No 11 Group and probably disbanded in February 1956.

No 919 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the GCI Station at RAF Wartling under the control of Southern Sector, No 11 Group.  It was transferred to the control og the Metropolitan Sector on October 1952.

No 926 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CH Station at Hope Cove under the control of No 11 Group.  It possibly disbanded in September 1957.

No 943 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CH Station at Trerew under the control of No 90 Group.  It probably disbanded in August 1957.

No 950 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CHEL Station at Skendleby under the control of No 12 Group.  It probably disbanded in August 1957.

No 953 Signals Unit

This was formed at RAF Waddington in August 1953 under the control of No 1 Group, Bomber Command, and had moved to RAF Butzweilerhof in Germany by November, still under the control of HQ Bomber Command as a GEE Station.  In April 1957 it moved to Trois Epis and then to Adenau in June, where it was absorbed into No 330 SU in April/May 1958.

No 956 Signals Unit

This was formed in around November 1952 as a Mobile Signals Unit at RAF Sundern under the control of HQ, No 2 Group.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 957 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 as a Mobile Signals Unit at RAF Bad Eilsen under the control of HQ 2nd TAF and by October 1952 was located at RAF Sundern under the control of No 2 Group.  It returned to Bad Eilsen in July 1954 (later moving to Munchen Gladbach) and probably disbanded in March 1956..

No 962 Signals Unit

This was formed by redesignating the W/T Station at Greatworth in around April 1952 under the control of the Central Signals Area, No 90 Group and probably disbanded in October 1960.

No 966 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the GCI Station at RAF Langtoft under the control of No 12 Group.  In August 1956 it was transferred to No 81 Group and probably disbanded in March 1958.

No 969 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the CH Station at Sango under the control of No 90 Group. It was later transferred to No 13 Group, Fighter Command and possibly disbanded in December 1955.

No 973 Signals Unit

This was formed in around March 1952 as a Mobile Signals Unit at RAF Sundern under the control of No 2 Group.  It probably disbanded in March 1956.

No 977 Signals Unit

This was formed in around September 1952 at Inverbervie under the control of HQ, No 90 (Signals) Group.  It was later transferred to No 13 Group, Fighter Command and probably disbanded in March 1960.

No 980 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the GCI Station at Macmerry under the control of No 12 Group and may have disbanded in July 1954.

No 982 Signals Unit

This was formed in around April 1955 at RAF Woodvale under the control of No 80 Wing, Fighter Command and probably disbanded in March 1957.

No 987 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating the M/F D/F Station at Sealand under the control of the Radio Navigation Aids Wing, No 90 Group and appears to have disbanded in December 1952.

No 991 Signals Unit

This was formed in around January 1953 at St Twynnells under the control of HQ, No 90 (Signals) Group, being transferred to No 11 Group, Fighter Command in December 1955 and probably disbanded in October 1958.

No 993 Signals Unit

This unit was probably formed at Foreness in March 1952 as a CHEL Station under the control of HQ, No 90 Group,  It was transferred to the Metropolitan Sector, in No 11 Group, Fighter Command in March 1953 and probably disbanded in October 1958.

No 996 Signals Unit

This was formed in around October 1951 by redesignating No 21066 AMES at El Firdan under the control of No 205 Group.  It appears to have been disbanded by June 1952.

No 997 Signals Unit

This was formed in around May 1953 at St Annes under the control of HQ, No 90 (Signals) Group.  By September 1954 it had been transferred to No 12 Group, Fighter Command.  It probably disbanded in August 1957.

No 999 Signals Unit

This was formed as a GH Station in around March 1953 at Staxton Wold under the control of No 1 Group,, later moving to Colliers Law and it probably disbanded between July-October 1961.

No 1001 Signals Unit

This unit was formed at Oakhanger in 1966.  It operated detachments at Rudloe Manor, Colerne and Defford and disbanded in 2003.

No 1003 Signals Unit

This unit was formed at Amoy Quee, Singapore in the 1960s.  It was tasked with operating the joint services Skynet satellite communications network equipment installed there and disbanded in 1971.

No 1 Signals Unit (Staging Post)

This was formed on 25 September 1944 at RAF Chigwell in No 26 Group and on completion of training was transferred to HQ Transport Command, and disbanded on 18 December 1944.

No 2 Signals Unit (Staging Post)

This was formed on 25 September 1944 at RAF Chigwell in No 26 Group and on completion of training was transferred to HQ Transport Command, and disbanded on 18 December 1944.

No 3 Signals Unit (Staging Post)

This was formed on 25 September 1944 at RAF Chigwell in No 26 Group and on completion of training was transferred to HQ Transport Command, and disbanded on 18 December 1944.

No 4 Signals Unit (Staging Post)

This was formed on 25 September 1944 at RAF Chigwell in No 26 Group and on completion of training was transferred to HQ Transport Command, and disbanded on 18 December 1944.

