Air of Authority - A History of RAF Organisation
British Air Forces in France - January 1940
Unit | Location |
HQ, British Air Forces in France: -
No locations listed |
HQ, No 2 Base Area:-
No locations listed |
Unit | Location |
All co-located but location not listed |
No 71 Wing HQ: -
All co-located but location not listed |
No 72 Wing HQ: -
All co-located but location not listed |
No 74 Wing HQ: - | Location not listed |
Located separate from Wing HQ but not listed |
Located separate from Wing HQ but not listed |
No 75 Wing HQ: - | Location not listed |
Units co-located but separate from Wing HQ, locations not listed |
No 76 Wing HQ: -
All co-located with Wing HQ but location not listed |
Units co-located but separate from Wing HQ, locations not listed |
Units co-located but separate from Wing HQ, locations not listed |
Units co-located but separate from Wing HQ, locations not listed |
Located separate from Wing HQ but not listed |
Located separate from Wing HQ but not listed |
No 4 Air Stores Park No 1 Supply and Transport Column |
Co-located but location not listed |
No 5 Air Stores Park No 2 Supply and Transport Column |
Co-located but location not listed |
No 1 Medical Receiving Station | Location not listed |
No 2 Medical Receiving Station | Location not listed |
No 67 Wing HQ: -
Co-located but location not listed |
Location not listed |
Location not listed |
No 3 British Mission | Location not listed |
'M' Balloon Unit | Location not listed |
No 6 Air Stores Park No 3 Supply and Transport Column |
Co-located but location not listed |
Movement Control Postal Section Supply Detachment, RASC |
Co-located but location not listed |
103rd (AT) Company, RE | Location not listed |
113th Road Construction Company, RE | Location not listed |
4th Works Labour Company, RE | Location not listed |
7th Works Labour Company, RE 8th Works Labour Company, RE |
Co-located but location not listed |
No 2 Company, Air Formation Signals Construction Section, Air Formation Signals Line Section, Air Formation Signals |
Co-located but location not listed |
No 4 Casualty Clearing Station No 3 Motor Ambulance Convoy No 1 Heavy Mobile W/T Section RASC HQ RAOC HQ Workshops Section |
Co-located but location not listed |
No 2 Heavy Mobile W/T Section | Location not listed |
Forward Air Ammunition Park | Location not listed |
HQ, 73rd AA Regiment | Location not listed |
HQ, 157th Battery | Location not listed |
HQ, 158th Battery | Location not listed |
HQ, 159th Battery | Location not listed |
HQ, 209th Battery | Location not listed |
HQ, 311th Battery | Location not listed |
'Y' Section | Location not listed |
WIS Advanced HQ | Location not listed |
901 Section, RASC | Location not listed |
907 Section, RASC | Location not listed |
The Squadrons of this Force are equipped with Battles but plans were in hand to re-equip them with Blenheims.
RAF Component, British Expeditionary Force
Unit | Location |
HQ, RAF Component Field Force | Location not listed |
HQ No 50 Wing: -
Locations not listed |
HQ No 51 Wing: -
Locations not listed |
HQ No 52 Wing: -
Locations not listed |
HQ No 70 Wing: -
Locations not listed |
HQ No 14 Group:- | Location not listed |
HQ No 60 Wing: -
Locations not listed |
HQ No 61 Wing: -
Locations not listed |
No 62 Fighter Wing Servicing Unit | Location not listed |
No 81 Sqn | Location not listed |
No 1 Air Stores Park | Location not listed |
No 2 Air Stores Park | Location not listed |
No 3 Air Stores Park | Location not listed |
No 5 Signals Wing | Location not listed |
Source - SD161 (2nd Issue), January 1940
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