No 5 Signals Unit (Staging Post)

This was formed on 25 September 1944 at RAF Chigwell in No 26 Group and on completion of training was transferred to HQ Transport Command, and disbanded on 18 December 1944.

No 6 Signals Unit (Staging Post)

This was formed on 25 September 1944 at RAF Chigwell in No 26 Group and on completion of training was transferred to HQ Transport Command, and disbanded on 18 December 1944.

No 7 Signals Unit (Staging Post)

This was formed on 25 September 1944 at RAF Chigwell in No 26 Group and on completion of training was transferred to HQ Transport Command, and disbanded on 18 December 1944.

2nd TAF (Main) Signals Unit

This was formed on 15 April 1944 following the disbandment of Nos 590, 5005, 5049, 5093 and 5096 MSUs to be located at 2nd TAF (Main) HQ, Uxbridge.  Its fate is unknown at present.

2nd TAF (Rear) Signals Unit

This was formed on 15 April 1944 following the disbandment of Nos 590, 5005, 5049, 5093 and 5096 MSUs to be located at 2nd TAF (Rear) HQ, Bracknell.  Its fate is unknown at present.

RAF Signals Unit

This unit was probably formed at Tezpur (India) in August 1943 and disbanded in June 1945.

RAF Signals Unit, Raichur

This unit was formed under the control of No 229 Group at Raichur (India) on 18 Jun 1945 to provide additional navigation aid to aircraft operating on the Poona-Arkonam air-trooping route.  It's disbandment date is currently unknown.

RAF Signals Unit Malta

This unit was probably formed at Siggiewi, Malta in January 1946 and was redesignated No 840 Signals Unit before 1950.

BAFO (Operations) Signals Unit

This unit was probably formed at Suchteln in June 1945.  Initially under the control of HQ 2nd TAF, it moved to Bad Eilsen the same month and in July 2nd TAF was redesignated BAFO but disbanded in later that month, being absorbed into the HQ unit.

Balloon Command Signals Pool

This unit was formed, on an unknown date, on the establishment of RAF Cardington and was redesignated Balloon Command Signals Unit on 25 June 1941.    

Balloon Command Signals Unit

This unit was formed at Cardington by renaming the Balloon Command Signals Pools on 25 June 1941 and disbanded in August 1944.    

No 1 Signals Unit Staging Post

This unit was probably formed at Llandow in October 1944 and disbanded in March 1945.

No 2 Signals Unit Staging Post

This unit was probably formed at Windmill Farm in December 1944.  It later moved to Llandow, where it disbanded in March 1945.                   

No 5 Signals Unit Staging Post

This unit was probably formed at Melton Mowbrey but a formation date has not yet been found.  However, it disbanded in February 1945.         

No 7 Signals Unit Staging Post

This unit was probably formed at Chigwell  in September 1944.  It moved to Blakehill Farm later that month, to Purton in October and finally to Melton Mowbray in November, where it disbanded in February 1945.     

No 8 Signals Unit Staging Post

This unit was probably formed at Chigwell  in April 1945.  It moved to Valkenburg, Holland in May 1945 and disbanded in June 1946.                         

No 10 Signals Unit Staging Post

This unit was formed from No 11 Signals Unit Staging Post at White Waltham in May 1945.  It moved to Boreham the same month where it was redesignated No 55113 Transportable Signals Unit at the same time.       

No 11 Signals Unit Staging Post

This unit was probably formed at Chigwell  in November 1944.  It moved to White Waltham the same month, where it was redesignated No 10 Signals Unit Staging Post in May 1945.

No 12 Signals Unit Staging Post

This unit was probably formed at Ibsley in June 1945 and disbanded in July 1945. 

No 55111 Transportable Signals Unit

This unit was probably formed at Valkenburg in July 1945 and disbanded in April 1946.                                             

No 55112 Transportable Signals Unit

This unit was probably formed at Copenhagen Denmark in October 1945 and disbanded in February 1946. 

No 55113 Transportable Signals Unit

This unit was formed from No 11 Signals Unit Staging Post at Boreham in May 1945.  It moved to Fornebu, near Oslo in Norway in June 1946 and disbanded in January 1946.        

No 55114 Transportable Signals Unit

This unit was probably formed at an unknown location but a formation date has not yet been found disbanded in ?.                                 

No 55115 Transportable Signals Unit

This unit was probably formed at Ibsley in August 1945 and disbanded in September 1945.    

No 3 Transportable W/T Unit

This was formed at RAF Hendon on 1 March 1940, departing on 6 May for Narvik. Further details are currently unknown but it probably disbanded in 1942.

Officers Commanding: -

 1 Mar 1940                                    Plt Off H McLeod Ferguson


This page was last updated on 21/07/24

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